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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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@katchitup Agree with everything you wrote about the flying back and forth topic ;) He could clearly handle it differently/smarter. Another opportunity could have been to stay all time in NY until that Riverkeeper event.and then fly to Cannes. It's not like he had to be in Cannes before amfar right? Just sayin' :Angel:


Nobody wants him to be perfect all the time. But when he's not willing to change something in his own behaviour how can he expect that from others?

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26 minutes ago, Jade Bahr said:

@katchitup Agree with everything you wrote about the flying back and forth topic ;) He could clearly handle it differently/smarter. Another opportunity could have been to stay all time in NY until that Riverkeeper event.and then fly to Cannes. It's not like he had to be in Cannes before amfar right? Just sayin' :Angel:


Nobody wants him to be perfect all the time. But when he's not willing to change something in his own behaviour how can he expect that from others?

+1 :clap::thumbsup: 

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Everyone has made good points he needs to reevaluate the unnecessary travel sometimes it is just to party.  He seems like a good man and he does so much good and some people will always complain but he does need to think about being a better example it can be difficult for us to give up things we love to do but sometimes you must if your fighting for a cause that is important to you, which I have no doubt is important to him. Hopefully he will learn from this .

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Tks for adorable older clip ,  reminded me of Leo's cute reaction when he was on a German talk show for CYMC  , he responded in German and the audience

applauded, and his little leg motion was so cute , happen around 3:53 mark :heart:









Tks for more Cannes/trip pix  & magazine cover :smile:


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oh that German video is really cute ! 


Thanks everyone for the news and pics !


In regard of the jet plane thing, I agree that it could have been handle differently, but I was surprise yesterday when i read the comment on Vanity Fair France article about that, people are defending him a lot on this. At least on this article. Like electric cars and stuff like this are not the only way to impact the environment but also changing people minds and that's what he does all the time. So I was kinda proud :p 

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7 hours ago, marinebing said:

oh that German video is really cute ! 


Thanks everyone for the news and pics !


In regard of the jet plane thing, I agree that it could have been handle differently, but I was surprise yesterday when i read the comment on Vanity Fair France article about that, people are defending him a lot on this. At least on this article. Like electric cars and stuff like this are not the only way to impact the environment but also changing people minds and that's what he does all the time. So I was kinda proud :p 

Changing people minds it's a hard thing to do, you need a powerful voice and it makes me proud too he is that voice. Do you have that Vanity Fair article link? I would love to give it a read:smile:

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I think this jet issue is getting ridiculous and I'm disappointed that so many environmentalists are giving him a hard time.  He doesn't have to do all that he does he is not getting rich off this and it's not just climate change he speaks of it's also the animals and ecosystems that he's involved with people are so judgmental. His speeches are targeted to get politicians and governments to deal with these issues because they are the ones with the power unfortunately we have people running for president that say climate change is a hoax and people that are endorsed by big oil past US presidents have been Texas oilman. It's the governments that have the power to change things and that is what Leonardo is saying so keep up the good work Leo

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If tweet below is legit ,  then Leo is back in New York





 Kayla @kayflyyy18 5h5 hours ago




Marinebing & Behoti


For sure Leo has brought attention /awareness to eco, wildlife, marine, and human issues that otherwise would not have received the worldwide

attention his fame /voice can bring to them  , resulting in , not just , Leo's foundation sizeable contributions, but contributions & increased involvement from others as a result :thumbsup:



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12 hours ago, marinebing said:

 read the comment on Vanity Fair France article about that, people are defending him a lot on this. At least on this article. Like electric cars and stuff like this are not the only way to impact the environment but also changing people minds and that's what he does all the time. So I was kinda proud :p 


Good to hear :smile: 


2 hours ago, Amber said:

He doesn't have to do all that he does he is not getting rich off this and it's not just climate change he speaks of it's also the animals and ecosystems that he's involved with people are so judgmental. His speeches are targeted to get politicians and governments to deal with these issues because they are the ones with the power unfortunately we have people running for president that say climate change is a hoax and people that are endorsed by big oil past US presidents have been Texas oilman. It's the governments that have the power to change things and that is what Leonardo is saying so keep up the good work Leo


So true Amber and Behoti :D No matter what they'll always find something to attack about, it's inevitable.  They don't give his great environmental/humanitarian  efforts over the decades, nearly as much attention as things like this. But that's how they work, so whatever. I'm not reading any of the articles. :p I've moved on, I'm just looking forward to the next good Leo related thing to happen  :D 



Thanks Oxford for the new sighting. 

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