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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Hello my sweeties!! :flower:

Every time I come here I find some incredible thing! Like you, I'am also glad to know Leo will take legal action against that tabloid and I think he could this more often...he would turn into a billionaire with sooo many cases. :cain:

Tks for the tweets,articles,vids and pics girls!! :grouphug:

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Some more great words about Leo from another person who was part of Wolf filming yesterday

Rhona Fox@RhonaFox

Spending the day being directed by Martin Scorsese and in a scene with Leonardo DiCaprio. Terrific learning exp from masters. Unreal.


@JerryFiyah It was AMAZING! To see people at their level be SO gracious and nice and fun and brilliant! Never encountered that before

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Thanks ox for the tweets :flower:

Cute read here:

In praise of - Leonardo DiCaprio.

Re-watching the film, I could see why he tickled my fancy back in the day. In the scene where Romeo appears for the first time, he is filmed at sunset looking dark and brooding. I remembered that it was at that very moment that I first fell for him and my obsession with tragic romance was born.

Compared to him, no other boy could measure up. Even though his side-parted "curtains" hairdo became the look du jour among the boys at my high school, none of them carried it off with aplomb like DiCaprio. None even came close, frankly.

My crush strengthened a few years later when a trip to the cinema to watch DiCaprio play Jack Dawson in Titanic turned into an absolute sob-fest. The role turned DiCaprio into a bona fide A-list heart-throb.

And then DiCaprio did something surprising and turned his back on me and his hordes of teenage fans and opted for arty films and character roles. His choices included critically acclaimed films such as The Departed, Revolutionary Road and Inception.

DiCaprio lost his boyish good looks somewhere along the way but gained something even better: talent and industry respect. Now he has taken on another big tragic romance role by playing the part of Jay Gatsby in the new film version of The Great Gatsby, which will be released in May. Maybe, just maybe, in this film he will succeed in capturing my heart once again.


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The tweeter below asked one of the actors who worked with Leo how it was to work with him

Katherine Mannie@katherinemannie

@RolandMaxx Did u really wrk wit LEONARDO, OMG!! What do u do?

Roland Max @RolandMaxx

@katherinemannie Yes, it was a small group interaction with him. He made the whole thing fun.


I've been looking at twitter accts of those who tweeted about working on Wolf set Friday, and so far none have mentioned

any future days of work, though with it being President's Day on Monday there would be no filming done

I guess if our next Twitter sighting of Leo is in another state we'll know it was only a one day reshoot :p

Wonder how long this reshoot will last :cain:
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