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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I didn't see it on ET, so thanks for recording it Osa Castillo! Welcome :clap:

Pink: I have read it....have you?

Wow, I just can't wait for it to be official online!! I am so excited for ET today....THATS A HEADS UP EVERYONE! Cause they said they are presenting the full one trailer today :ddr:

Barbire: You figure out how to work the messenger?? :idk:

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Ow, new layout... I'm so lost right now :clap:.

Welcome, Osa Castillo and Shourie. Great to have you around :ddr:.


Yes, I spoke about positivity, but not to the haters. I don't think haters are positive, quite the contrary.

And just to make it clear... I never said you're a hater, I know you're a huge Leo fan, I'm not stupid. Haters to me are those people who have a life so empty that it's better for them to criticize Leo on the Internet than caring for their own lives. I've criticized other celebrities sometimes... the problem isn't to disagree, have different opinions... the problem is stay 24/7 doing only that, criticizing and bashing people who even know. I never said that I like everything about him, has some things he does I cannot stand, like smoking, for example. But just because I don't like that he smokes, it doesn't give me the right to be here talking about the same topic, over and over again. And I like it... if anyone has a problem with me, or simply didn't understand something I wrote come and tell me I have the utmost respect for sincere people. Sometimes because we're communicating in a language that isn't mine, some misunderstandings can occur, this is pretty normal. Let's reset the game, ok?

Pink... I had the book and I started reading... but somehow I lost it and I don't know where in the hell I put it I%20dont%20know.gif. I'll buy another soon :ddr:.

Ohhhhhhh... the trailer (well, the first small part of it) it's amazing... Leo is UNF, I'm sweating here, I can't contain myself :)hell%20yea!.gifrhythm%20is%20a%20dancer.gif:ddr::idk: I must say I was more excited to see "Django", but after those first images and these photos... I completely changed my mind, mainly because Gatsby is all about Leo (and he looks fabulous in it).

Hi and thanks a lot everyone, :clap:. Great job Flower%20for%20you.gif.

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Great working with Baz Luhrmann, Leonardo Di Caprio: Amitabh Bachchan


Mumbai Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, whose first look in his debut movie 'The Great Gatsby' is out, says it was great to work with Australian filmmaker Baz Luhrmann and Leonardo DiCaprio

The 69-year-old actor sports a moustache and beard in the photo, released today by [bros. Bachchan, who plays a small role of Jewish money lender Meyer Wolfshiem, is seen sitting with DiCaprio and [While Bachchan maintains that it is a friendly appearance, the film bosses promise that he is prominently visible in the [which debuts tomorrow.

"I still do not have the liberty to talk of the film in a personal capacity. Contracts bind me, but this I can say that it was a sheer delight to work with someone of such great genius as [and a host of co-stars that have astronomical presence in the world of cinema - - Leonardo and Tobey and the other greats.

"The attention to detail, the amount of research and finesse on recreating the 'times' of NYC in the those early years, was simply brilliant. I am certain that when you shall see the film, you will realize that you have indeed been transported to another decade of the early years," Bachchan posted on his blog.

He also praised the professionalism and dedication of the Hollywood filmmakers.

"There is a quiet sense of professionalism that works without notice and corrects or adjusts or informs when and if there is need for it. The language and accent director, the assistants who shall come and ask you to be on set, or if on it to be ready for the take. All done with such gentle ethics, you wonder if you actually deserve this or not."

The movie, a of American author F Scott Fitzgerald classic of the same name, follows would-be writer Nick Carraway as he leaves the Midwest and comes to New York City in the spring of 1922, an era of loosening morals, glittering jazz and bootleg kings.

Chasing his own American Dream, Nick lands next door to a mysterious, party-giving millionaire, Jay Gatsby, and across the bay from his cousin, Daisy, and her philandering, blue-blooded husband, Tom Buchanan.

Nick is soon drawn into the captivating world of the super rich, their illusions, loves and deceits.


I haven't seen this picture this big before. Sorry if I repost:


WELCOME Osa and Shourie! :clap:

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The Great Gatsby is one of my favorite books. I am excited and nervous about the movie because most movies that are based on books are not very good. It rarely does the book justice.

I am hoping since this movie has the dynamic duo of Baz and Leo it might actually be decent. Can't wait to see the full trailer! :clap:

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