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Gina Carano


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^It's not just Disney. Her agency dropped her too. Of course it's ok to have an (different) opinion, to have conversations.


But transphobia isn't harmless. Anti-Semitism isn't harmless. Arguing over which is better, chocolate cake or red velvet cake isn’t going to hurt anyone. Arguing that trans people don’t deserve to exist is DEFINITELY going to hurt someone. Gina Carano said dehumanizing things about several groups of people, and it caught up to her. There are consequences to hate speech, and Gina Carano ran into them. In fact, she drove herself directly at those consequences at 110 miles per hour with the top down and no seatbelt on. If she HAD been online just tweeting about how she doesn’t like sweets, she would still be involved with Star Wars and maybe even headlining her own Disney+ series. This is not a case of “bad tweets”. This is the inevitable end of a person saying harmful things in public and her employer showed her the door. Meanwhile, actual human daisy chain Pedro Pascal has been announced as the star of HBO’s The Last of Us adaptation, uniting him with fellow Game of Thrones alum Bella Ramsey. It’s amazing what not being a prejudiced trash bag will do for your career. Source


This is literally on point :rofl:


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1 hour ago, bayern7 said:

She compared being a conservative to being Jewish. It’s the epitome of white privilege where the second any form of oppression is felt, they claim it is like other far-worse instances of oppression. So yeah, she’s a moron. 

Didn’t she also tweet alleging the election was stolen, and that covid/masks was some sort of conspiracy? She’s been fooled to believe that because she has a platform her opinions have substance and validity when in fact, you guessed it, she’s a moron. 


Yes, it is amazing how some people think freedom of speech means you are allowed to criticise others while not having to take criticism from others. The feeling of being oppressed doesn't mean you have been oppressed. The fact that you get criticised for your stupid opinions is a sign of not been silenced. Celebrities in general are very privileged being able to reach even millions of followers on social media alone not to mention main stream media. 


Gina Carano is entitled to her opinions, no matter how moronic they are and she is entitled to express them as long as she doesn't go over the lines. However, she has no protection against criticism and she should know the type of rhetoric she has been using will create backlash --- and ultimately get her fired.


As I wrote earlier, Disney is a "woke" company typical nowadays overcompensating their ugly economic conservatism with social liberalism that oftentimes takes silly measures. As a private company they have the right of fire people because as an oligarchy the US has very weak protection for workers. Given these circumstances conservative people are "forced" to keep their far-right opinions to themselves if they want to continue working for these "woke" companies.


All this cultural war stuff is a creation of the oligarch funding various think tanks to spread lunatic ideas and brainwashing people to become blind to the real war in the US society which is the top 1 % vs the rest 99 % of people. The oligarchs need to effectively nullify the democratic process to stop the 99 % removing all the rigging the top 1 % has done. Cultural war is important part of this and that's why some celebrities have moronic opinions and companies are "woke".




If you disagree with what I wrote above just bring it on! Criticise me all you want. I can crush you intellectually while being respectful if you think listening to the likes of Ben Shapiro or Steve Crowder aka "Koch brothers lap dogs" makes you smart. 

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5 hours ago, bayern7 said:

She compared being a conservative to being Jewish.


She didn't. I don't doubt your good intentions, but you should check what Gina actually said. Many articles are not faithful. She said that oppression starts by indoctrinment of the people, when a category of people is called "the others" and they are dehumanized. She didn't mention conservatives. Journalists think she did, but she didn't.


That could be what she meant, but she didn't explicitely say anything. Maybe she was talking about the Uyghurs that are persecuted by authorities that Disney worked with and thanked.


Judging people on the basis of "reading between the lines" instead of "what they actually say" is not justice.


Also, if what she said is wrong, why didn't they fire Pedro Pascal for this tweet which explicitely compared WW2 camps to the US in 2018?




Double standards?


5 hours ago, bayern7 said:

It’s the epitome of white privilege where the second any form of oppression is felt, they claim it is like other far-worse instances of oppression.


