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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Thanks By Princess!!!

Jones was good in the Fugitive

hope the fans of Tommy Lee Jones dont attack me for saying that Leo deserved more them him :nicole: :hehe:

hahaha - I love U by_princess for that remark - cause it's SOOOO true. It seems like people can say all sorts of SH_T about Leo, but if any Leo fans say anything that could be remotely interpreted as negative about another celebrity, watch out!!!!! :blush::blush::laugh:

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Ok I just read this tweet!

I do not know if it's legitimate or this people are really delusional :whistle:

JoshuaORourkeJoshua O'Rourke

Friends and Family, I have an announcement to make... My cousin Alyce is dating Leonardo DiCaprio! TRUE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one Reply him...

PaulORourke7Paul O'Rourke

by JoshuaORourke

Just read that my niece Alyce is going out with Leonardo Di Caprio. I'd make some interesting friends at that wedding!

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Oscar predictions

Best Actor

DOWN: Leonardo DiCaprio (J. Edgar). Leo's suddenly hot to make a biopic of Alan Turing, which makes his portrayal of another historic gay twentieth-century figure in J. Edgar just a little less urgent. :dontgetit:

I hope this time the academy doesn't ignore him like they did two years ago :angry:

CURRENT PREDIX: George Clooney (The Descendants); Leonardo DiCaprio (J. Edgar); Jean Dujardin (The Artist); Michael Fassbender (Shame); Brad Pitt (Moneyball)

Read more: http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2011/...k_with_mar.html

speaking of injustices, Look like Leo was ROBBED in the 1994 Oscars :mad:

his performance was the best by far :yes:

Oh boy, not again. Leo DESERVES this Oscar, I cannot wait anymore... is a long time. 1994 was a BIG injustice (I know that Jones was so good, but aw).

Thanks By_princess for the info and video.

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Ok I just read this tweet!

I do not know if it's legitimate or this people are really delusional :whistle:

JoshuaORourkeJoshua O'Rourke

Friends and Family, I have an announcement to make... My cousin Alyce is dating Leonardo DiCaprio! TRUE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This one Reply him...

PaulORourke7Paul O'Rourke

by JoshuaORourke

Just read that my niece Alyce is going out with Leonardo Di Caprio. I'd make some interesting friends at that wedding!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: OK!

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Solange I comment on what I observe here on Bellazon and everyone knows here that I'm not one given to argument, I've just observed the slight digs and the unflattering articles here and there towards Blake. Yes, Leo does get an article posted here now and then but then he has you all jump to his defense while Blake does not have that luxury when articles unflattering to her are especially because we don't want it to devolve into this exact situation.

I share the same sentiment with Nanda and from now on won't comment on Blake on here or Leo's personal life for that matter. That was just something I needed to get off my chest, and I'm glad I did.

And on that note, kinda excited and scared at the same time for the first J. Edgar tweets! More positive vibes being sent out right now... let's get em Leo. The Oscar's calling your name :yes:

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The Star Casino Loves Leonardo DiCaprio and Models, Casino King

Leonardo DiCaprio

Media and insider reports state Leonardo DiCaprio is dating at least two Sydney based models. This contradicts earlier reports that Leo "wasn't interested in Australian women". Maybe Leo's strategy was to portray himself as "hard to get" (if not impossible). Whatever the case, Leo hasn't lost his touch with the ladies. We heard a little something that the Aussie ladies liked a little touch by Leo too, but enough about that. You're old enough to figure it out.

If that's not enough the handsome Leo has been spoilt by The Star (Echo Entertainment management) and been given an entire floor at The Star (formally Star City Casino) to live in during his four-month stay. It's safe to say Leo's scored at least 1 king size bed (the mind boggles doesn't it). Echo Entertainment obviously heard that he enjoys a punt (usually high stakes poker), so why not have Mr DiCaprio as your official (or unofficial) casino celebrity face of the month.

Part of the back story to the deal between the movie star and The Star is that Leo got out of his ex Vaucluse residence because of privacy issues (read unwelcome paparazzi). Our friends in the biz have revealed that Echo Entertainment top brass Larry Mullin was so keen to get DiCaprio under their roof that a whole floor was transformed into a luxury super-suite.

