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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Very nice interview from the Scotsman

Does Leonardo DiCaprio care that he’s never won an Oscar? He could put the record straight this year with his portrayal of John Edgar Hoover, of course, but Clare Baillie discovers awards are not the driving force behind one of Hollywood’s finest

IF THERE’S one person who knows how Kate Winslet felt before she won an Academy Award, following her sixth nomination, it would be Leonardo DiCaprio. After all, the 35-year-old who starred with Winslet in Titanic has yet to win one, despite a hat-trick of opportunities.

“I don’t think anyone would say that they wouldn’t want one. I think they would be lying,” says DiCaprio, chuckling. The heartthrob received his first nomination in 1993 for his breakthrough role in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, and then later for The Aviator and Blood Diamond.

DiCaprio’s latest performance as John Edgar Hoover, the long-serving first head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), in Clint Eastwood’s J. Edgar, is also expected to land him a nomination but, ever the professional, DiCaprio prefers to bat away any awards talk.

“I have learned from my experiences in this industry that there is absolutely no way to control people’s opinions on your performance in your movie,” he says. “You go out there, promote your film and hope people like the work you did. But they’re going to respond the way they’re going to respond when they’re in a room with that ballot. I’m thankful people are talking about it in that capacity, but ultimately I truly have no control over it.”

Eastwood’s biopic, which spans the five decades of Hoover’s professional life, also stars Armie Hammer – as Hoover’s long-time confidante and associate director of the FBI, Clyde Tolson – and Dame Judi Dench, as Hoover’s domineering mother Annie.

Hoover who headed the FBI through eight presidencies and three wars from 1935 until his death in 1972, is portrayed by DiCaprio during his glory years and through some less popular times. “

“This was one of the most challenging characters I’d ever seen on the page, and it was terrific to breathe life into this person, because he was such a mystery. Hoover was incredibly ambitious as a young man. He was highly motivated to succeed in Washington, primarily due to his mother’s expectations of him.”

Di Caprio has only praise for Dame Judi as his screen mum, describing himself as a fan:. “She’s a sweetheart, she couldn’t be more lovely. But as soon as the cameras start rolling and you hear that voice, it’s powerful. We had a scene where I am freaked out, stuttering, and her voice just froze my spine. She has a way of commanding a scene in a room, and it’s just astounding.”

Transforming DiCaprio from Hoover in his mid-twenties to his 77-year-old self took hairpieces, full facial prosthetics and padding. “The ageing was difficult, that was a huge challenge. It’s a constant adrenaline rush every day – you have so much pressure and stuff to accomplish.”

Little is known about the personal life of Hoover. And like his on-screen alter ego, DiCaprio, – who previously dated models Gisele Bündchen and Bar Refaeli – keeps his love life under wraps.

Di Caprio says: “Early on in his career, capturing outlaws like John Dillinger helped Hoover to fashion the G-Man image in the eyes of the general public. There were comic books about them, they were on cereal boxes. From a character aspect, he was just a great grab bag of different eccentricities. You name it, this guy had it. We tried to give hints … from his obsession with cleanliness, to his stuttering, issues with his mother, questionable sexuality, the repressed lifestyle, obsession with communism, and ambition for personal glory.”

Hoover’s close relationship with Tolson – they were rumoured to be gay lovers – is explored in the biographical drama. “They ate lunch and dinner together every day, went on vacations together. Whether they were together in any other respect … well, no-one living knows the truth,” says DiCaprio. “In the film, it’s seen as almost an unrequited love, but a lasting one, nonetheless.”

In one scene, DiCaprio has to pucker up for a kiss with Hammer – quite a contrast after locking lips with beautiful women such as Marion Cotillard, Claire Danes and, of course, Winslet. His discomfort is clear as he gives a nervous laugh before saying: “These are the things we do as actors … I was in character.”

DiCaprio says director Eastwood knew exactly what he wanted: “Clint was very clear, saying, ‘I want you guys to beat each other up first, I want as much blood as possible, and I want you to grab each other as if you want to kill each other – and then that moment will happen.’ He was very adamant about the fact these men were of a certain time period and no matter what they felt it wasn’t something they wanted to express. There was so much bottled up with their emotions for one another, it resulted in two men going fisticuffs first.”

Oscar or not, DiCaprio – who was named after the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci – says awards aren’t the be-all and end-all of his career.

“I don’t think I ever expected anything like an Oscar ever, to tell you the truth. That is not my motivation when I do these roles. I really am motivated by being able to work with great people and create a body of work that I can look back and be proud of.