What does the color of her skin has to do with anything? People like Martin Luther King taught us to not judge people on the basis of their skin color. Here is what he said:


“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin, but by the content of their character.”



I think we should remember the words of Martin Luther King, because he was wise. Wiser than we are today in the mainstream media.


5 hours ago, bayern7 said:

Didn’t she also tweet alleging the election was stolen


She didn't. She said that there needs to be laws to protect elections (like requiring voter ID, which is a very good point - most democratic countries require voter ID, but some US States don't). Here is what she said:




If only people read the exact words, instead of listening to Disney's narratives, there would be less misunderstandings. I know it takes time , but sometimes it's useful (like here).

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1 hour ago, Jade Bahr said:


I know you are an honest person and I don't doubt your good intentions for one second, but this source is twisting everything Gina said in a very disingenuous way.


1 hour ago, Jade Bahr said:

But transphobia isn't harmless.


She never said anything transphobic. This is what she said:



She refused to add pronouns in her bio and she refused to be bullied for it. People threatened her to death for it. Several times. If not having pronous in transphobe, then many people are (including Disney execs).


1 hour ago, Jade Bahr said:

Anti-Semitism isn't harmless.


She never said anything anti-semitic. Never. She talked about WW2 and said that dehumanizing people is the first step for an all out civil war. I don't like when people bring WW2 all the times, but she was more subtle than others, like Pedro Pascal who used WW2 and camps as a comparison with present days, several times. And he never got fired.




1 hour ago, Jade Bahr said:

Gina Carano said dehumanizing things about several groups of people, and it caught up to her.


She didn't say anything dehumanizing, quite the opposite. She said that if you dehumanize your opponent, then the door is open for terrible things. She's not wrong.


1 hour ago, Jade Bahr said:

Meanwhile, actual human daisy chain Pedro Pascal has been announced as the star of HBO’s The Last of Us adaptation, uniting him with fellow Game of Thrones alum Bella Ramsey.


Pedro Pascal wrote far worse things than she did, but he's rewarded. Disney rewards those who flatter them. That is truly terrible. This press campaign defends Goliath against David, because Disney fed them with false accusations to sully Gina's reputation.


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3 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:


This is so caricatural. People who disagree with you aren't necessarily dull people who listen to these 2 guys you mention (that I barely know of, except that one of them helped Gina). The world is not divided between the good guys and the bad guys. You said it yourself. So, go one step further. Think beyond good and evil, and you'll see that those you consider to be the "others" (those who don't think like you) have something to bring to you. Drop your condescending tone, and you will see them start to open up.

Assume that others can bring something to you and you'll start to learn many things. Modesty can bring a lot of positive to your cognitive functions .


I don't disagree with everything you say, but the smugness of what you wrote prevents any form of normal communication. It prevents you from learning from people who don't think like you. Maybe next time you'll understand.


I am open to what other people say, but if Koch brothers talking points is all you have got my response will be condescending. Sorry. That said, I don't think I disagree with you that much, do I? You said it yourself you don't disagree with everything I say. 

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6 hours ago, worshipper pa said:


I am open to what other people say, but if Koch brothers talking points is all you have got my response will be condescending. Sorry. That said, I don't think I disagree with you that much, do I? You said it yourself you don't disagree with everything I say. 


Well, don't be sorry for your own prejudices. Just change them when they are refuted by facts. I don't know these Koch brothers and I don't care about them. I know about Star Wars, I know about Gina and I review facts. Facts matter.


I could tell you that all you got is Disney talking points, but that wouldn't be very constructive. In the end, what matters is facts. Many facts support Gina. People just have to review them, use their critical thinking.

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9 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:


Well, don't be sorry for your own prejudices. Just change them when they are refuted by facts. I don't know these Koch brothers and I don't care about them. I know about Star Wars, I know about Gina and I review facts. Facts matter.


I could tell you that all you got is Disney talking points, but that wouldn't be very constructive. In the end, what matters is facts. Many facts support Gina. People just have to review them, use their critical thinking.


