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Angelina Jolie Reacts To Oscar Nomination

Changeling star Angelina Jolie has issued a statement on her Oscar nomination.

“Working with Clint Eastwood was a reward in itself that will last me a lifetime. To receive a nomination from the Academy on top of that is a privilege beyond any expectation. It has been an exceptional year for acting, and I am honored to be in the company of these talented actors whose performances all deserve this recognition. I am also happy that Kung Fu Panda was noticed by the Academy and proud to be a part of a film my entire family loves so much.”

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On the red carpet, E!’s Giuliana Rancic tried to get into a “deep” question and asked the couple on what they’ve learned from each other. Brad responded, “Let’s go to the next question. I just don’t want to get into it here… I’m really thrown by the GlamCam that’s undressing me as we speak.”

Angie said, laughing, “It seems like a really odd moment for all of that. I’m sorry.” After a little more poking and prodding, she answered, “[brad]’s taught me a great deal. He’s a wonderful man and a great father and the person I admire most in the world because I know who he is every minute of every day. I think he’s extraordinary… We’ve been doing [the red carpet] together for four years - it’s always nice [to have him around]. I don’t think I’d want to be doing it alone. It’s nice to be doing it with your best friend and have a laugh in the middle of the show.”

Brad returned the favor, saying, “[Angie's] an amazing woman and a fantastic mother. I don’t have enough good things to say about her.”

When asked by Access Hollywood if they’re ready for more kids, Brad said, “We average about two a year, so I guess we’re overdue, aren’t we?” Angie concurred, saying, “Yeah, I agree! If they come our way, we’d be happy to have them all. We love children.”

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