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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I'm honestly shocked how u guys seem to believe everything youre reading

This is exactly the word for word crap about Blake that was printed in Grazia magazine

Poor Leo also now has to deal with being called a paedophile on websites becos he has been wronlgy linked to 20 year old models.

Both of them appear to be taking a beating in a gossip hungry atmosphere :yuckky: :yuckky: :yuckky:

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What's the point of posting articles that have been denied as false by the reps and whose authenticity can be denied by the information we have here on BZ?

Not trying to censor anyone's speech, but what is the point? That article makes Blake out to be a cheater which is obviously untrue.

A lot of crap is written about every celebrity so people should try (me too) to not take it so seriously. There are many other articles and gossip that are even worse about Leo so if someone brings up a Blake article that might not be favorable to her, it's nothing to get upset about. I hope the Blake/Leo thing doesn't turn out like it did with Bar/Leo thing where some of the respective fans turned to saying nasty things. There is no need for that. Not that that's what you were doing aomgreckless, but I just wanted to keep it that way.

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As has been proven time and again it's difficult to believe these reporters.. especially when it comes to them stating how someone else is feeling. As a result, it's hard for us to state for a fact things are untrue or true. Though, frankly, for me certain views have definately changed back into what they used to be.

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I'm honestly shocked how u guys seem to believe everything youre reading

This is exactly the word for word crap about Blake that was printed in Grazia magazine

Poor Leo also now has to deal with being called a paedophile on websites becos he has been wronlgy linked to 20 year old models.

Both of them appear to be taking a beating in a gossip hungry atmosphere :yuckky: :yuckky: :yuckky:

You're right. Reports like those about Leo are usually dismissed out of hand on the board, and rightly so considering the sources. I've done it many times myself (check my past posts) before I decided not to comment altogether. But Blake fans here have been by my estimation fair to Leo and I'd like to return the favor. Since this Grazia sourced article was repeated over here, I'll repeat what I said.

All I know for certain is this: Numerous sightings and pix had Blake on the set, with her family, or with Leo throughout their relationship. There were no sightings or pix of her partying or hanging out with Ryan or any other man until someone saw them on a train together, and that was on the eve of the official breakup announcement. She has a history of not talking much about her love life to the press. She and Leo never made an official statement on whether they were dating or not (even after it became pretty obvious with the pap pix.)

I don't see why she should be obligated to respond to gossip and rumors about whom she is dating, especially now that she is single. There were a couple Leo reports from a newspaper and a radio station in Sydney during the weeks prior to that train sighting about him having his security bring attractive women to his table at the clubs and I don't recall him confirming or denying them -- and that was long before any official announcement had come down. This is not to say there was anything going on or that he had to respond. I'm just acknowledging the fact that he chose not to, and no one here made an issue of his lack of response at the time that I can remember.

Those who are inclined to believe the worst because Blake might be dating Ryan now are probably not going to believe her publicist confirming or denying anything (too many already act like she's the only person who has a publicist). ET and the rest are trying hard to bait her into responding, and you know it wouldn't stop with a simple "Yes we're dating." They won't be happy unless she tells them details like when she and Leo split, were there any other people involved, etc. It's a slippery slope.

(Fingers crossed for a barrage of J. Edgar news tonight - I know I need it! :p)

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A lot of crap is written about every celebrity so people should try (me too) to not take it so seriously. There are many other articles and gossip that are even worse about Leo so if someone brings up a Blake article that might not be favorable to her, it's nothing to get upset about. I hope the Blake/Leo thing doesn't turn out like it did with Bar/Leo thing where some of the respective fans turned to saying nasty things. There is no need for that. Not that that's what you were doing aomgreckless, but I just wanted to keep it that way.

Yet the nasty articles about Leo aren't posted on here because we know they are preposterous enough to be untrue. Why can't that same discretion be afforded to Blake because that article certainly did not post her in a positive light.

As to your second point, you can go through Blake's thread, no one's ever said anything nasty about Leo or posted any of the nasty rumors or the Aussie articles written about him because we know them to be untrue. And I know it's gonna stay that way. We love Blake, we love Leo, we loved their relationship together however long it lasted, we've been nothing but gracious since it ended and do not see the need to introduce negative and untrue articles to mar that.

It'd be nice to be accorded the same respect.

As has been proven time and again it's hard to believe these reporters.. especially when it comes to them stating how someone else is feeling. In addition, it's hard for us to state for a fact things are untrue. Though, frankly, for me certain views have definately changed back into what they used to be.

I think with the amount of sightings we on Bellazon get, we do tend to know stuff before the media and we've been able to prove or disprove stuff based on that timeline. We knew when the media carried all that stuff from Now Magazine that it wasn't true since they had been spotted in Santa Barbara, we also knew they were in Carmel before the media did.