"Mountains were moved," said our friend at The Star, who reckons the famous actor has a private entrance to his Astral Tower pad to evade the paparazzi.

"The entire thing was refurbished and rebuilt from scratch. It cost a fortune but the directive was 'spare no expense'."

Quizzed about the plush digs for 'Our Leo' at Star, Tabcorp: "No comment."

DiCaprio does say hi on occasion with casino workers and others who cross his path, so ladies, you may have a chance yet, and don't forget he has an entire floor for himself. Don't ask us though if there is a cue, but we suspect he's in demand.

"He was spotted in Black By Ezard and kept his cap on and head down and didn't engage with anyone. And a few nights later Hugh Jackman was in there and couldn't have been nicer," said the leaker.

"He was chatting to staff and taking pictures and having a great time. It was interesting to see the difference."

His ex-girlfriend Blake Lively has moved on, as has Bar Refaeli, with the model photographed in an embrace with Pierre Sarkozy, 25, the son of French Prez Nicolas Sarkozy, at the Paris nightclub Rasputin.

Oh, you want more on his dealings with ladies, so here goes to satisfy your desires...

For starters, Leo is dating at least two Australian models. I guess that's one way to keep them keen, or on their toes... or something.

The 36-year-old actor was revealed last week to have started romancing Alyce Crawford ('Australia's Next Top Model') after splitzville with 'Gossip Girl' actress Blake Lively - who he had been in a relationship with for a pretty impressive five months. Not too bad a run Blake, considering he's one of the world's most eligible bachelors.

As well as seeing (use your imagination) the 'Top Model' contestant, it has now been said Leonardo is also charming 20-year-old catwalk beauty Kendal Schuler...who recently separated from Australian 'Celebrity Apprentice' contestant Didier Cohen. Over 15 years age difference Leo. Guess you might be generous in your sharing of your experience with the lucky lady / ies.

A mate told media: "Leo has told her she can visit any time she likes as long as she keeps it low key. She has taken him up on that opportunity already a couple of times.

"But she isn't silly - she knows this isn't serious and she is just enjoying the time with him."

The Hollywood idol, currently loving Sydney shooting Baz Luhrmann's interpretation of 'The Great Gatsby', is understood to have first met Kendal in LA - US of A, and met her again recently when they ran into each other at popular Sydney nightclub Beach Haus.

The contact went on: "They have been in contact since he got here and she has seen him three or four times. He has told her to be very discreet."

Leonardo has also been dating Alyce, 21, for a couple of weeks and has been seeing her during on weekdays after shooting on his new project has wrapped.

A leak whispered" "He texts her when he wants to see her and they hook up a few times a week. They've mostly been meeting up during the week. He does other things on weekends.

"She's been going to his hotel to visit but he is too smart to be seen with her in public."

News just in... 'Our Leo' has been signed to play the role of J. Edgar Hoover in upcoming biopic 'J. Edgar'.

Leo gets to portray what many say was the most powerful man in the world...the FBI boss. You can just hear girls around Australia, if not the world, screaming in delight "Let us feel your power Leonardo".

In all seriousness, Leo is a class act, and a real good looker. We hope you enjoy your work and play time in Australia. You've sure got the idea... work hard, play harder.

A tweet from Tuesday (I'm not sure if someone already post this one)

HushComHush Communications

Dropping off @BACKSTAGEclothn to Vanessa Amorosi and we run into Leonardo DiCaprio wearing head to toe Great Gatsby wardrobe!

11 OctFavoriteRetweetReply

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Solange I comment on what I observe here on Bellazon and everyone knows here that I'm not one given to argument, I've just observed the slight digs and the unflattering articles here and there towards Blake. Yes, Leo does get an article posted here now and then but then he has you all jump to his defense while Blake does not have that luxury when articles unflattering to her are especially because we don't want it to devolve into this exact situation.

I share the same sentiment with Nanda and from now on won't comment on Blake on here or Leo's personal life for that matter. That was just something I needed to get off my chest, and I'm glad I did.

