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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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^LOL and perhaps leo has cheated. He probably has sometime. but seriously everyone says others take things way too seriously, but the same goes for others. Others are SO READY to believe anything that involves leo looking like a douche. I'm not saying that I don't believe hes done some bad things, I"M NOT BLIND. but it works both ways and were not the only ones of quick thinking and taking things too seriously

I guess I will adress it now. But many members have left because they now feel uncomfortable posting here because of the negatvity. MEEE, Barbie, and fash, others, and sick were among those to bring up this thread, and now it has turned into a bash-on-leo thread. THIS THREAD WAS PERFECT, because it didn't have the constant nag, bitch moan, that all other leo threads like to have everywhere else about his personal life. Now others have to come in, and make other members leave, and make it incresingly uncomfortable.

SO PLEASE, if you want to talk about how big of a douche leo is, how much he cheats, how hes a huge jerk, please go do it in the other thread. BEcause it is getting sickeneing for the people who started this place, who loved it the most. Keep this thread positive, and keep the nasty crap in the other thread. I'm not saying that there can be no leo bashing whatsoever, and that all must love and cherish leo, and that everything he does is perfect, and nothing but unicorns and rainbows but please this thread is becoming JJ. Thank you.

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^LOL and perhaps leo has cheated. He probably has sometime. but seriously everyone says others take things way too seriously, but the same goes for others. Others are SO READY to believe anything that involves leo looking like a douche. I'm not saying that I don't believe hes done some bad things, I"M NOT BLIND. but it works both ways and were not the only ones of quick thinking and taking things too seriously

I guess I will adress it now. But many members have left because they now feel uncomfortable posting here because of the negatvity. MEEE, Barbie, and fash, others, and sick were among those to bring up this thread, and now it has turned into a bash-on-leo thread. THIS THREAD WAS PERFECT, because it didn't have the constant nag, bitch moan, that all other leo threads like to have everywhere else about his personal life. Now others have to come in, and make other members leave, and make it incresingly uncomfortable.

SO PLEASE, if you want to talk about how big of a douche leo is, how much he cheats, how hes a huge jerk, please go do it in the other thread. BEcause it is getting sickeneing for the people who started this place, who loved it the most. Keep this thread positive, and keep the nasty crap in the other thread. I'm not saying that there can be no leo bashing whatsoever, and that all must love and cherish leo, but please this thread is becoming JJ. Thank you.

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Thanks for pix of Leo :)

The site below mentioned yesterday that Leo and the guys had been at David Arquette's club Bootsy Bellows on Tues Jan 17th which is the same night the girls' tweets mention meeting him, and then apparently a group of people went later back to Leo's house.

Bootsy Bellows is the latest place to be in LA! Just this past week, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kevin Connolly, Kellan Lutz, Lindsay Lohan, Lukas Haas, and Jenny McCarthy were some of the celebs partying down to the sounds of DJ Politik at BB.

Of course, Leo, Lukas, and Kevin were all hanging out together, while David Arquettewas banging to the beat of his own drum. He chose to entertain the crowd by not only performing with a marionette, but also dancing alongside a life-size champagne bottle. Rock on, David!


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I guess I will adress it now. But many members have left because they now feel uncomfortable posting here because of the negatvity.

... nothing but unicorns and rainbows but please this thread is becoming JJ.

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Baz Luhrmann proud of dedicated Gatsby cast

Baz Luhrmann says his The Great Gatsby cast “have gone above and beyond the call of duty”.

This year’s big budget adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel is currently in post-production and will be released worldwide from later this year. The film’s visionary director admitted it was a difficult shoot.

“I can’t say it’s always been easy,” Luhrmann told Empire magazine. “But I can say that the cast have gone above and beyond the call of duty.”

The trailer, which was released on the internet back in May, divided opinion among film writers and fans alike. Many noted the over indulgence and use of unrelated music, but Luhrmann has defended his soundtrack.

“Fitzgerald used contemporary music in his book so we’re just using that device too,” he explained. “Fitzgerald described the time brilliantly as ‘an orgy of money and booze’. That’s what I’m trying to convey.”

The film features an ensemble cast, including Leonardo DiCaprio in the title role, Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway and British actress Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan. The film will take its story from the 1925 novel but has a distinctive visual style synonymous of Luhrmann’s work, whose previous works include Moulin Rouge! and Romeo + Juliet.

“We’re using a lot Fitzgerald’s actual material, but we’re also interpreting the spirit of the book. That’s our mission,” the director revealed.

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I don't know why people are getting so upset. This forum is 8.5 times out of 10 a very, very positive place in regards to Leo. And I like that. But you can't tell people that they can't have negative feelings or laugh about Leo or crack jokes about aspects of his personality just because you helped create a thread or what have you. I mean, I completely get your point but...come on. Leo is a person - he is multi layered and possible of both negative and positive actions, and as fans at a forum, we're going to discuss each side of the spectrum. People will have their laughs and post a few jokes for a page or two and then it'll get back to people being insanely excited about Django and Gatsby and wanting magazine shoots and wanting photos of Leo travelling or whatever. I think people just need to calm down and just chill...if Leo is talked about in a overtly negative way and that upsets you, just close the thread for a bit. If Leo is talked about in a overtly positive way and that upsets you, just close the thread for a while. It's really not that serious. :/ I don't see people attacking actual users. They might be laughing at Leo or laughing at rumors but that's not the same as attacking users. If people are? Then that's shitty. But it's not attacking a user just to lol at Leo. And I know this might sound harsh...but like...yes, we're all fans of Leo's but being a fan doesn't mean that you have to be completely in awe of everything he says or does. And I don't think it's cool to police the way people choose to be a fan of a person.

