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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I'm shocked that this dude actually asked some interesting questions. VERY GOOD. Since the majority of the time it seems like Leo is just answering the same question in every single interview. I STILL NEED SOMEONE TO ASK HIM WHAT HIS FAVORITE TV SHOW IS - BESIDES STUPID REALITY CRAP. lmfao.

Thanks for all the stuff that's been posted, everyone! :)

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oxford: thanks for the Nicole's interview, she sure loved to kiss Leo since it's the second time she's talking about it. Now I hope this scene will really be on the movie, she made me curious, no wait, I think she made Calvin Candie curious... :p Also thanks for Critic Choice nominations date.

princess: thanks for the interview and for Film critic awards info.

pami: thanks for the pics, I loved that one from Django press, adorable. :heart:

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One of the guy's who saw an advance screening wrote a review , and , gosh, girls, it may be that our Calvin Candie has his own version of 'brotherly love' according to this guy :p

The movie is all but stolen, though, by the supporting duo of Leonardo DiCaprio and Sameul L. Jackson, who does his best work in years. DiCaprio is often cited as being the most serious actor in Hollywood, always delving into psychologically disturbed, brooding, or depressed characters, so it's a delight to see him take on such a fun, villainous role. He's clearly having a blast, and he crafts a villain who deserves a spot alongside Waltz's Hans Landa. DiCaprio gives a larger than life performance that never once feels like a caricature; he colors the flamboyant propriety with sinister nuance, always flicking his cigarette or showing off his blackened smile at just the right moment.

As the head house slave (and in make-up that, to my eyes, makes him nigh unrecognizable), Jackson gets one of the film's funniest roles. His Stephen takes advantage of his advanced age to spout off whatever comes to his not-so-addled mind, and the character takes a nice turn from being pure comedic relief to being a considerable villain himself. There's something disturbing in Stephen, and in his relationship with Candie (not to mention the vaguely incestuous dynamic between Candie and his sister) ; the scenes DiCaprio and Jackson share are great, full of familial warmth and dangerous loyalty.

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One of the guy's who saw an advance screening wrote a review , and , gosh, girls, it may be that our Calvin Candie has his own version of 'brotherly love' according to this guy :p

(not to mention the vaguely incestuous dynamic between Candie and his sister)

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I approve of incest. ;) :PinkCouture2: in certain fictional accounts that is. lol. but for real. eta: not for real real. since real incest is not a good look. but fictional incest, in certain instances, i approve of. lmfao.

Who is playing his sister?

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I approve of incest. ;) :PinkCouture2: in certain fictional accounts that is. lol. but for real. eta: not for real real. since real incest is not a good look. but fictional incest, in certain instances, i approve of. lmfao.

Who is playing his sister?

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Is this real? Or they are just kidding or something like that?

"A representative for the Weinstein Company has just confirmed that Christoph Waltz’s role in Django Unchained will be campaigned as a Supporting role for the rest of the awards season. Waltz, who plays Dr. King Schultz ,will now compete against co-stars Leonardo DiCaprio, who just won the National Board of Review’s award for Supporting Actor and Academy Award nominee, Samuel L. Jackson. Waltz was named one of the runner-ups in the recent New York Film Critics Circle. just earlier this week.

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I had posted that new yesterday that Weinstein had move Waltz back to supporting acting category and would now be competing for SA against Leo and Sam

As to Calvin and his sister

As we read recently , several people , who had read the script before seeing the movie , said there were new scenes not in in the script.

And as a person who read the script, I can tell you that Calvin's sister was 'barely there'. She just came off as a nice , older sister who was not really part of Calvin's wilder antics, so like Calvin, this guy's remarks has my curiosity :p

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from wows extra

Leo seems like a pretty nice guy. Keep in mind that, as an extra, we’re instructed not to talk to the principal actors. Of course, some extras take that rule more seriously than others. Since I’m the former A/B student who almost never saw the inside of the principal’s office, I tend to be on the less rebellious side. However, I have said “hello” to certain actors and had short conversations with a few of them (which I will discuss in another entry).

What can I dish out about Leo? Well… he’s tall. Many actors are a lot shorter than they look on screen, but Leo’s at least 6 feet. Plus, he seems pretty goofy and enjoys his electronic cigarettes. Apparently, he just quit smoking recently, because he would literally puff on his electronic cigarette like a fiend in between takes. He definitely seems like a typical movie star, minus the snotty attitude. He just has that look and demeanor to him. Once he walks (or struts) onto set, you know that he knows that he owns the room. Not in an annoying, obnoxious way. He’s just extremely confident, or at least that’s what he exudes.

I walk onto set and see this cute little baby chimp sitting on a chair, wearing a shirt. We were all instructed to keep as quiet as possible. Of course, I was struggling not to laugh my ass off as I watched the animals wranglers slipping roller skates onto the chimp’s feet. Since the chimp couldn’t be on set long, for obvious reasons, we knocked out the scene in about 30 minutes. The chimp was really cute. At one point, Leo was carrying him around like a little baby.

full story


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