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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I thought George got movie Icon

hope it won't happen in this life :laugh:

lol same here! OR if he has to win atleast have leo win it first, but damn Clooney is older <_< Age seems to play a big factor in hollywood land..

EDIT: nahh, OK let's hope that they'll go on talent and our boy is way more talented than George :laugh:

(when I posted I realize what I wrote lol)

Sick classic pic That baby's got the Leo strut down pat!

this definitely is future little Leo(s) :laugh: and then we'll see Leo Family Strut :laugh:

Yeah, can't wait for CCA, so excited but very nervous at the same time, fingers crossed.

same here Barbie,I want Leo to win so bad :blush: and new pics :hell yea!:

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George Clooney was listed as Favorite Movie Icon, alongside names like Bob DeNiro, Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman (the winner)...

:blink: WTF ??? :blink:

thanks God,he didn't win!

sorry girls,just couldn't not write it (influence of princess - Leo's bad girl :laugh: )

Definitely, Sick. Thank God! I would eat my heart :laugh:.

Tks Fash by the tweet.

Probably old.. I'm not sure ;)


Sexy... I'm really sure! :laugh:

Tks, Princess.

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Gosh, I arrived at the right time, what a great new pix for the cover, thanks :)

I mentioned a 'new pix' as I've noticed that a lot of time on magazines they are using older photo shoot pix

And what is this comment below, didn't you tell me in 2012 you were going to be Sweet ByPrincess ???:whistle:

Great minds????


Your excitement for tonight's BFCA matches mine ; I love your dancing men :)

Also, thanks, for J Edgar review , like others , I especially like the comment below

“He is always very strongly present as DiCaprio, yet he can really make us believe that he is another person,” Jeanine Basinger, chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University said in a New York Times interview. “That’s incredible talent.”

Also, thanks, for tweet /


Thanks for J Edgar clip :)


I agree with your comments below regarding Pitt's two performances, as well as, Pitt versus Clooney :)

like the idea of ​​Leo and Brad in the same frame. Actually I have nothing against Brad, I even think he's a better actor than Clooney (though both are the face of marketing)... in Benjamin Button he's fine, as well as "Moneyball" (a movie I really liked), although I think you cannot compare his interpretation with Leo's, even the level of difficulty and commitment that each role demanded... J. Edgar is a character much more complex and full of variants (but we all know the politics behind the scenes in Hollywood).

As to People's Choice Awards , I didn't watch them, but I did hear something on radio this morning that I couldn't believe ( though,maybe it is just me ) , did Kim Kardashian win for favorite celebrity ?????


The little baby and Leo strut is just precious :)


Yes, it will be so great to see Leo all dressed up :yes:

I have only request, Leo, please don't wear your hair slicked back.

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I can't tell where this person workplace is , but her Twitter account shows her to be in London, and we know Leo is not in London at least not today

So , maybe, she is London born but has moved to L.A. , or she heard an untrue rumor, as Leo was supposed to be in London today for J Edgar premiere

lizziecarterfoxLizzie Carter-Fox

In total shock. Leonardo Dicaprio is HERE, at the hotel my new big boss is currently staying in. What do I DO??! #SeriouslyCantContainMyself

9 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone

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I thought George got movie Icon

hope it won't happen in this life :laugh:

Little Sick you couldn't say it better :D

sorry girls,just couldn't not write it (influence of princess - Leo's bad girl :laugh: )

You're learning from the best. How to be a B courtesy of By_princess Academy!!! :laugh:

By the way... princess - Leo's bad girl :hehe:

Loved It!

So, I just found out that Zoe is already living with Bradley

Damn it!, Why the prettys always have to takes the hot ones... Erin, Zoe :angry:

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As to People's Choice Awards , I didn't watch them, but I did hear something on radio this morning that I couldn't believe ( though,maybe it is just me ) , did Kim Kardashian win for favorite celebrity ?????

Believe it! Kim wins Favorite TV Celeb Star :laugh:. To today I cannot say what is her "profession" :idk:... yes, because for me being a celebrity isn't a profession :whistle:.

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Thanks for information regarding where Boots is located.

Yes, as I mentioned in my post, we know that orginally the J Edgar premiere was scheduled for tonight Jan 12th in London, but even Magical Leo can't be in two different parts of the world at once :p

So it has to be that he a false rumor she's heard


Thanks for reply about Kim . I' constantly amazed how she had made a career out of nothingness :dontgetit: :dontgetit:

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Gosh, I arrived at the right time, what a great new pix for the cover, thanks :)

I mentioned a 'new pix' as I've noticed that a lot of time on magazines they are using older photo shoot pix

Oxf I wasn't sure if it is new or old, as you say, they often use old pics.

And what is this comment below, didn't you tell me in 2012 you were going to be Sweet ByPrincess ???

Oxford I'm trying :pinch:

You have to understand that it is very hard. It's like I'm rejecting the treatment :laugh:

But it may be as the lives of the cats, I have nine opportunities ;)

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Gosh, I arrived at the right time, what a great new pix for the cover, thanks :)

I mentioned a 'new pix' as I've noticed that a lot of time on magazines they are using older photo shoot pix

And what is this comment below, didn't you tell me in 2012 you were going to be Sweet ByPrincess ???:whistle:

Great minds????


Your excitement for tonight's BFCA matches mine ; I love your dancing men :)

Also, thanks, for J Edgar review , like others , I especially like the comment below

“He is always very strongly present as DiCaprio, yet he can really make us believe that he is another person,” Jeanine Basinger, chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University said in a New York Times interview. “That’s incredible talent.”

Also, thanks, for tweet /


Thanks for J Edgar clip :)


I agree with your comments below regarding Pitt's two performances, as well as, Pitt versus Clooney :)

like the idea of ​​Leo and Brad in the same frame. Actually I have nothing against Brad, I even think he's a better actor than Clooney (though both are the face of marketing)... in Benjamin Button he's fine, as well as "Moneyball" (a movie I really liked), although I think you cannot compare his interpretation with Leo's, even the level of difficulty and commitment that each role demanded... J. Edgar is a character much more complex and full of variants (but we all know the politics behind the scenes in Hollywood).

As to People's Choice Awards , I didn't watch them, but I did hear something on radio this morning that I couldn't believe ( though,maybe it is just me ) , did Kim Kardashian win for favorite celebrity ?????


The little baby and Leo strut is just precious :)


Yes, it will be so great to see Leo all dressed up :yes:

I have only request, Leo, please don't wear your hair slicked back.

I have the same request ox, I hate when he uses his hair slicked back. <_<

But hey, he will not be on London for J.Edgar premiere and miss the awards, is he? :( I hope that tweet is really wrong.

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Thanks for reply about Kim . I' constantly amazed how she had made a career out of nothingness :dontgetit: :dontgetit:

x 2. Her public must be the same that think Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are excellent actors and that puts George Clooney as a movie icon :laugh:.

Leo in London? Hmmm.

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I thought George got movie Icon

hope it won't happen in this life :laugh:

Little Sick you couldn't say it better :D

sorry girls,just couldn't not write it (influence of princess - Leo's bad girl :laugh: )

You're learning from the best. How to be a B courtesy of By_princess Academy!!! :laugh:

By the way... princess - Leo's bad girl :hehe:

Loved It!

So, I just found out that Zoe is already living with Bradley

Damn it!, Why the prettys always have to takes the hot ones... Erin, Zoe :angry:

:laugh: and my teacher is definitely educated :laugh:

lol Kim won Favorite TV Celeb Star :rofl:

if we count on tweets,seems Leo maybe is in London :blink: hmm what about award man ?

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