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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Gooood news! Leo has reached 2 million followers on twitter! Just a few days ago he had around 190 million, now he jumped to 2 million like that! :clap: :D

Cool considered he never tweets, and when he does, well it doesn't interest the average tweeter :p



WOW, :o this is really so impressive. Congrats Leo!

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I asked you earlier if you had seen the pix of Gatsby in his swim suit ; I did :p


Yes, those bare shoulders were just for you :)


Well, if I could have gotten here sooner, I would have seen those great new pix sooner, but, at same time, they were a real pick me up after a long day :)


Thanks for Leo Twitter news :)

Leo tweets so little that when he does tweet , even if it is not so interesting stuff, it does get your attention.

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I've been wondering what Leo will bring us next ?

I mean you wanted a bowtie, and he looked right into the Instyle camera and said to : Shine , I have my bowtie on :)

Then Pami wanted her bare shoulders, so he took his shirt off infront of the paps, so she could see his bare shoulders.

So I'm wondering which poster's request he'll fulfill next ;)

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I've been wondering what Leo will bring us next ?

I mean you wanted a bowtie, and he looked right into the Instyle camera and said to : Shine , I have my bowtie on :)

Then Pami wanted her bare shoulders, so he took his shirt off infront of the paps, so she could see his bare shoulders.

So I'm wondering which poster's request he'll fulfill next ;)

Yes! Everyone should do realistic predictions and see who wins next ;)

Someone request some skinny dipping pictures quick :rofl:

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Oh yeah you and leo have that Mind baby on the way, so how far along are you now?? :rofl: And don't forget that promise you made... I surely have not! :whistle::laugh:


How far? Still early enough that I can practice for the next :rofl:


(I like replying with gifs just incase nobody noticed)

and I have not forgotten about 'the deal' :laugh:

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Oh yeah you and leo have that Mind baby on the way, so how far along are you now?? :rofl: And don't forget that promise you made... I surely have not! :whistle::laugh:

How far? Still early enough that I can practice for the next :rofl:

Now that's the spirit! Seriously Shine have I ever told you your my hero? (cue that sappy Bette Midler song)

Brilliant choice of gifs i'm dying over here :rofl:

.....And I get him on Tuesdays right?? :brows: That's the best part of the deal right there :laugh:

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Oh yeah you and leo have that Mind baby on the way, so how far along are you now?? :rofl: And don't forget that promise you made... I surely have not! :whistle::laugh:

How far? Still early enough that I can practice for the next :rofl:

Now that's the spirit! Seriously Shine have I ever told you your my hero? (cue that sappy Bette Midler song)

Brilliant choice of gifs i'm dying over here :rofl:

.....And I get him on Tuesdays right?? :brows: That's the best part of the deal right there :laugh:

This is in my gif collection... ;)



I'm your hero? Well...


Yes, yes you get him on Tuesdays! I can just imagine what you will both be up too...


(I have a gif obsession)

Yes! I join the chorus. MAKE A BABY, LEO!

I'll bang on the tables!

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GASPPPPPP!!! That Leo Gif is flipping amazing! Yummy is the right word indeed :o I must use it and I will dangnammit.

lol great Gif collection, i'm curious what else you've got in stored for us, GIF wise bwahaha. Nice to see your representing for your beloved Forrest Gump (Y)

You can imagine what we will be up too?... damn girl you freaky :rofl:

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