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Joe > Average

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Greetings bellazonians :wave: . I'm kinda interrested in accents lately and would like to learn as much as humanly possible about accents from around the globe. Right now, my knowledge is mainly limited to those of the Spanish speaking variety.

There is already a thread about "which ones you like and which ones you hate" but I don't want any part of that :ninja: . I want to learn as much about the subject as I can. If anyone wants to share their favorites or those they are farmiliar with with name or video examples or provide sources that go into the subject well, please share :) .

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So is that a good example for German M.. I don't find it painful. But then again I once worked with a Veitnamese woman whose second language was French and then she learned English.. Apparently I was the only one that understood her. So when it comes to accents I guess I just look passed them and enjoy the sound. It s so cute to hear soemtimes.

Has anyone thought of accents that are done in other languages than English? Sorry Joe, if this is not what this thread is intended for but when I try Spanish I was told I have a thick American or English accent. I really hurt that poor language. And from my coworker, I was told that her accent for French was easier to understand than the accent she had for English. I thought of these models that have multiple languages.. do you think they have accents for the different languages and if they do, is it based to the original language they first know? As in, when they have an accent is it their mother language.

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