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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I just love Leo, I don't care to much about his relationships in the past, or present, I just hope his best and no matter who is his girlfriend, of course I like Gisele but not because of Leo, she is a great woman, independent and charismatic, I cant like a girl just because is Leo Girl; he Knows best why he prefer them, and even worst I can't hate them just because of Leo ( like in JJ).

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Seems to be a trend in the Leo thread that everyone must always be a fan of any girl that Leo dates :rofl:

not sure why? because we like Leo for his talents, not for the blonde models that he runs through. At least that's how it is for me. But I've seen people get attacked for saying something negative about a model that Leo may be dating at the time, and that is ridiculous. I'm a fan of Gisele and I like Bar, Blake and Erin I was never crazy about, and I don't see a thing wrong in expressing that.

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^I am just cool withever he thinks is cool :cool: But some I like more than others (gisele, erin ;) )

Just hate those people who hate, EVERYBODY he goes out with just because he is going out with them :/ Those are the people I dislike :angry:

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Some news on a possible NADINE,

Apparently, an Israeli website has talked about an Israeli actress playing Nadine.


Translated from Hebrew to English in Google :

Efrat actress for the role of wife generation of Leonardo DiCaprio's new movie by Martin Scorsese. Cross fingers, and tell him hi from bar


Posted: 05/16/12, 13:37

Fingers crossed actress Efrat Dor ("Asfur", "one zero zero") is in advanced stages a new movie role, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese will direct it.

The film, "The Wolf of Wall Street" is based on the autobiographical story of Jordan Belfort, a broker can not Wall Street dealing in securities trading, IPOs and other businesses as money laundering, fraud and tax evasion, and adapted a lifestyle that included addictions to drugs, sex and parties. Belfort served 20 months in jail after refusing to cooperate with FBI agents in their investigation for corruption on Wall Street.

To job generation is tested by Nadine Belfort, Jordan's wife, which will play DiCaprio. Also recently cast as a film actor Jonah Hill, who was nominated for an Oscar for his film "Manivol". Photographic film, a great interest for further cooperation between DiCaprio Scorsese (who worked together in films like "Shutter Island" and "hstolim "), are expected to begin in August.

ADD agency representing the generation, refused to comment.

I'm not sure how credible this is, but apparently the website is a huge source in Israel. Apparently she's known Leo for some time and is a really good friend of Bar's (?)

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I like Erin a lot. I follow her on twitter and she seems like a cool person with great taste in music lol. I don't understand WHY she gets so much hate on certain sites. It's so lame how every single one of his gfs gets hate.

thanks for the Wolf news! I LOVED Jean in The Artist so I'm excited by this news. I know some people on the internet are tired of leo/marty collabs but I love them so whatever lol

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I am sorry but this efrat actress, does not seem that attractive! (though I just googled her :p in some pics a little pretty ) We'll have to see. If its just coming from isreali sites, it might just be their promotion of the actress!

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^I am just cool withever he thinks is cool :cool: But some I like more than others (gisele, erin ;) )

Just hate those people who hate, EVERYBODY he goes out with just because he is going out with them :/ Those are the people I dislike :angry:

in my opinion, why does it matter if someone hates everyone he goes out with? As much as I like Leo, I honestly laugh at the girls that do end up dating him. Because I really do feel that Leo is a serial model dater, not criticizing him for it... I just think women should know what to expect, and I do not take his flings or hook ups seriously. He lasted long with both Gisele and Bar, wonderful. Blake? Erin? Lol. Personally, I just don't care. I actually wouldn't want the girls I adore (Lima, Palvin, Ana BB, etc) to date him (unless they were just looking for some fun) but the other way around? As far as who Leo dates, I could not care less!

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oooh efrat is stunning! she'd be a great nadine!

Marty has a lot of respect for Israeli cinema/television. I would not be surprised if he went with this pick. I'm not sure how I feel about efrat as Nadine though. But it would be nice to cast someone that Leo already knows.

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Little more about Jean's character :


Jean Dujardin in the big Hollywood! His Oscar for best actor in hand, he can now afford to play with Scorsese. The latter has chosen to interpret Jean-Jacques Handali, a Swiss banker involved in a case of money laundering, for his new film, The Wolf of Wall Street. For the occasion, our partners will have the french lover Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill. The first will play Jordan Belfort, a stockbroker who spent twenty months in prison for refusing to participate in a huge financial scam. Jonah Hill, he should fit in the costume of Danny Porush, Belfort's partner. Construction on the movie scheduled for August in New York. Meanwhile, Jean Dujardin finishes filming Mobius, a romantic thriller directed by Eric Rochant.

