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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Speaking for myself I think my only mistake was put the comments here because clearly as the moderators says: Comments and discussions related to Leo's career, love life, and unverified gossip should be posted here: Leonardo DiCaprio (GENERAL DISCUSSION)

Now I understand the part of unverified gossip, that was yesterday's comments.

But what about the other two points that some seem to forget. Love life and Leo's career????? These are posted here without hesitation and others members don't say anything. :hehe:

With the respect that I have to the other members (because I DO) why not follow these rules too?

That of “we made the thread” sounds a little selfish because the thread is public and doesn't seem right (at least to me) throw anyone from here. Not to mention that send some members to the other like as good thread and bad thread situation, honestly sounds a little immature.

I hope not to bother anyone with this comment just wanted to give my opinion! Flower%20for%20you.gif

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I think It's not necessary to talk after Kat,I agree with you about that.

Sorry if for some person I can't open my eyes about Leo,but I just can see the best of him,that's all.

Thank's for the info about Gatsby and Leo and Erin,always great and enjoying read beautiful things like this.

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but everybody come here to talk about Leo's love life, even post picture with Erin and everybody comments on it, and we make fun of it, but you can't expect that everybody agree with you in a forum, is a place to discuss if you want to read just positive things you probably most put in the description "you can only post positive thing about Leo because he is perfect" so if this forum if just for Leo carrier, why you don't use the other one to talk about Erin or Bar or Leo in a party? because the most of you don't use it and prefer this one to talk about The perfect Leo and his perfect girlfriend, you can use the other one because as I understood that one was created for that, don't get me wrong but if you go there a few ones post on there and here still the same private Leo conversations, so what's the point?

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^I guess you didn't read what I said. I said there is too much excessive leo bashing. Like I said, leos not perfect. I never said he was. Hes not innocent, I never said he was. All I am saying there is excessive (key word excessive) bashing of him, and it really sucks to go onto a thread and see nothing but hate, "leos a cheater" "Hes probably getting drunk again" ect.

All I am asking is that the excessive talk about his cheating, his drinking ect. to go in the other thread. Thats all. And I don't want anyone to think this is a personal bash, because its not. I among a majority of others on this board are fed up. Because while I know it is a public forum, I think there needs to be at least a little respect for how nice this thread was, and respect the people that made this thread what it is. And now those people are gone, because of others constantly making rude or snide comments about leo. Which is not fair to them, and they, including me, shouldn't feel the need to just log off or constantly ignore the hate comments. Because they honestly sicken me. :x

I am also not saying people can't state there opinion. I am just saying there has been Excessive bashing of leo, and its really not nice :cry:

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Leonardo DiCaprio Is No Longer a Bachelor!

After a seven-month courtship, Leonardo DiCaprio isn't letting Victoria's Secret model Erin Heatherton get away. In fact, she is staying at the actor's luxury high-rise condo overlooking the Hudson River in NYC.

"Erin has been with Leo nonstop at the apartment," says an eyewiteness. "He's even got a bike for her since he likes biking around the city so much."

Erin is thrilled about her new life with Leo. At the Victoria's Secret supermodel Cycle Ride to Benefit Cancer Research she said: "I live on the West Side Highway now, and I love it!"

After dating a bevy of beauties, including Blake Lively and Bar Refaeli, Leo may have found the one in Erin.

Source: LIFE & STYLE

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Listen girls...

I think no one is bashing Leo here,really,how long have we been here in this thread? :) All I see are jokes and nothing else. Even when you love a person very much like in my case,you also see both sides,either positive or negative. Of course,we cant bash him like anything but you can distinguish when someone speaks in a serious way or when this same person is just kidding.

Now leaving aside the jokes,most girls here are very nice, polite and courteous and I really enjoy the time I spend here. I know I said a few things about it in the other thread and I wont change a line of what I said,but please let us join hands and sing...

"We are the world,we are the children..."

Peace girls,I love you all.Flower%20for%20you.gif

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Leonardo DiCaprio Is No Longer a Bachelor!

After a seven-month courtship, Leonardo DiCaprio isn't letting Victoria's Secret model Erin Heatherton get away. In fact, she is staying at the actor's luxury high-rise condo overlooking the Hudson River in NYC.

"Erin has been with Leo nonstop at the apartment," says an eyewiteness. "He's even got a bike for her since he likes biking around the city so much."

Erin is thrilled about her new life with Leo. At the Victoria's Secret supermodel Cycle Ride to Benefit Cancer Research she said: "I live on the West Side Highway now, and I love it!"

After dating a bevy of beauties, including Blake Lively and Bar Refaeli, Leo may have found the one in Erin.