That's my philosophy in life, opinions based on facts. The challenge is to know the facts and process them correctly to understand the World around us. I am certainly ready to change my mind about things if needed. Not saying it's easy for me or anyone else, but at least I know that's what I should do.


Koch brothers have been some of the richest people in the US/World and in the US rich people can buy thanks to corruption-friendly court decisions the politicians to do billionaire-friendly politics such as lower the taxes for the rich (e.g. 84 % of the benefits of the Trump tax cuts will go to the richest 1 % of Americans), keep minimum wages low and rig the system in any way for the benefit of the rich. Koch brothers have also funded think tanks and people to advance right-wing ideology and turning the 1 % vs 99 % setup as a left vs right setup.


I had never heard about  Gina Carano before this incident. I don't know her at all. All I know is what people say she has said in the social media and why she was fired by Disney are moronic opinions and why do people these days have moronic opinions? Because people like the Koch brothers spend money to advantage them for their own benefit.  I used to be a Star Wars fan when George Lucas was in change. Disney's handling of it has been a mess. I have only seen the first episode of Mandalorian (it was shown on TV free for marketing purposes) and I am not paying for Disney+ because I am not a streamer. I am an older guy who likes physical media, namely Blu-ray. 


If you read my post carefully you should see that I am not a Disney fanboy. Facts tell us what this "cultural war" is about and why it exists in the first place. I am not a Gina Carano hater. I know too little about her to like or dislike her. All I'm saying those opinions that got her fired are moronic. It's not necessarily her own fault she has got those opinions. The US is sadly a dumping down culture at this point...


People can still be fans of Gina Carano despite of her opinions. Maybe she is really good at acting or some other things? I don't know. I only commented the opinions that got her into trouble, because those are what exploded on my face online! Why this happened is more of my expertise because I have followed the US politics a lot since Trump got elected (I wanted to understand why he won). 

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You might say she said Alderaan things (ahem).


My impression of what finally tanked Carano, although technically speaking she wasn't actually fired, is that her bosses (including Filoni and Favreau) repeatedly asked her to modify her online behaviour over an extended period of time, and she refused.


I don't know enough about her to speculate as to why she couldn't just take a step back and give her Twitter fingers a rest, but she must have realised that she was digging a hole for herself and instead of putting the shovel down, kept tunneling. That can never end well and there was always going to come a point where Disney, bearing in mind that they were under no contractual obligation to keep her around in the first place, didn't want to have to deal with it.

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5 hours ago, worshipper pa said:

Maybe she is really good at acting or some other things? I don't know.


She's not a great actress by any stretch of the imagination but was a very good fit for the physical design of the character. In itself, the fact that there aren't really any Arnold Schwarzenegger or Dwayne Johnson-type female actors beyond Carano seems like a bit of an absurdity.

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8 minutes ago, Michael* said:

My impression of what finally tanked Carano, although technically speaking she wasn't actually fired, is that her bosses (including Filoni and Favreau) repeatedly asked her to modify her online behaviour over an extended period of time, and she refused.


Then, why didn't they fire Pedro Pascal, who made the same kind of tweets? No, the real reason is that Gina is different than the others. Gina got fired because she doesn't think like the others. She doesn't think like the clones (should I make another SW analogy? :laugh:)


Hollywood is a factory that builds clones. If you are different, you are fired. The clones loved Mr. Weinstein, when it was "fashionable" (even if it was horrible, they didn't care). Now, they follow their new cult, but it will change and change again, because "it’s not the weathervane that turns, it’s the wind".


Where did you see that Favreau told her to stop? :idk: I didn't see this information (or maybe I missed it).


8 minutes ago, Michael* said:

I don't know enough about her to speculate as to why she couldn't just take a step back and give her Twitter fingers a rest, but she must have realised that she was digging a hole for herself and instead of putting the shovel down, kept tunneling.