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oooh efrat is stunning! she'd be a great nadine!

Marty has a lot of respect for Israeli cinema/television. I would not be surprised if he went with this pick. I'm not sure how I feel about efrat as Nadine though. But it would be nice to cast someone that Leo already knows.

i have nothing but faith in martin's casting abilities. whoever he ends up choosing, whether it be efrat or someone else, will be perfect for the role. i'm yet to watch a scorsese film and not like the casting.

he is literally perfect in deciding who will take his characters from page to screen flawlessly. especially his female roles. he has a real knack for it!

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^I am just cool withever he thinks is cool :cool: But some I like more than others (gisele, erin ;) )

Just hate those people who hate, EVERYBODY he goes out with just because he is going out with them :/ Those are the people I dislike :angry:

in my opinion, why does it matter if someone hates everyone he goes out with? As much as I like Leo, I honestly laugh at the girls that do end up dating him. Because I really do feel that Leo is a serial model dater, not criticizing him for it... I just think women should know what to expect, and I do not take his flings or hook ups seriously. He lasted long with both Gisele and Bar, wonderful. Blake? Erin? Lol. Personally, I just don't care. I actually wouldn't want the girls I adore (Lima, Palvin, Ana BB, etc) to date him (unless they were just looking for some fun) but the other way around? As far as who Leo dates, I could not care less!

I see your point. :) I am just saying, there are those commenters who like to come on all the time to do nothing but critisize his new GF, just because hes dating her. And I mean its these crazed fans that hate on her BAD.

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A few fun personal casting choices

Denise (Belfort's first wife): Christina Ricci or a brunette Jennifer Lawrence

Aunt Patricia: Glenn Close ( :wub: obsessed with her)

Nadine: I still want Amber Heard!

Todd (Belfort's drug dealer) Ben Foster, Emile Hersch, maybe Sam Rockwell

Patricia (todd's wife) older woman: Sharon Stone

I love the casting of Kyle Chandler as the FBI agent! love love love. I like Jean as Jean too, but I don't know how big of a part he'll actually have.

edit: I also wouldn't mind a place somewhere for Ed Norton, because he is my ultimate talented actor crush :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Norton + Scorsese? :drool: :drool: YES PLEASE

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Thank you Cherrybomb, well said on everything :wave:

And thanks for the Nadine news, but I'll have to agree with Kat: Israeli media isn't that reliable, Ynet is even WORSE, and when it considers Leo it's just terrible :/

Very interesting, MIcount :flower:

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A few fun personal casting choices

Denise (Belfort's first wife): Christina Ricci or a brunette Jennifer Lawrence

Aunt Patricia: Glenn Close ( :wub: obsessed with her)

Nadine: I still want Amber Heard!

Todd (Belfort's drug dealer) Ben Foster, Emile Hersch, maybe Sam Rockwell

Patricia (todd's wife) older woman: Sharon Stone

I love the casting of Kyle Chandler as the FBI agent! love love love. I like Jean as Jean too, but I don't know how big of a part he'll actually have.

Love all those choices! Couldn't have said it better myself :p :D I NEED amber and leo to be together in those roles :p I am about to right to scorsese and MAKE HIM cast amber :p

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Like you I think We shouldn't care about the opinion of others... It's equally annoying be aware of whatever they say to criticize to those who criticize in the first place. :/

I think the contacts exchange of words between JJ and Bellazon aren't necessary and applies to both parts if you don't like it, don't read it.

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I think the contacts exchange of words between JJ and Bellazon aren't necessary and applies to both parts if you don't like it, don't read it.

+1 million. Why read comments on a site if you already know that you will dislike the content and moreoever, you let those comments bother you?

Thanks for the new casting news cherrybomb.

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this is random, but I watched marvin's room over the weekend and this is one of leo's most underrated performances imo. He gives a great subtle performance. You know what I've always thought? Leo in the 90s would've been perfect for an adaptation of Catcher in the Rye lol he was great at playing the whiny kid (eg. marvin's room, romeo + juliet)


sometimes I wish leo would do a small film again..

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