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Miranda Kerr


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If this is true, I bet Vampy would have footage of this :p "Skippy skips the panties" hehehehe :laugh: ...

Orlando Bloom’s Model Girlfriend Forgets Her Victoria’s Secret Panties

by Marc Malkin

Oct. 29, 2009

It's been a bit chilly the last few days in Los Angeles, but that doesn't mean Orlando Bloom's girlfriend Miranda Kerr has been wearing layers. In fact, she left the house the other night without any underwear on.

How do we know? Read on to find out...

One of our eagle-eyed sources spotted Bloom, 32, and his Victoria's Secret model ladylove, 26, earlier this week enjoying an evening stroll down a Los Angeles street. "They're both laughing and looking they're having a good time," our source tells us. "Then Miranda takes a few quick steps ahead of Orlando and pulls her skirt up to her waist…and flashes her ass."

And the bare buttocks show didn't stop there. "She flashes him and then starts doing a little catwalk move while Orlando nearly doubles over laughing," our source says. "She takes a good 10 to 15 steps with her skirt pulled up, ass totally out, doing her model walk with him following."

What happened next, we'll have to leave to your imagination. "As they got past the well-lit corner of the street," the source says, "they disappeared into the shadows." Our horndog source was impressed. He gushes, "It was definitely pretty cool."

Source: E! News

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If this is true, I bet Vampy would have footage of this :p "Skippy skips the panties" hehehehe :laugh: ...

God, I wish I did. There is obviously NO footage from this encounter. It's all hearsay. And besides, this story is BORING. :sleep:

"Ooh, she wore no panties and flashed her ass". SHUT UP, Marc Malkin.

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God, I wish I did. There is obviously NO footage from this encounter. It's all hearsay. And besides, this story is BORING. :sleep:

"Ooh, she wore no panties and flashed her ass". SHUT UP, Marc Malkin.

Oh please :cain:

Thanks for the images pink :) *Runs off to get ready for work*

You are welcome :flower:

Hope you had a good day at work :)

My scan out of Manhatten


Thanks! :flower:

that is a cute photo, where did you found that pic?

Via email :)

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Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Miranda Kerr: Weight Loss Woes?

Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr’a relationship is a rollercoaster of emotions - so much that it is making the supermodel lose weight extremely fast.

The 5-foot-9 model for Victoria’s Secret is shown in a recent photo shoot in Sydney that has people claiming that she’s reportedly down to 110 lbs and is dealing with her relationship to the actor.

“She wants a ring-now!” told a tabloid source. “Things have been very rocky between them. Miranda feels like she’s waited long enough.”

Dr. Stuart Fischer, who does not treat Kerr, believes she needs to gain a large amount of 20 to 25 pounds.

“She needs to gain about 20 to 25 lbs,” he said. “Her body is horrible. You can see the full scapula and her arm is very thin. The groove in her back is like a canyon!”

Rumors about the rocky relationship started back in August.

“Orlando has said there’s serious problems in their relationship,” a source said at the time. “The really love each other and were talking about getting married. But they need to work this stuff out before they walk down the aisle.”


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Miranda has an 8 page editorial in the December issue of US Glamour. It's the multiple cover issue with Michelle Obama, Serena Williams, Rihanna etc. It's called "It's Your Day Off. Dress Like It!" It was photographed by Peggy Sirota.

It's really cute. She was blonde when she shot it. Hopefully someone will scan it for you guys soon. I don't have one. I wasn't expecting to see it when I was flipping through my magazine. There's a brief bio attached too, so it's not one of those "nameless model" editorials. The girl has been doing A LOT of work lately. This makes her 4th editorial in the last month or so, and her pictures from the Pirelli calendar will be released in a couple of weeks as well.

Go Miranda! If all of this work is what possibly being on your way out of VS gets you, then I'm all for it.

:::edited to add:::

I'm all confused now. With signing 5 new models, I was worried that VS might consider her expendable, but I don't think the people who aren't fans can deny that Miranda has buzz and is on the upswing. I can't think of the last time any of the current (non-new) angels broke out with 4 editorials at once. VS can't buy a profile rising like this. I don't know. She might not be as expendable as people think.

:::edited again to say:::

You know what? Scratch that on the 4 editorials. I was wrong. Since the beginning of October, Miranda has had 6 editorials come out.

1. Sunday Herald Sun

2. Grazia

3. V

4. Chicago Social

5. Harper's Bazaar Australia

and now

6. US Glamour

This is in addition to Pirelli out soon, and I think I remember mentioning her doing something for GQ Italy.

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