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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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A big fan, Leonardo DiCaprio posed for a picture with "The Young Lions of Gypsy Jazz", clarinetist Anat Cohen and the event's producer Pat Philips, after attending the Birdland Django Reinhardt Festival, produced by Pat Philips & Ettore Stratta, this week.

Where did you find this pic and info? Is this recent, like within the past week?

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What I love most about that interview with Charlie Rose is this expression


Just a naughty boy :hehe:

Also from the GG 2009 I have this vid

I just found this tweet.

India @India_Pamela

I crossed paths with YG in Hollywood, and now just ran into Leonardo DiCaprio at LAX

2:10 am - 26 jun 12 vía Twitter for iPhone · Detalles

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Thanks for Empire scans :)

Love your new Erin avi & siggi .


Thanks for the vids :)

I love the bits in that interview where Leo says " I have no idea and just cracks Kate up ."

Also, looking at that interview now , it is a different experience from when I first watched it when it first aired.

As the movie was about a marriage in trouble, and now we the know that at the time it was being filmed Kate & Sam's marriage was in trouble.

The fictional story on the screen was being played out in real life by the lead actress /director.

Maybe it is just me but when I look at certain looks on her face and Leo' face when talking about different aspects of Frank & April's story it seems to hint at something I didn't think of before.


Love his expression there as well :)

Thanks for LAX Twitter sighting, why, I had better head to the airport to greet him upon his arrival ! :p

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This Movie Poster May Be Worth $1 Million


This poster for Fritz Lang's 1927 silent film Metropolis set a record for the most expensive movie poster in the world when its owner paid $690,00 for it in 2005, but it's been repossessed, and some experts think that in the upcoming auction, it might fetch over $1 million. There are only four known surviving copies of the poster, reports The Hollywood Reporter's Andy Lewis, and the other three are in the hands of the Museum of Modern Art, the Austrian National Library, and a private collector rumored to be none other than Leonardo DiCaprio.This print of the poster comes up for auction (the date hasn't been set) because the owner, collector Kenneth Schacter, put it up for sale for $850,000 on movieposterexchange.com while in the midst of a Chapter 11 reorganization bankruptcy, but when authorities figured this out, they forced him into a Chapter 7 liquidation bankruptcy, so here we are.

German painter Heinz Schulz-Neudamm made the poster

, which is about the dystopian year 2026. (Get ready.) A poster expert named Sean Linkenback gave an interesting interview to comic industry blog Bleeding Cool back when the poster showed up for sale on the Web, explaining the tiny world of movie poster collectors in which he notes why posters like this are so rare: "I think it really stems from the fact that posters were just never available to the public, you couldn’t walk into a theater and buy one to take home — where could people get one if they wanted one?" So perhaps as an alternative retirement plan, we should buy up some of 2011's best movie posters, in the hopes that in 85 years, just one of them pans out. Our money is on Scream 4. (It's safe to assume we will never retire.)

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Leo is a great collector! And he seems to be a fan of period films. :hehe: Tks Oxford!Flower%20for%20you.gif

Tks for the vids Princess and Barbie!

Btw...who's this guy in your avi Barbie? Is James Franco? :hehe:

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Ah , the world of conflicting tweets , the girl below claims she just saw Leo in Malibu, whereas according to the tweet that ByPrincess posted, plus another one that was similar to that girl's tweet, Leo was seen at LAX early this morning

Alineh Davidian@Alieeboooo

Just saw Leonardo dicaprio ommmggggggg dying

Tweet from another person mentioning their sister saw Leo at airport this morning

Sister just told me she heard the security at LAX talking about how she just missed Leonardo DiCaprio ... I wouldve been so mad
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I thought of that as well, but you don't go through security when you fly in, only when you depart, And the 2nd tweet mentions that her sister said the security guy mentioned she had just missed Leo coming through security.

So , the Malibu sighting could be mistaken identity. As I noticed the girl didn't say anything more about seeing him, as in where she saw him,etc. She just went on to another topic.

Unless Leo was taking a short hop to San Francisco and then came back same day.

I guess , as in the past, we'll just have to see if we see Twitter sightings/pix show up elsewhere :p

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