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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Yeah Its obvious they attatch these models to him to get publicity for them. Its so dumb! Link them as leos next flame.. :/

I know, right? ;) It's kinda lame :baronlamesign: but I guess any publicity for them is good :cain:

By the way haven't told you before but I LOVE your barbara signature's :wub:

In case you haven't noticed that I love her :whistle:

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By the way haven't told you before but I LOVE your barbara signature's

Thank you! I love Barbara too. Shes soooo cute!! :heart: I wish my fav models were a little older so they can date leo :p Unfortunelty all the models I like are in their low 20's!

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I love Barbara too. Shes soooo cute!! :heart: I wish my fav models were a little older so they can date leo :p Unfortunelty all the models I like are in their low 20's!

OMG, I thought the same thing :laugh: ... since I saw her videos and pictures that she takes and notice how silly and goofy she is :wub2: I thought she would be the perfect girlfriend for Leo :blush:

but you're right, she's WAY too young for Leo

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Below is photo of Clint Eastwood/Eric Matheney from last night's screening

As you may recall Eric is the actor who plays J Edgar's dr , and Solange posted a video interivew earlier this week where he

spoke about how wonderful a guy Leo is



Unfortunately at this point , we really don't know that the audience as a whole loved the film, only that the one girl whose tweet I posted did .

Hopefully as the days go by , we'll get some more positive feedback will appear on line :unsure:

but I'm so glad audience loved the movie!
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thanks for your effort oxford to put all that tweets, hope we could get some more details about what people in general thought about the movie, at least someone said it's was amazing. Hope later we get more info.

Again, the same rumors, IF LEO MEET THIS GIRLS OR NOT I DON'T KNOW but it's clear this models are loving to have her names attached to Leo and that give them free publicity, I hope like I said before that HE'S NOT DATING ANY OF THEM, even because it seems this girls just want fame through him, nothing more.

thanks ox the pic of younger Gatsby, now looking at him I can see a resemblance with Leo, something I couldn't see before. Also thanks for the pic of Clint and Eric at the screening.

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Some tweets I love reading, are very funny...

@browneyesx33 anida.

i hate when people say leonardo dicaprio got old & ugly. EXCUSE ME BITCH? you're irrelevant. more dicaprio for me anyways

@stevenmpaquin: DiCaprio appearing in two movies premiering on 12/25/2012 I'll just stay in the theatre all day.
@ChaseGerke Chase Gerke ♕

Next Christmas is gonna be got' damn awesome! My man, Leonardo DiCaprio, has two movies coming out on the twenty-fifth. #movienerd

Others make me curious...

@thomgeier Thom Geier

Someone really wants a GLAAD Award. After wearing frocks as J. Edgar Hoover, Leo DiCaprio may star in biopic of gay codebreaker Alan Turing

Like that comment By_princess posted yesterday. Do you think there is any possibility of Leo being forgotten in the next awards because of the possibility of him playing Alan Turing in the next year? I don't agree with that, but some people are considering the possibility of Michael Fassbender and even Sean Penn win the award next year.

Thanks Ox for the pic... yeah, unfortunately almost no commentary on the film and the interpretation of Leo yet :(.

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Thanks Princess! But I unfortunetly can't see the vid either :/

Still nothing ??? :unsure:

in that case google: New Eastwood Movie Screened at Carmel Art & Film Festival (that's what I did) :idk:

In the video they even mention the loss of power and that people couldn't see the end of the movie... :(

Also Here is another article about Early Oscar Predictions. :morning:

says pretty much the same as previously posted but what I love about it this comment

I’ve included only the most obvious choices from that list in my predictions. I mean, does anyone on the planet think that Meryl Streep (“The Iron Lady”) and Leonardo DiCaprio (“J. Edgar”) won’t get nominated?


Read more: http://social.entertainment.msn.com/movies...27-b79dcf0c83c1

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Some tweets I love reading, are very funny...
@browneyesx33 anida.

i hate when people say leonardo dicaprio got old & ugly. EXCUSE ME BITCH? you're irrelevant. more dicaprio for me anyways

@stevenmpaquin: DiCaprio appearing in two movies premiering on 12/25/2012 I'll just stay in the theatre all day.
@ChaseGerke Chase Gerke ♕

Next Christmas is gonna be got' damn awesome! My man, Leonardo DiCaprio, has two movies coming out on the twenty-fifth. #movienerd

Hilarious tweets :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks Nanda!

And thanks by princess for the video!!

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the loss of power and that people couldn't see the end of the movie. This don't sound good. :cry: :/

thanks for the article by princess, yeah, it seems Leo being high considered to be nominated, I hope really happens. Still wish we could get a review from the movie, please someone.

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Below is photo of Clint Eastwood/Eric Matheney from last night's screening

As you may recall Eric is the actor who plays J Edgar's dr , and Solange posted a video interivew earlier this week where he

spoke about how wonderful a guy Leo is



Unfortunately at this point , we really don't know that the audience as a whole loved the film, only that the one girl who tweet I posted did

Hopefully as the days go by , we'll get some more positive feedback will appear on line :unsure:

but I'm so glad audience loved the movie!

aw I didn't notice that! :blush:

thanks or the pic! Clint :wub:

thanks for tweets Nanda! princess,for the vids and Barbie for that link! :laugh: that was funny! :D

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