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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Looks like last night that Jonah Hill dined with the Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort and friends


Last night Jordan Belfort, Barry Gesser, Jonah Hill, Jill and Jon Schuster and I all had dinner at Nobu. Jordan has a movie being made about him called the World of Wall Street where he is being played by Leonardo DiCaprio. Barry, Jordan and Johan were in deep discussion about back in the day when they were younger so Jonah could get a sense of the character—since Jonah is playing Jordan’s partner. Martin Scorsese is directing the movie—which they have yet to start filming, but it’s sure to become a blockbuster. Nobu 57 was happening Monday night—Serena Williams was also there holding court, and another table was filled with the of the Caryes and the Berts families, as well as Jane and Richie Notar, who are about to have a baby.

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Thanks Princess for the tweetpic and Ox for the pic of jonah! Sooo cool! IDK if they're filming yet, sounds like now they're doing some preproduction stuff, but sounds to be only a few more days until filming takes off! I wish we got a shot of leo though, so we can see that facial hair!

Wonder if leo could possibly be heading to LA this week? IF wolf is filming then not, but if it doesn't have to film until this coming weekend. Erin stated on her twitter that she might go :idk:

Erin HeathertonVerified@ErinHeatherton3h

@ericbuterbaugh I'm in NY! Are you in la think Im coming this week

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Another tweeter, I don't know who she thought was Leo, as everyone who has every met Leo remarks how tall he is


Leonardo Dicaprio and Jonah Hill were randomly on the trading floor today! Unfortunately, I wasn't excited at all #workfocus


Also, unfortunately, they're both midgets :(

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^I know! Leo had to have his back to us to continue to keep everyone guessing :p And yup I saw eric is friends with the whole tobey/kevin/jennifer, nikki group :) Thanks Ox for more tweets!!

Once's Cristin Milioti on Her 'Incredible' New Movie Sleepwalk with Me and Prepping to Play Leonardo DiCaprio's Ex

Milioti will return to the big screen soon as she recently landed a role in Martin Scorsese’s next film The Wolf of Wall Street. Based on a true story, the film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort, a Wall Street tycoon known for living an extravagant lifestyle until he lands in jail for illegal stock market practices. “I’m very excited,” she said of the project, which begins filming this week. “I’m beside myself excited!”

Milioti remained mum on details of her involvement with the film, but noted, “I play [belfort’s] first wife and that’s pretty much all I can say. There is some tension there, but it’s really good." Scorsese and DiCaprio have collaborated on four previous films together including The Departed and The Aviator. So is Milioti nervous to work with the prolific duo? “They are so lovely,” she said. “I’ve met them and they’re so sweet. They’ve done this a couple times, so I feel like I’m in good hands.”


Ox I sent ya a PM :)

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Also, I wanted to mention in regard to Leo/L.A. , that I wouldn't be surprised to see Leo try to attend the funeral/memorial services for Tony Scott. At present no set date for them has been announced

Possiblity,Tony's brother was Ridley Scott, I could imagine wanting to show support. Also Tony was a great director so.. :) That could also be why erin said that she might be going, because the funeral date is still up in the air.

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Tks for another London tweet :)


In the book Jordan does move a lot of money overseas to hide it from authorities . That is how Nadine's English aunt ( which we've heard might be JulieAndrews ) becomes involved in the story .

Yes, Leo looks fantastic :drool:

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