But love to all :) And Mr. DiCaprio ;) lol

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^I'm not attacking anyone. I am saying there is a constant negative undertone with everything that has to do with leo nowadays. I'm just sad because people I LOVE, people who I enjoyed, people who started this thread, and constributed so much stoped posting here, JUST BECAUSE OF THAT.

Like I said, no need to rainbows, and everyone is happy, and leo is perfect. No. I and many others feel this thread is turning into a JJ. This was a place where FINALLY no constant rag or bitch. Now its turned into a thread I, and many others am not wanting to be in anymore. Which sucks because THE ONES THAT DON'T WANT TO POST ANYMORE, ARE THE ONES WHO MADE THIS THREAD WHAT IT IS.

And it really makes me sad, it really does :cry:

so I am asking as a favor, to make this forum a better place, please, PLEASE if there needs to be excessive about weather leo is a cheater, drinker, douche or whatever, please , PLEASE take it to the other thread, and leave this one be :cry:

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^I'm not attacking anyone. I am saying there is a constant negative undertone with everything that has to do with leo nowadays. I'm just sad because people I LOVE, people who I enjoyed, people who started this thread, and constributed so much stoped posting here, JUST BECAUSE OF THAT.

Like I said, no need to rainbows, and everyone is happy, and leo is perfect. No. I and many others feel this thread is turning into a JJ. This was a place where FINALLY no constant rag or bitch. Now its turned into a thread I, and many others am not wanting to be in anymore. Which sucks because THE ONES THAT DON'T WANT TO POST ANYMORE, ARE THE ONES WHO MADE THIS THREAD WHAT IT IS.

And it really makes me sad, it really does :cry:

so I am asking as a favor, to make this forum a better place, please, PLEASE if there needs to be excessive about weather leo is a cheater, drinker, douche or whatever, please , PLEASE take it to the other thread, and leave this one be :cry:

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Thank you katchitup. You were brave for speaking up.

If a third of the tone of some of the things that have been posted here have been posted on some other celebrity's board, they would have been called trolls or haters. I guess those other celebs, models, actors, must be perfect and have no gossip or true or not tweets ever written or tweeted about them, only Leo. I mean, really - Leo can only have guys invited to a party at his house when he is in a relationship??

People get to say or post anything they want on the basis of "Leo isn't perfect" or it's freedom of speech and we are just being honest and giving an opinion but when people try to give an opposite view (e.g., "positive" or giving him the benefit of the doubt), they are labeled Leo worshipers or Leo apoligizers. Where is the balance? None of us thinks Leo is perfect, who the hell would even want that? But some comments made recently especially, I thought I had come to a Leo haters board by mistake.

Lastly, I believe the other board was created by the moderators for gossip, discussions about his morality (LOL) so I wish people would respect that and keep this board strictly for legitimate news and sightings and leave the "because we love Leo, we can bash him" posts to the other board.

It's not a matter of hurting Leo - I really doubt it would bother him or he even cared(even the discussions regarding STDS,lol) - it's about respecting people who are fans who come to this board to read and share photos and news about him, safe from the bashings and hate and ridicule that accompany news/photos on other sites.

I know I and others will be accused of trying to censor but it's really not about that. People can express all they want on the other board and people like me can just stay away from that one.

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^Because I have had friends leave here because of negative comments like yours.

Thank you for your support Posey, Shine, and Nanda :hug: I really appreciate it.

So please, lets just use the other thread for what posey stated, and keep this one cleaner

"gossip, discussions about his morality (LOL) so I wish people would respect that and keep this board strictly for legitimate news and sightings and leave the "because we love Leo, we can bash him" posts to the other board."

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OK people, chill. here is something to talk about...

LEONARDO DiCaprio might be having a baby!

According to a new report, the actor and his girlfriend, Erin Heatherton, 23, have expressed their desire to have kids.

Erin told In Touch Weekly magazine that having children “makes more sense than what I do now.

“My mom was a preschool teacher, so I’ve been around kids. I’ve always loved them.”

Leo recently admitted he’s yet to find true love.

“My first love? Boy I don’t even remember,” he said. “I suppose if I’d found my true love I would be married right now wouldn’t I?

“Pretentious women really turn me off. Vindictive women too. So do opportunistic women. I think what turns me on about a girl is what most men find attractive — which is something genuine about them. Being a good person.”

Leo has previously revealed he wants to date a woman like his mother.

“My mother is the center of my life. To have a woman like that in your life, who is strong, who’ll be honest with you about who you are… that’s something I treasure. And it’s something I look for in a woman,” he said.


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Kat, Nanda, Shine, Posey

Below is what moderator Pink Couture posted on June 23rd

Unless, Pink or another moderator appears to state the guidelines for what is to be posted on this board has changed , I think the statement is very clear

snapback.pngPinkCouture, on 23 June 2012 - 11:11 PM, said:

In order to improve the flow of this thread and easier content searches, comments and discussions related to Leo's career, love life, and unverified gossip should be posted here: Leonardo DiCaprio (GENERAL DISCUSSION)

The thread located in the General Guy Discussion section. Please post accordingly. Thank you! Flower%20for%20you.gif

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