Yep, she doesn't back down when Empires asks her to. She should be praised for that. :bellazon:

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3 minutes ago, Enrico_sw said:

Then, why didn't they fire Pedro Pascal, who made the same kind of tweets? No, the real reason is that Gina is different than the others. Gina got fired because she doesn't think like the others. She doesn't think like the clones (should I make another SW analogy? :laugh:)


Hollywood is a factory that builds clones. If you are different, you are fired. The clones loved Mr. Weinstein, when it was "fashionable" (even if it was horrible, they didn't care). Now, they follow their new cult, but it will change and change again, because "it’s not the weathervane that turns, it’s the wind".


Where did you see that Favreau told her to stop? :idk: I didn't see this information (or maybe I missed it).


I'm given to understanding that Disney had contacted UTA (Carano's talent agency) several times in the past year asking her to dial it back and she refused. She continued posting inflammatory (covid and election related) comments until Filoni asked her to refrain and she refused. Finally, Favreau contacted her and asked her to refrain and again, she refused.


This isn't to say that I personally think any of Carano's posts quite touched the really unforgivable third rails that require insta-bans, but this was never a hill that Disney would be willing to die on. The only thing that's absurd about it is that she appeared to think social media wouldn't do to her what it does to everybody else.


Before I go, I should add that the Pascal comparison doesn't fully track for me. That was one tweet (unless there are more that I don't know about) equating actual children in cages, while the Carano post (one of dozens, which was the main problem) likened that to attitudes towards people with different political affiliations. Best case scenario, she was arguing that so-called "cancel culture" is a pathway to legitimate dehumanisation. Even then it reads like silly hyperbole.

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6 hours ago, Michael* said:

Finally, Favreau contacted her and asked her to refrain and again, she refused.


Interesting, I missed that part about Favreau. If I had been Favreau, I would've done the same, because it threatens his SW projects.

But if I had been Gina, I would've done the same as she did too. Restraining an actress, while all of the other "celebs" can speak freely (just because "they have the right opinion") is called double standards. It's a form of injustice. She didn't let injustice shut her up.


6 hours ago, Michael* said:

She continued posting inflammatory (covid and election related)


I don't agree with her covid posts (there were only 2 of them, they were about freedom of choice - that's a fair debate, intellectuals have it where I live).

About her post on the elections, it's not what the media says. She said there should be laws to protect fair elections (like requiring voter ID). Everybody should agree with that. Who is against laws to protect elections? She didn't say that there were frauds (maybe that's what she thought, but she didn't say it. In a fair justice, what matters is what people say - facts - not what they supposedly think).


6 hours ago, Michael* said:

That was one tweet (unless there are more that I don't know about) equating actual children in cages, while the Carano post (one of dozens, which was the main problem) likened that to attitudes towards people with different political affiliations.


There are 2 posts from Pedro who explicitely compared the USA and the nazis (this one and this one).

There was 1 instagram post (a story, not even a post) from Gina about WW2, and she didn't explicitely make a comparison with today's situation. She just said that intolerance starts with the people hating their neighbors.  This is completely true. I've studied totalitarian regimes throught history and she is right.



BTW, if we made a list of "celebrities" (and journalists) using WW2 to delegitimate their opponents, the list would be long. We all know that. It's not just Pedro.

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2 hours ago, Michael* said:


I'm given to understanding that Disney had contacted UTA (Carano's talent agency) several times in the past year asking her to dial it back and she refused. She continued posting inflammatory (covid and election related) comments until Filoni asked her to refrain and she refused. Finally, Favreau contacted her and asked her to refrain and again, she refused.


This isn't to say that I personally think any of Carano's posts quite touched the really unforgivable third rails that require insta-bans, but this was never a hill that Disney would be willing to die on. The only thing that's absurd about it is that she appeared to think social media wouldn't do to her what it does to everybody else.


Before I go, I should add that the Pascal comparison doesn't fully track for me. That was one tweet (unless there are more that I don't know about) equating actual children in cages, while the Carano post (one of dozens, which was the main problem) likened that to attitudes towards people with different political affiliations. Best case scenario, she was arguing that so-called "cancel culture" is a pathway to legitimate dehumanisation. Even then it reads like silly hyperbole.

So your saying if people truly believe the election was stolen and to say so is inflammatory that goes against everything the US stands for. We have a duty and responsibility to say it 

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