Source: LIFE & STYLE

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Listen girls...

I think no one is bashing Leo here,really,how long have we been here in this thread? :) All I see are jokes and nothing else. Even when you love a person very much like in my case,you also see both sides,either positive or negative. Of course,we cant bash him like anything but you can distinguish when someone speaks in a serious way or when this same person is just kidding.

Now leaving aside the jokes,most girls here are very nice, polite and courteous and I really enjoy the time I spend here. I know I said a few things about it in the other thread and I wont change a line of what I said,but please let us join hands and sing...

"We are the world,we are the children..."

Peace girls,I love you all.Flower%20for%20you.gif

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I think the case is that, no, not everyone thinks that some things are "just jokes". Of course, people have the right to constantly make fun of Leo or ridicule on Leo if that's their wish. Just might want to consider that when someone refers to him, for example, (as someone did) as an "asshole", it might be hard for some people to think it is said in humor or in a loving way. Not everyone has a thick skin as you might and can be hurt by things said about him. Just a thought. Does your right to say whatever trump the fact that you are really making some people really upset?

It's inevitable on any Leo board - the arguments between those who accuse others of thinking Leo is a PERFECT GOD and those who accuse others of thinking Leo is a LOSER, JERK, DOUCHE, CHEATER, ASSHOLE ETC ETC. It woulda been nice if things were different here. I know it can be different because I have been on other actors' fan boards; Leo fans must be a different breed,LOL.

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I think the case is that, no, not everyone thinks that some things are "just jokes". Of course, people have the right to constantly make fun of Leo or ridicule on Leo if that's their wish. Just might want to consider that when someone refers to him, for example, (as someone did) as an "asshole", it might be hard for some people to think it is said in humor or in a loving way. Not everyone has a thick skin as you might and can be hurt by things said about him. Just a thought. Does your right to say whatever trump the fact that you are really making some people really upset?

It's inevitable on any Leo board - the arguments between those who accuse others of thinking Leo is a PERFECT GOD and those who accuse others of thinking Leo is a LOSER, JERK, DOUCHE, CHEATER, ASSHOLE ETC ETC. It woulda been nice if things were different here. I know it can be different because I have been on other actors' fan boards; Leo fans must be a different breed,LOL.

Quoted for truth.

thats what I am trying to say the whole time. While some may say "or were just joking, so its not that big of a deal" it actually makes many feel very bad, and hurts many peopls feelings constantly seeing that, and it is considered bashing in some others eyes. Including my own, and I am telling you honestly it hurts. :cry:

And believe it or not posey, things used to be different here. :cry: Thats why many have left, and thats why it makes some current members upset (once again, I'm not trying to bash on anybody)

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yes,, katchitup, I have been lurking a while before I started posting not too long ago and I think it has been recently that things are different. I tried, as someone justed, to take a break from reading the board which I did, but when i did return, it was actually quite worse.

It also really bothers me that instead of listening or hearing what is being said, some people respond with the same mantra of "Leo is not perfect" "censorship" "chill out". "it's just a joke", "we only make fun of those we love".

But day in day out, on every little thing, nitpicking everything he does, that wears thin after a while, and I'm sure a number of people have tuned out and left.

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Hello, I'm new here but have been checking in on the thread for about a month. I have a new found love of leo and I just wanted to say thanks for all the great news, articles, and pics I see here.

Also, did i miss something, Leo had a party at his house with girls right? How did that cause an arguement here? Lots of people have parties with both men and woman. Not sure why that fact makes you feel one way or another about him. I think it would be odder if he had an after hour party with all men...

Anyways, please continue with all the great info. It gives me something to look at before I do to sleep :)

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This is from an interview that Jamie Foxx did:

Who's responsibility do you think it is on this movie to make it okay for you to play this context so authentically and at the same time, as Walton [Goggins] said, start a scene with an apology and end it with one?

Foxx: Here it is, once we went into this we were family. We were a village. There was a situation where Leonardo [DiCaprio] was like, I mean, Jesus, his best friend is Q-Tip and he's a hip-hop guy. So, all of his friends are mostly black. I said, 'Listen, it has to be another Wednesday. I have to be cattle. I have to be your foe. This has to be nothing for you. You don't have to get your blood boiling to say these words, if this guy is a real guy.' When you see Leonardo come in and not speak to anybody and go right into it, and watch him and Quentin Tarantino build this eloquent evil character, that's the difference. Between him and Samuel Jackson, they were like the real bad guys. So, with that being said, we knew what it was about and we actually wanted to hear those words because hearing those words, and you hear them enough, now they become secondhand because at the time that's the way that they talked

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