And on that note, kinda excited and scared at the same time for the first J. Edgar tweets! More positive vibes being sent out right now... let's get em Leo. The Oscar's calling your name :yes:

Agreed also on moving on but have to just respond to your comment about people not jumping on board to defend Blake= this is the Leo fan board, not the Blake fan board so.....it seems like Leo fans are expected to behave differently or something, Do you mean that Blake fans don't jump to her defense on her board when something negative is written? And what's wrong with that anyhow? Also, not ALL the people here automatically defend Leo on everything or think all his movies are great, please don't lump as all together.

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Agreed also on moving on but have to just respond to your comment about people not jumping on board to defend Blake= this is the Leo fan board, not the Blake fan board so.....it seems like Leo fans are expected to behave differently or something, Do you mean that Blake fans don't jump to her defense on her board when something negative is written? And what's wrong with that anyhow? Also, not ALL the people here automatically defend Leo on everything or think all his movies are great, please don't lump as all together.

+ 1

I don't see anyone defending Leo when Lainey ( :yuckky:) speaks ill of him, just saying.

Well, Leo has an entire floor of the hotel-casino just for him, so... Leo, if you're feeling alone (which I highly doubt) can call me I'll go there.

A girl can dream :laugh:.

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oh, ok. Sorry if I offend someone with my opionion but it's a honest opinion, Can I be wrong? yes, I can but that was what I felt at the moment, I prefer to be honest than a liar. Plus: the article said that, not me. As about Leo is the same thing, I already said I will NOT BE PLEASED if he dates a 20 year model, but pedophile gelling since when a 20 year old woman is a child?

Also: I'm pretty sure all this articles talking about Leo and this models in Australia were all posted already a billion times in his thread.

I don't regret what I said because it was honest and I didn't talk bad about Blake, and if she dates Ryan, it's not of my business, but that article mention Leo and as a Leo fan I think I could made a comment at that.

Hope this answer your reactions, girls!

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Hell ya I'm on at the same time fash!! :p :D

I agree Barbie, the rumors about him and the models already been dismissed, but the media still likes to role with the story. What can ya do? :)

Thanks for that article Princess. Its neat how the made the hotel fit to his needs. I hope its a better stay than his home near the sydney water.

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oh, ok. Sorry if I offend someone with my opionion but it's a honest opinion, Can I be wrong? yes, I can but that was what I felt at the moment, I prefer to be honest than a liar. Plus: the article said that, not me. As about Leo is the same thing, I already said I will NOT BE PLEASED if he dates a 20 year model, but pedophile jou? since when a 20 year old woman is a child?

Also: I'm pretty sure all this articles talking about Leo and this models in Australia were all posted already a billion times in his thread.

I don't regret what I said because it was honest and I didn't talk bad about Blake, and if she dates Ryan, it's not of my business, but that article mention Leo and as a Leo fan I think I could made a comment at that.

Hope this answer your reactions, girls!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

No Barbie, you're not wrong at all. You can grizzle, we're here to read... :laugh:.

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solange, perfect statement: Totally agree!

who knows if true or not, but the point is, people don't bury their heads here and pretend Leo is perfect or a God.

We always say this here, Leo is not perfect, nor close to that but we love him anyway.

solange: you are great girl, you stole my thoughts all the time, loved this one too:

It seems like people can say all sorts of SH_T about Leo, but if any Leo fans say anything that could be remotely interpreted as negative about another celebrity

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Counting down to J. Edgar... screening should just be starting. :)

Entertainment Weekly

24 Movie Remakes: The Best and Worst

With the new ''Footloose'' getting a great review from us, we're taking stock of other remakes, both exemplary and notorious -- like ''Planet of the Apes,'' ''Ocean's Eleven,'' and ''Dawn of the Dead''

By Jeff Labrecque | Oct 14, 2011



Original: Infernal Affairs (2002)

Director Martin Scorsese transplanted the original cat-and-mouse thriller from gleaming Hong Kong to the gritty streets of South Boston, where Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio play a gangster pretending to be a cop or vice versa. It's not thought of as Scorsese's finest work, but it did win him his long-overdue Oscar.

FWIW, I haven't seen much if any negative talk about Leo on the Blake forum here, and Grazia will always be one of the rank tabloids in my book, whether they're talking about Leo, Blake, or whomever. ;)

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