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The Bitch Thread


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  • How horrible the american school system is. People graduate and half the time they can't write a complete sentence, and in some cases aren't even literate because either teachers don't care or they don't.
  • Prints that don't want to do what they're told
  • Having no allergies, but living in Arizona long enough that I DEVELOP them.
  • Finals

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all of the above

****edit: most of the above.

About religion

Oh, and religious talk as a whole really annoys me.. the more people try to convert me the more I feel alienated :alien: from religion. I don't think it should be something you are forced to believe in. It annoys me that some, if not most, people go to church because they feel like they have to not because they want to. Actually, that doesn't annoy me, what annoys me more is when they try to make me think I have to go to church with them.

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^ I feel your pain. People need to realize that we're not all going to worship the same entity, if we even worship one at all <_<

And being a klutz annoys me. Without fail, I hurt myself on something. This time it was the carving tool I was doing my final with.

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Kids that say they skate and don't.

Kids that buy used boards, or kids that scrath their boards up with rocks to make it seem like they know how to grind.

Kids that wear clothing that says "Punk" or "I'm Punk" because it totally defeats the fucking purpose of the punk spirit, and everything that punk stands for.

Hot topic.

teenyboppers that don't have a clue what they are trying to represent, because it happend years before they were born.

aaaaaaaaannnnnddddddddd Gas prices. :ninja:

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Condescending old people that speak to you like you're a stupid punk kid when you're over 20 years old. <_< Had one the other day when I was looking for a barrier cream to stop getting blisters on my feet when wearing high heels and he told me not to wear them, or get looser shoes instead of helping me find what I was looking for (with a very holier-than-thou attitude). I don't think any of the ladies here would feel "right" wearing trainers with a ball gown to go ballroom dancing... Also, looser shoes make the blisters worse because then your feet rub against your shoes more and if they are tighter the straps dig into your skin too much. Obviously this man has either never had a wife, or is married to a woman that is more like a burly Russian man than a lady. Though I bet if I retaliated in any way he would tell me I should "respect my elders" when he shows no respect for me and acts extremely immature for his age (not the kind of elder that would deserve any of my respect).

Edited by Sheyda
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I know, I heard about that on the news, you guys have it pretty bad over there in Europe. I heard it would be almost $8 U.S. money per gallon over in France.

it sucks. the government tax it all so much <_<

i hate it when Americans complain about petrol prices <_< :ninja:

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I hate it when people don't take into consideration that people can only base their grievances on what they've actually experienced, and while the price of gas may be exorbitant in Europe, that really has no bearing on Americans' experience with gas prices in the US.

Americas gas prices are only beggining to reflect real prices in the current climate in my view. i do appreciate that American prices may have risen dramatically recently but it still just feels like a slap in the face when people who have been in such a lucky position for years complain about it :idk: i mean, it would be nice if people took into account the big picture ;)

it's over

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