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Barbara Palvin


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On 9/15/2019 at 9:30 PM, CandleVixen said:

She’d truly look like an Angel if they ever give her proper wings. 


Like Adriana and the iconic feathered wings. 

yes! Barbara would look great with big, feathery, white wings! she is more than ready for a good pair of wings, in my opinion. 

she is for real my FAVORITE ANGEL EVER. just in case I haven't made that clear lol. 

Her, Candice, Leomie, and Grace are the most gorgeous in my opinion. I much prefer them over the glamazon era like KK, Adriana, and Gisele. Those ladies are great at their job and put VS on the map of modeling, but I prefer softer beauty and Barbara has that in spades! 

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11 hours ago, CandleVixen said:

(My humor popping up at this.) :D

Bump, you need to show some enthusiasm over Barbara as an Angel. 

I’d not know she’s your favorite. :wink::Angel:


LOL :56608ac1cc5a3_smilynewone:

It feels nice to have something positive to say and have someone be nice to me and joke with me. I always get scared when people quote me because I get yelled at sometimes because I think most of VS's decisions suck and I like to talk about how much they suck.


Hiring Barbara was the best VS move ever!


What do you think is her best VS work though? I always loved her early VS work, like the set these pictures came from:




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@CandleVixenThat plaid bra is super cute! I would wear that.  and yes, her holiday commercial was stunning. I still really want to know what happened between her and VS all those years ago. I was soooo surprised to find out she was going to be in the VSFS, let alone become an Angel because of how she worked so much for VS then nothing for so many years. 


Barbara looks great in that picture. I don't mind her short hair in that picture surprisingly. 

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@SunAngel Thank you! I am in love with The Kooples stuff. The music, the vibe, the colors, the clothes, and of course Barabara. This is definitely some of my favorite work she's done, and I love that they are including Dylan in it! He seems sweet, but I'm still not familiar with his work or what he does. 


Thank you @Shepherd and @Weasel79 for the pictures as well. You guys update a lot, so thanks. 


She looks great in the swim shot! She looks better with more weight on her like in that picture.


Her dress at the Armani show is lovely and she looks so classy! Her hair, not so much. That's the ugliest hair do I've seen on her, but if she's happy then oh well. Her face/body are her money makers anyways. 

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OMG her outfit choices are HORRENDOUS. 

Both white outfits are probably the ugliest things I've seen her wear. Is it her stylist's fault or hers? I want to know who to blame for making her look so awful. 

I still think she is gorgeous, but her outfits take away from her beauty. 


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the black dress/hair/makeup, though. That's what I love seeing her wear, not this goofy shit. 

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