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Doutzen Kroes


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Doutzens Vman editorial had inspired Esquire Greese, very funny, who do you think looks best...:


How better to prove what a fantatic model Doutzen is. With Doutzy it is all suspence and sensuality.

With that Greek chick the same pictures and poses become greasy softporn. You'd expect an fat hairy German (in lederhosen) in that room any second.

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Transformers director Michael Bay (no stranger to working with fox-y ladies) just finished shooting our new Holiday TV Spot! Get a sneak peek with these exclusive pics from the set.

Los Angeles, CA

th_b18a5145767841.gif/monthly_08_2009/post-27441-0-1446072679-74393_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3463576" alt="post-27441-0-1446072679-74393_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="65.23"> post-27441-0-1446072679-9033_thumb.jpg



Thanks Juliax / LVSM

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The new VS commercial looks really good (as far as the eye can catch)

a Pussycat Doll theme

and a shooting in the "desert"

I hope this is going to be a very sexy holiday commercial (with a lot of doutzen included)


Doutzen is the only pretty girl ... + the only 1 I like

I mis Adriana ..... the other girls are too girl next door looking ... and just not that pretty

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Yeah she's having vacation .... and hopefully we get to see some pics soon of her in Tanzania for the charity

She will be back working again when NY fashion week starts

And there are rumurs The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show will take place during the New York fashion week (september)

.... So thats already next month!!

I hope she will open the show + I think she should open the show because its in NY

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Those are just rumors... It's weird because Marisa said a few days ago that the show will take in NY, in November! I pray for that the show take place in November! Doutzen will be a special guest on 12th September for the Friesland Day in NY and if the VSFS takes place during Fashion Week (between 10th and 17th September), Doutzen couldn't be a special guest as expected! :cry:

About Doutzen opening the show:

Unfortunately, i think all the attentions will be focus on Ale! It means Ale will open the show and wear the FB!

I really hope Doutzen will wear wings!

Doutzen ambassadeur Dance4Life!


AMSTERDAM - Doutzen Kroes is de nieuwe ambassadeur van dance4life. Het 24-jarige topmodel vertrekt volgende week naar Tanzania om het scholenproject van de stichting te bezoeken en om met Tanzaniaanse jongeren in actie te komen tegen aids, aldus een woordvoerster van dance4life woensdag.

Kroes bezoekt naast scholieren een project op het platteland dat zich richt op aidswezen en kwetsbare kinderen. De stichting heeft als doel de verspreiding van hiv en aids wereldwijd terug te dringen. In Nederland is dance4life de jongerencampagne van STOP AIDS NOW!

''Van de 6800 mensen die dagelijks geïnfecteerd raken met hiv, is de helft jonger dan 25 jaar. Ik ben zelf ook jonger dan 25, mensen van mijn leeftijd dus'', aldus het model woensdag. ''Ik geloof erin dat jongeren de wereld kunnen veranderen. Dance4life geeft ons de mogelijkheid om een echt verschil te maken en bij te dragen aan het terugdringen van hiv en aids in onze eigen omgeving, op scholen, over de hele wereld.'' (ANP)


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