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Barbara Palvin


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Prettyphile, I agree with MarVS. Some of Appleauto's comments are a bit offensive. It's true that this isn't a Barbara Palvin Fan Site but most people in this thread are Barbara fans, right? I think it's only normal that we get annoyed. It's the reaction most of us have when when comments/rants are offensive and/or repetitive. 


Anyway, sorry Appleauto if I ever upset you. 

great! then can't you just ...:




if I'm wrong please feel free to PM me with your proof




Thanks  :flower:

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Lyla... appleuto sometimes is bashing she is just not giving an opinion.

Then PM Prettyphile with the proof! And then maybe all you can made her be banned! If you all want that... I understand your point of view. Totally. But PM Prettyphile with it. Or ignore apple with that function. Just please don't talk about it here and don't fill another 400 pages with it. 

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I have to agree with the majority of people here. I know this isn't a fansite and I'm the first one to say something when the psycho fans come out but all Appleauto does is come here and talk shit about every little thing Barbara does, from her work to even her goddamn personal life.


The Ignore thing is kind of bullshit, I've had Appleauto in my ignore list for months now but I still have to read her annoying shit when she gets quoted because everyone is tired of her shit that comes up over and over again, I would basically have to put everyone in Ignore at this point so I don't have to read her.


Now feel free to report me or ban me, or give me warning points or whatever the fuck you want but idiots like Appleauto (who IMO is clearly mentally ill and I study Psychology so don't give me bullshit that I don't know what I'm talking about) are the reason why some members leave BZ, because it gets tiring, this has been going on for a year already and I always try to be respectful and shit but this is too much already.

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 So many of you are clearly upset with the actions of one individual and while I can both sides of the coin (yours and AA's) I feel we need other staff input to help determine what to do about the the situation, so can we please not clutter the thread anymore with this. PM me if you'd like to talk about this in depth, that goes for you Appleauto.


Sit tight folks, hopefully the staff and I can come to a resolve on the issues at hand asap.

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If the rule applies to one then the rule should apply to everyone....Would you and the rest of Bellazon call these comments by elfstone about  Barbara as MODEL BASHING....Enlighten me please.....why am I the only person singled out for rude comments...Plus I have read multiple comments, right here on Bellazon on Alessandra Ambrosio calling her a tranny or manface..similar words have been used with Izabel Goulart, Magdalena Frackowiak was called a potato face,Miranda a chipmunk ....Rachel Hilbert worse....Candice, Behati....nobody is spared...


elfstone called BP ,pale and wasted on Taylor Marie Hill thread .....

^^Taylor and Frida :wub2: i hope they get to work together again. not sure about Erin's look but Barbara sure is a misfit among them.  unfair to blame the stylist, since she looks kinda pale and wasted, like every other day now.


The second comment posted  on the Frida Gustavsson thread was sent to me by another poster from Bellazon who will also remain anonymous...You know who you are...Thank You.... :flower:  :flower: ...."like a roadside junkie"




elfstone RIP Phil Hughes Posted 18 July 2014 - 02:11 AM........# 2057


frida looks exquisite for rosa cha :clap: taylor looks cute too.

why did they have to include barbara palvin among these stunning ladies :anger: :anger:   she looks kinda frail and like a roadside junkie. :x


How is that not model bashing...Plus ugh, I hate to even type this but these people who are complaining about me the most are the ones who will never add me to the ignore list ...I wish they would...Please.....Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese ....they will loudly call out to you to ban me but  then greedily gobble up all the Exclusive Vimeo and YouTube videos,latest BP info and links that I post...not only that but then these Barbellas ( you know exactly  who you are :gocho:  :gocho:  :gocho:  ) will post them to their Twitter/Tumblr  pages calling them exclusives ...check the timeline people...if they add me to the ignore list  me that means they cannot access the tasty stuff either...total hypocrites  :neo2:  :neo2:  :neo2:


But ...if you think it is the correct decision to ban me then ban me...that is okay and I will stand by that....I have explained to you why I joined this model forum...but like I stated earlier  laws and rights should apply equally to everyone..no exceptions.....

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The staff aren't omnipresent so we don't catch at lot of things that are said and most people don't report the issues to us in other threads. The only reason this thread is targeted more then others is simply because we get the most reports coming from here.


Each staff uses their own digression on what they feel are acceptable comments and what's bashing and I'm far more liberal about comments then other staff which is why I tend to let things slide (plus you guys are funny as hell). I mean if were someone call a a model a dumb bitch skank who looks like a fat cow., or a beached whale... now that's a little too much. Like I said I see both sides of the coin and I don't want you to be banned Appleauto as you do contribute info and links (PICS PLEASE), but there has to be a way we can solve this.


So I'm  breaking my own rule about continuing the conversation and I'm going to ask you guys to give Appleauto some suggestions on what she can do to make you guys happier. And if AA wants to reply that's up to her.

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The staff aren't omnipresent so we don't catch at lot of things that are said and most people don't report the issues to us in other threads. The only reason this thread is targeted more then others is simply because we get the most reports coming from here.


Each staff uses their own digression on what they feel are acceptable comments and what's bashing and I'm far more liberal about comments then other staff which is why I tend to let things slide (plus you guys are funny as hell). I mean if were someone call a a model a dumb bitch skank who looks like a fat cow., or a beached whale... now that's a little too much. Like I said I see both sides of the coin and I don't want you to be banned Appleauto as you do contribute info and links (PICS PLEASE), but there has to be a way we can solve this.


So I'm  breaking my own rule about continuing the conversation and I'm going to ask you guys to give Appleauto some suggestions on what she can do to make you guys happier. And if AA wants to reply that's up to her.

Thank you!  :flower:  :hug: What a wise decision! 


I think the 4 lines rule is a good idea.,,

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