“I grew up when I was 15 when I had my first opportunity in movies. I watched every great movie for a year and a half, and since then I’ve asked myself how I can emulate such artistry. That’s really my motivation. I want to do something as good as my heroes have done.”

With upcoming roles in Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby and Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained, DiCaprio plans to make the most of his time in the spotlight: “I just really love doing what I do. I know every career is fleeting and there will be time periods when I don’t get the opportunities that I’m getting right now, so I am taking advantage of them.


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As promised for dear Kat and all : The W Magazine picture of Leo : )


omg! That is a HOT pic of Leo - thnx Miss Oxford!

Also, thanks to everyone (sorries, to hard to remember who posted what) for the pics and stuff from the GG. I LUV LUV the pics with Kate, Charlize and Marty and Elton John. Seeing Elton John with Leo reminded me of a YouTube Vid where Elton was talking about great young actors and he espec. mentioned Leo.

GG - besides Leo not winning(tho I didn't expect him to) was Ricky Gervais - he was NOT funny, at least not that much.

Maybe this idea has no reality to it but I wondered maybe Brad and therefore George C. are not too close with Leo cuz , it came out in that book that Leo and Angelina had a fling (even tho this was way before Brad and Angie). Also, I wondered becuz Leo dropped out of Ides of March (is that the title?), George was miffed a bit with Leo cuz of that. Who knows! I always thought Brad,George and also Matt Damon had this love thing going on with each other ever since they did Oceans 11 together.

Anyways - who cares? I dont think Leo does - and BTW, he looked so HANDSOME yesterday, just awesome, I bet he will be on all the best dressed men lists.

Aww, that is sweet about Leo's reactions to the questions about Erin. Maybe the ET website will have that video available there.

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Notes from inside the Golden Globe ballroom last night from the Wrap

Leonardo DiCaprio can smoke wherever he wants. (Say, in the ballroom. Next to WB's Jeff Robinov.)

And some funny ones

They serve dinner at 4:30. Nobody eats it. 3. At 4:59 p.m. the servers remove plates of untouched food and pristine dessert like mad dervishes in time for the live telecast at 5 p.m. 4. After the monologue, no one watches the show on the stage. Conversations on the floor are much more interesting
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As all fans recall Leo said his desire is to work with talented directors

Below are the directors he's worked with and their relation to Oscar = 16 films with Oscar nominated or winning directors

Quite an impressive list (Y) (Y)

WEGG = Hallestrom = Oscar nod

MTIM =Wallace =Oscar nod

R&J = Luhrman = Oscar nod

Titanic= Cameron =Oscar winner

Beach = Boyle = Oscar winner

Gangs,Aviator,TD, SI =Scorsese =Oscar winner

CYMC =Spielberg = Oscar winner

BD =Zwick = Oscar winner

BOL =Scott = Oscar nod

RR = Mendes =Oscar winner

Inception = Nolan =Oscar nod

J Edgar = Eastwood = Oscar winner

Django =Tarantino =Oscar winner

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From GG blog ; the fan scream meter

BEVERLY HILLS, California—Even Dustin Hoffman took out his camera and snapped a photo of Madonna on the red carpet of Sunday’s star-studded Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills. The singer-actress-director was clearly one of the talents almost everyone wanted to see.

As we worked on the red carpet, we knew when big stars just got off a limo by the scream level of the fans on the bleachers. Angelina Jolie, looking extra beautiful in a Versace gown, and Brad Pitt, with a cane, were among the actors who drew the loudest screams. Leonardo DiCaprio also merited the most ear-piercing screams from fans.

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From GG blog ; the fan scream meter

BEVERLY HILLS, California—Even Dustin Hoffman took out his camera and snapped a photo of Madonna on the red carpet of Sunday’s star-studded Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills. The singer-actress-director was clearly one of the talents almost everyone wanted to see.

As we worked on the red carpet, we knew when big stars just got off a limo by the scream level of the fans on the bleachers. Angelina Jolie, looking extra beautiful in a Versace gown, and Brad Pitt, with a cane, were among the actors who drew the loudest screams. Leonardo DiCaprio also merited the most ear-piercing screams from fans.

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It's the video of today's episode. You can watch the entire half hour show . Click on the link that says the FULL EPISODE .

Hope that helps :)

Lakers /Leo

I don't see any tweets about Leo being at tonight's game , so I guess he's not there , or at least not visible :p

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