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35 minutes ago, Matt! said:

I cannot stand Biden and I will NEVER believe he got into the office of President of the United States with 2348234928349237423 totally legitimate super duper votes. This piece of shit has ruined America in 8 months.


2024 cannot come soon enough when we can get MAGA and or DeSantis into office and we can get some semblance of normality.





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8 hours ago, Matt! said:



This Didn't Age Well Meme



@Stromboli1 @Prettyphile


The Taliban were and are well supplied by America and other foreign governments. So much wasted monies (tax dollars) supplying and training the Afgani military.


Don't need to be there anyway............... want that poppy and rare Earth minerals though.


All those lives lost; US soldiers, Afgani civilians, etc. :banghead:

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Trump met with Taliban leaders and had assurances they wouldn’t take over the country, and brought about peace throughout the region. Biden broke said promises/treaty and pulled out too late even after many warnings from the Taliban telling him exactly what would happen if he didn't pull out by May 1st....Biden said nope, and pulled out in August pissing the Taliban off, and here we are.

If Trump was still president they would never have dared to do this because Trump would have wiped them out. Trump is good at finding and bringing down badies, look at what he did to ISIS. The Taliban knows we have a weak president probably with dementia who can only do what his advisors tell him. They assessed the situation and knew there would be no consequences. This is on fucking Mr. Potato, not Trump.


From Biden's people....

“If we break the May 1st deadline negotiated by the previous administration with no clear plan to exit, we will be back at war with the Taliban, and that was not something President Biden believed was in the national interest.”

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"I need muh AR-15 to protect me from the government"

"Gets drone striked"



Listen, you fantastically retarded motherfucker. I'm going to try and explain this so that you can understand it.  Now pay attention... 

You cannot control an entire country and its people with tanks, jets, battleships and drones, or any other thing that you so stupidly believe MAGA citizens own.


A jet fighter, tank, battleship or whatever cannot stand on street corners and enforce "no assembly" edicts. A fighter jet cannot kick in your door at 3am and search your house for contraband.  None of these things can maintain the needed police state to completely subjugate and enslave the people of a nation. those weapons are for decimating, flattening, glassing large areas and many people at once.  If they decided to turn everything outside of Washington DC into a glowing green glass they would be the absolute rulers of a big worthless radioactive pile of shit.


Police are needed to maintain a police state, boots on the ground bois. And no matter how many police you have on the ground they will always be vastly outnumbered by civilians which is why in a police state it is vital that your police have automatic weapons while the people have nothing but their limp dicks.


BUT when every random pedestrian could have a Glock in their waistband, and every random homeowner has an AR-15 all of that goes out the fucking window because now the police are out numbered and face the reality of bullets coming back at them.


In you want living examples of this look at every insurgency the US military has tried to destroy, sure they take out large numbers, but at the end of the day they're all still kicking it with nothing but AK-47's, pick up trucks and improvised explosives because these big scary military monsters you keep alluding to are all but fucking useless for dealing with them.. 


Dumb fuck...


This is the sole purpose of the Second Amendment and why its ambiguous ("arms"). If the military has a pistol, you get a pistol. If the military gets a rifle, you get a rifle. If the military gets an advanced laser cannon, guess what? You get to have one too (if you can afford it, lets be real here).


The purpose of the Second amendment is to protect you from a tyrannical government. It allows you to rightfully own the same weapons as said government does, so that there is an even and fair playing field when shit hits the fan. Alternatively, its a deterrent. The government isn't going to send Feds to your house to fuck your shit up if there is even a slight possibility that you have more guns than they do. Constitutional carry is an essential right, because someone isn't going to want to run up on your ass if they know it could get them killed attempting it.


And the whole "you can't beat a drone LOL" shit is just to demoralize you into giving up your guns. If they really, really thought they wouldn't need to disarm you then they'd just kill you already.


Rant off....


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On 8/13/2021 at 10:38 PM, Matt! said:

Mario Kart with friends is so much fun! :chicken::chicken:


Mario Kart Yoshi GIF - Mario Kart Yoshi Video Game - Discover & Share GIFs


I really enjoyed Mario 64 back in middle school/early high school, particularly with 1-2 friends.  Loved it.  Super Smash Brothers was fun but I always preferred Mario 64.


Have you seen Back for Blood Beta?  It looks very promising.  It has some of that chaos of Doom Inferno.  


Players are already using various tactics to survive Nightmare mode, either using fighting retreats or sprinting through the monster swarms.

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34 minutes ago, Cult Icon said:


I really enjoyed Mario 64 back in middle school/early high school, particularly with 1-2 friends.  Loved it.  Super Smash Brothers was fun but I always preferred Mario 64.


Have you seen Back for Blood Beta?  It looks very promising.  It has some of that chaos of Doom Inferno.  


Players are already using various tactics to survive Nightmare mode, either using fighting retreats or sprinting through the monster swarms.


Yeah Mario Kart (Including all versions) is awesome. Even better with friends. 


Not yet, the beta access ended on Monday and I didn't have time to test it out cause I was playing Hades. I'll wait till October 8th. 

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13 hours ago, Matt! said:


Yeah Mario Kart (Including all versions) is awesome. Even better with friends. 


Not yet, the beta access ended on Monday and I didn't have time to test it out cause I was playing Hades. I'll wait till October 8th. 


I like the anime art for Hades.


I think that Back 4 Blood's multiplayer will get a loyal niche audience, I'll watched a lot of it so far and still find it entertaining as every game plays out differently and can be approached in different ways.  The Beta is approx. 20-30% of the full game.   I think that there will be considerable polishing of the inventory management and weapons, and enemy placement by Oct 8th.  

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@Stromboli1 - I actually cried watching this.



On a more personal note - One of my girls who I still keep in contact with lives in San Fran with her elderly mom. She was/is high functioning but had some health and behavioral issues (road rage xHULK SMASH) so she was/is unable to drive. One of my jobs was to drive her 4 days a week through the city, take her to her doctors, and let her attempt to do normal things. After 3 days of not leaving her house, she would become severely depressed, so we added in one more day of driving her around and she was home on Sat/Sun with her mom and her mom's aid. Kim and I would do things like going to the park, beach, going on a hike in Muir Woods, going to the California Academy of Sciences, then we always had to go to McDonald's or Taco-bell and she was super proud of herself for going inside despite having severe anxiety and ordering food all by herself (she didn't like to talk to people she didn't know... it was so bad that she could piss herself in public if someone attempted to stop and ask her for directions), then we would often go shopping for random shit she didn't need or want. Even with 5 days of myself and another girl caring for her, she had issues being at home so by the time Monday rolled around she was a ball of nerves and energy so I would take her to the mall to run around and shop till her little hearts content in the stores where she was comfortable with the cashier... if her "regular" cashier wasn't there she would skip the store and get mad and pouty and often throw a tantrum in the car on her way home. (her mom was loaded so it wasn't uncommon for Kim to be given $500+ a day to do whatever she wanted)... Kim still has people who take her out into the public, and she's unable to get the vaccine. What is going to happen to Kim and people like her?




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