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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I think the only reason Erin tweeted about where they were going (even though she didn't mention Leo) is because it was her FIRST time going to Disney Land/World/whatever. Lol. It's like somewhat of a ~rite of passage~ so I guess she wanted to share it with her followers.

I wonder: Does Leo ever get sick of Disneyland/world? I mean, is it like a ~test~ his puts his new girlfriends through? "You must enjoy this trip!" :rofl: Since it's where he takes any new girlfriend.

by_princess-to what U wrote about michal - oh, yeah, I think I over-reacted to what michal said so sorrys - U can of course say anything U want as long as it's not trollish or mean or downright insulting. there's just no need for that, IMO. Again, my opinion, is the MAJORITY of people do not read into Erin's tweet about going to Disneyland, that she wanted to say "I'm with Leo, I'm with Leo" - that's all. So I didn't get how that was related to Leo's privacy issues.

Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think Giz ever went to Disneyland with him. It seems like with Giz, they were on more equal terms whereas with the other GF's, whatever he wanted to do or go, the G/Fs went along but Giz is pretty strong person so it didn't follow the same pattern as with the other girls.

I have to admit as much as I say Leo can do whatever he wants, it's getting a little strange about the same pattern about DL - maybe it is some kind of test - :laugh:

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What is this you return with no new pix of Leo ???

I guess only Tom Cruise is capable of completing a mission impossible :p

As to Austin, if you check the link I posted last night, it gives you all the information about the upcoming big conference in Austin , Texas the weekend of March 10th.:)


I'm pretty sure in the past I've seen pix of Leo at Disneyland with Gisele.

Personally I don't see it as any type of test or having anything to do with one girlfriend being more his equal.

In interviews years ago, Leo often said that Disneyland/Space Mountain was one of his favorite places , so why not share one of your favorite things to do with your special lady ?

If you care about a guy, whether he is someone famous like Leo or Joe Regular, you don't mind doing things they enjoy. All relationships are a give and take of doing things that the other may like more than you :)

Besides, if you check Twitter tons of people went on Wednesday as it was a special Disney 24 hour event in honor of it being Leap Day which only happens every four years

I noticed on her Twitter account that Leo's friends Nikki and Chuck also went .


Thanks for pix of Leo & Bridget :)

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What is this you return with no new pix of Leo ???

I guess only Tom Cruise is capable of completing a mission impossible :p

As to Austin, if you check the link I posted last night, it gives you all the information about the upcoming big conference in Austin , Texas the weekend of March 10th. :)


I'm pretty sure in the past I've seen pix of Leo at Disneyland with Gisele.

Personally I don't see it as any type of test or having anything to do with one girlfriend being more his equal.

In interviews years ago, Leo often said that Disneyland/Space Mountain was one of his favorite places , so why not share one of your favorite things to do with your special lady ?

If you care about a guy, whether he is someone famous like Leo or Joe Regular, you don't mind doing things they enjoy. All relationships are a give and take of doing things that the other may like more than you :)

Besides, if you check Twitter tons of people went on Wednesday as it was a special Disney 24 hour event in honor of it being Leap Day which only happens every four years

I noticed on her Twitter account that Leo's friends Nikki and Chuck also went .


Thanks for pix of Leo & Bridget :)

Thanks for all the info, oxford! And now that Ithink about it, Leo doesn't always do the same things with all the g/f's. Like with Erin, I don't recall Leo ever going skiing or to a ski resort with another g/f like he did with Erin. And Leo and Giz went to Macchu Picchu (sp? -) Peru and the rain forests of Brazil which he only did with her, and he also went to Germany with Giz - and of course he went to Israel with Bar. So even tho the DL thing may be in common (and also Laker games except not so far with Erin), he does go to different places.

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Leo and his Disneyland Tour for the Girlfriends... :laugh:

I'm the only who isn't crazy about Disneyland??? I don't Know... I see it more for little kids or young children.

Must be the fact of be surrounded of weird people wearing micky's ears, simply is not my thing... :rofl:

but I'm Glad he took advantage that day... we know that he needs the discount :trout:

Besides, if you check Twitter tons of people went on Wednesday as it was a special Disney 24 hour event in honor of it being Leap Day which only happens every four years


I would have loved to come back here with pictures of Leo, but knowing how elusive he's to a camera, I didn't even bother to search... :cain:

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I have friends my age and older who love Disneyland /Disneyworld, so young or older, its appeal to some never wanes :)

As to going on Wednesday, , personally, I think most people went because of the novelty of it being Leap Day.

