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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I'm the only one here who feels sorry for Madalina??? I mean the italian press tries desperately to link her with every actor. Makes me think that the poor girl can't find a REAL boyfriend :laugh:

oh, I guess they want to turn Madalina into a star or something? That's why they link her to everyone. :laugh:

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Thanks for articles :)

I see the predictable & stupid might be pregnant articles are already beginning, as to Madelina, I agree with Kat, trying to milk a picture with Leo in it for all it's worth.


As to Django, according to the information I posted the other day with the picturue of the plantation, filming began Monday.

However, as we unfortunately know they have been filming in California/Wyoming and we haven't see so far one single picture !!

That is why last week I assigned you the mission impossible of getting us some set pix .

You must not let anything or anyone including Tarantino stand in your way !!! :p


Thanks for link :)

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Cool Leo is now filming, yet not cool at the same time. He gets really incognito in both candids and set pics, so hopefully this won't turn out like the usual. Cause I Am sick of no Leo pics.

Princess: I don't feel sorry for a girl who constantly puts leos name up on her FB page :)

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I really can't figure out what Tarantino is doing to keep these pix from surfacing ???

What is his magic trick ???

What I'm hoping is that the paps , no offense to Jamie or others, haven't been as interested in the pix since Leo wasn't involved, and now they will make more if an effort.

Otherwise , ByPrincess better get her traveling shoes on , we need pix !!! :bellazon: :bellazon: :bellazon:

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Great tweet from Brody Jenner (Y)
Brody Jenner‏@BrodyJennerReply

It really trips me out that Leoonardo Dicaprio is not nominated for an Oscar this year!! So much talent and always overlooked.. Wack


Thanks for the comments, oxford! Don't U just wish it came from someone else less cringe-worthy?? I've seen him on some reality show and he came off as such as a jerk and freeloader - I mean does this guy do anything but go to clubs? He's whole family (Bruce Jenner, sisters) is ughhhh.

btw, my auntie had a new cookbook and it's by Gwyneth Paltrow - and she writes in it that she stopped eating red meat after Leo (when he was 19, and she was 21) told her about awful meat factories, etc. hmmm, maybe he now wats only organic hamburgers???

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Don't U just wish it came from someone else less cringe-worthy??

I completely agree with you Solange :laugh:

What? you say that Leo only eats organic hamburgers???

I don't really know by_princess - I just supposed cause of what Gwenyth P wrote in her cookbook or maybe that was what Leo thought back then cuz we all know the man loves his hamburgers and steaks now :laugh::laugh:

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