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The "What Are You Thinking About Right Now?" PIP


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9 hours ago, SympathysSilhouette said:


Yeah, a lot of concern from people whose entire audience is on twitter.


I think they are fucked either way. Even if the company does not go down, Elon's vision of it is very different.

Only blue checkmarks will get primacy. So the age of non-verified users building very large followings (e.g. @dril) is essentially over.

And most of the people who built their audience entirely on Twitter started out anonymously.


It would be jarring (for twitter stars) that their entire business/advertising profile is now thrown out of wack.  It's even worse if youtube got shaken up.  This would undo years of work.


However it always seemed that Elon did not like twitter but couldn't separate himself from it.  I doubt that he would be very sad even if his investment collapsed.   Kind of like the joker in this regard 😛


I am starting to plan my youtube videos and I am considering making them 'youtube neutral' just in case I need to move them to another platform.

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6 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:



Qatar is a place with slavery, homophobia and intolerance. But no one gives a shit.


Blue-haired people prefer to scream on Elon for bringing free speech to twitter, rather than calling out a country like Qatar that's full of real bigots.


This works with Qatar as well:


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1 hour ago, Enrico_sw said:

Gundam is spot on as often  :rofl::rofl::rofl:



Not sure why you are making this about progressive vs. conservative.

Every serious business analyst cannot make sense of his decisions, which seem to run counter all logic about how you would run this company shortly after the acquisition.

He has alienated advertisers in a matter of weeks. Has gotten rid of almost all of the staff in charge of user security. The Twitter Blue roll-out was such a disaster that it has now largely been retracted already.

By any objective measure, the first few weeks of his ownership could almost not have gone any worse.

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8 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:



Qatar is a place with slavery, homophobia and intolerance. But no one gives a shit.


Blue-haired people prefer to scream on Elon for bringing free speech to twitter, rather than calling out a country like Qatar that's full of real bigots.


It's one the biggest hypocritical events in the last 20 years. All these countries, players, leagues, etc talk a big game about social justice besides shitting on the Western World  with racism, slavery, etc. Now there's crickets from these tards. So stfu or stand by your principles.

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25 minutes ago, SympathysSilhouette said:


Not sure why you are making this about progressive vs. conservative.

Every serious business analyst cannot make sense of his decisions, which seem to run counter all logic about how you would run this company shortly after the acquisition.

He has alienated advertisers in a matter of weeks. Has gotten rid of almost all of the staff in charge of user security. The Twitter Blue roll-out was such a disaster that it has now largely been retracted already.

By any objective measure, the first few weeks of his ownership could almost not have gone any worse.


Have you even watched the video? :Amelie_wft:


25 minutes ago, SympathysSilhouette said:

Not sure why you are making this about progressive vs. conservative.


I don't. I make this about free people vs. totalitarian bullies :yes:

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22 minutes ago, SympathysSilhouette said:


It probably won't exist within a year. So by your logic, no twitter is better than old twitter. It's a POV I guess.


I have never ever said that. Dude, you are putting words in other people's mouths here.


You invent a chimera to refute it afterwards. It's a strawman argument  :Amelie_wft:

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18 minutes ago, Stromboli1 said:


It's one the biggest hypocritical events in the last 20 years. All these countries, players, leagues, etc talk a big game about social justice besides shitting on the Western World  with racism, slavery, etc. Now there's crickets from these tards. So stfu or stand by your principles.


Yep, exactly. :yes:


They don't care about "social justice". They just want to attack their favourite scapegoats (straight white men) and get their woke points for that. In reality, these woke mobsters have no principles.

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10 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:


I have never ever said that. Dude, you are putting words in other people's mouths here.


You invent a chimera to refute it afterwards. It's a strawman argument  :Amelie_wft:


It's not a strawman, it's based on financial analysis. Unless Musk pumps a crazy amount of money into it to keep it afloat, there is a very good chance the company will go bankrupt. Even Musk himself has communicated this to the staff. And since there is no clear way for him to fix the negative cash flow issues in the short term, it's not really obvious how he can avoid that. Unless he keeps on selling Tesla stock to prop up the company. Obviously he cannot do that indefinitely.

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4 hours ago, SympathysSilhouette said:


It's not a strawman, it's based on financial analysis. Unless Musk pumps a crazy amount of money into it to keep it afloat, there is a very good chance the company will go bankrupt. Even Musk himself has communicated this to the staff. And since there is no clear way for him to fix the negative cash flow issues in the short term, it's not really obvious how he can avoid that. Unless he keeps on selling Tesla stock to prop up the company. Obviously he cannot do that indefinitely.


It's become a dialogue of the deaf, now :laugh:


You change the subject and you talk about a different thing. And you didn't even watch Gundam's video. :Amelie_wft:


I don't care about the cash flows and business plan of Twitter, I'm not Elon's co-investor (maybe you are, but not me). I care about freedom. The ex-owners were totalitarian bullies. I only care about the bird's freedom.

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3 hours ago, Enrico_sw said:


It's become a dialogue of the deaf, now :laugh:


You change the subject and you talk about a different thing. And you didn't even watch Gundam's video. :Amelie_wft:


I don't care about the cash flows and business plan of Twitter, I'm not Elon's co-investor (maybe you are, but not me). I care about freedom. The ex-owners were totalitarian bullies. I only care about the bird's freedom.


"The bird's freedom", defined by what exactly? I don't see a huge difference on the app itself, other than the nonsense of people pretending to be someone else using their newly acquired blue tick.

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^ Defined by the fact that the Stasi agents who worked for twitter will stop censoring opinions they don't like.


Maybe you don't realize it, but lots of folks hate this thought police that rules big tech platforms. It's smothering, rampant and it sucks out the joy of past civil discourse.


This is a nightmare, not a dream:


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