I hope Leo & Erin and any other pals that went had lots of fun :)

Now let's get back to the important matter, when are you getting us our new pix ????? :ridinghorse::ridinghorse:


If Leo invited me to go stand on the corner with him and watch the cars whiz by I'd accept the invite :p

As we both know it ain't what you doing that matters; but who you doing it with :)

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From E online : Leo and Erin's date night

Leonardo DiCaprio and his model girlfriend Erin Heatherton are going strong!

Just one month after the cute couple enjoyed a romantic vacation together in Mexico, DiCaprio and Heatherton were out in Hollywood last night on a date.

So what was the twosome up to?

The couple hit the launch party for Rande Gerber's new Caliche rum at the Sofitel around midnight. They entered through the hotel's back entrance and jetted straight to a secluded corner table in the back of the Stone Rose lounge.

The low-key couple kept the PDA to a minimum. DiCaprio kept his arms around Heatherton's waist while chatting with Gerber and his wife Cindy Crawford and sipping on Cali Caliche cocktails. They slipped out the back entrance after an hour.

Also at the bash was newly rehabbed Gerard Butler. Butler was very social, mingling with partygoers and telling Gerber and Crawford stories about filming his upcoming surfer flick Of Men and Mavericks. And no, Butler was not drinking. He left around 2 a.m. Jeremy Piven, David Spade, Laura Prepon, Johnny Galecki and Amber Lancaster were also at the event.

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/news/marc_malkin/le...2#ixzz1o0nnfhWz

And, sorry, there are no pix of Leo & Erin , but below are more pix from party


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From E online : Leo and Erin's date night
Leonardo DiCaprio and his model girlfriend Erin Heatherton are going strong!

Just one month after the cute couple enjoyed a romantic vacation together in Mexico, DiCaprio and Heatherton were out in Hollywood last night on a date.

So what was the twosome up to?

The couple hit the launch party for Rande Gerber's new Caliche rum at the Sofitel around midnight. They entered through the hotel's back entrance and jetted straight to a secluded corner table in the back of the Stone Rose lounge.

The low-key couple kept the PDA to a minimum. DiCaprio kept his arms around Heatherton's waist while chatting with Gerber and his wife Cindy Crawford and sipping on Cali Caliche cocktails. They slipped out the back entrance after an hour.

Also at the bash was newly rehabbed Gerard Butler. Butler was very social, mingling with partygoers and telling Gerber and Crawford stories about filming his upcoming surfer flick Of Men and Mavericks. And no, Butler was not drinking. He left around 2 a.m. Jeremy Piven, David Spade, Laura Prepon, Johnny Galecki and Amber Lancaster were also at the event.

Read more: http://www.eonline.com/news/marc_malkin/le...2#ixzz1o0nnfhWz

And, sorry, there are no pix of Leo & Erin , but below are more pix from party


ox: thanks for the info about the couple. :)

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I guess when you want a new pix, you just have to go out and find it yourself :)

From tonight's E online show ; new pix of Leo & Erin from last night's party.

I guess like the Jamie Foxx, Christopher W, our Calvin Candie might ,also, be sporting a heavy beard


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Re Leo beard :

Now we do know in the past Leo on his own has let his beard grow out some.

However, I do know from pix I've seen of Jamie and Chris they both have definite beards, so it might be, that Leo's character will as well.

I'll guess we'll just have to wait and see if we get any candids of him once he actually starts filming and see whether he has a beard or not

Either way , I think, he and Erin look cute :)

I mean look at pix below that was taken before he began Gatsby filming, he has pretty much the same beard as in party pix


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On the scale of beards, I prefer him with a little beard, like three day beard.

When he's shaved I see him strange, because he looks very child, But it's also acceptable.

Like never I would like to see him is with a mustache... would look very weird at leats for me. :laugh:

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Leo....you know...I've been thinking for some time now :cain: ...could you take me to Disneyland with you? :chicken: :thumbsup:

I've been there once and wow...I would repeat it again! :brows:

Tks Oxford,thats our detective! :clap: Now please paps...we need to see Calvin Candie!!

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I guess when you want a new pix, you just have to go out and find it yourself :)

From tonight's E online show ; new pix of Leo & Erin from last night's party.

I guess like the Jamie Foxx, Christopher W, our Calvin Candie might ,also, be sporting a heavy beard


thanks ox: I love it. :blush: Is this a screen cap? I also noticed that he's beard is growing, should be for Candie.

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