Yes it is hard to believe these reporters especially those from magazines that have proven unreliable (Life&Style, OK!, Star, Now, Grazia etc) but I think we have a basis for saying some things are categorically true or untrue and we have done so in the past, especially since we actually follow these celebs much more closely and our posts don't consist of creatively (little) fact and (mostly) fiction.

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Regarding the Leo /Blake and "concept of fault' discussion , this is my mindset:

To my knowledge none of us has spent any time as part of the reality that was Leo & Kristen, Leo & Gisele,Leo & Bar, Leo & Blake .therefore, none of us have any true knowlege of what caused their relationship to end. Therefore, I. personally, don't see how anyone, who isn't and has never been part of the inner circle of the respective couple , can assign fault to either party.

When it comes to personal relationships, be it a famous couple like Leo & Blake, or a non famous couple like me and my significant other, only the man and woman involved truly knows what goes on behind closed doors.

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Oxford, no one's commenting on their relationship or what might or might not have gone on behind there.

I'm just saying Blake fans have ascribed some respect to Leo and all his fans- all you fab ladies (and gents?) here especially by not posting negative articles which we can prove to be untrue. We have been nothing but gracious and the fact is many of us became Leo fans as well because of the relationship. Now I know Blake doesn't have as many or as vocal fans as Leo but at least here on BZ can't we be accorded that same respect by not posting negative and untrue articles about Blake.

She's not made a twitter or spoken to a tabloid about anything, she's shown nothing but dignity and put on a brave face through the break up even she's been papped. What gives for the sly digs at her?

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Looking for J. Edgar news and came up with a little Gatsby instead... gonna be a very Merry Christmas indeed :D

Hollywood Reporter

Baz Luhrmann's 'The Great Gatsby' to Open on Christmas in 2012

4:32 PM PDT 10/14/2011 by Pamela McClintock

Warner Bros. announced Friday it will release Baz Luhrmann's Leonardo DiCaprio starrer The Great Gatsby on Dec. 25, 2012 -- the same day DiCaprio's Django Unchained is set to open.

It's unusual to have two films starring the same actor launching on the same date, but since Dec. 25, 2012, is more than a year away, the Christmas Day calendar could change.

Great Gatsby, based on F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel, stars DiCaprio as Jay Gatsby, Carey Mulligan as Daisy Buchanan and Tobey Maguire as Nick Carraway. Joel Edgerton, Isla Fisher, Jason Clarke, Amitabh Bachchan and Elizabeth Debicki also star.

Luhrmann is currently shooting the film in Australia; Quentin Tarantino's Western Django, from Dimension Pictures, hasn't started production yet.

The 1974 film The Great Gatsby was directed by Jack Clayton and starred Robert Redford, Mia Farrow, Bruce Dern, Karen Black, Scott Wilson and Sam Waterston.

aomg, that's one reason I became a Blake fan: I've been impressed with how she has handles herself (among the other reasons are Elvis and Annabelle and Private Lives of Pippa Lee, she is great in both :) )

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Interesting news! Reminds me a lot of the CMIYC/ GONY situation! Though they were never released on the exact same day but very close and around Christmas time as well. At one point those two movies were even supposed to open against eachother.. so maybe the dates will change in this case too. This similar situation will happen exactly 10 years later!. Thanks Jou

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In reply to your question below is the informaiton from the article I posted the other day about the J Edgar /Carmel screening.

As you can see it is a select group, but I'm sure there will be some press types there who will make a tweet ;hopefully posiitive ones. :)

Ah, thanks Ox. I didn't know that. Positive comments, yeah, I hope so.

I decided that I will not comment on Blake in this forum, unless they get back together she's past in Leo's life. Let's move on and talk about Leo because this forum is about him and the things that are part of his life. Who wants to talk about Blake (as I do sometimes, just visit her forum that it's packed with information, photos and very nice people as well. I don't want to be rude, but it's only my opinion. No offense. :hug:

Thanks By_princess for the article and thanks JouJou for the info on Great Gatsby opening... two films of Leo at Christmas 2012, AWESOME! I can't wait.

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Oscar predictions

Best Actor

DOWN: Leonardo DiCaprio (J. Edgar). Leo's suddenly hot to make a biopic of Alan Turing, which makes his portrayal of another historic gay twentieth-century figure in J. Edgar just a little less urgent. :dontgetit:

I hope this time the academy doesn't ignore him like they did two years ago :angry:

CURRENT PREDIX: George Clooney (The Descendants); Leonardo DiCaprio (J. Edgar); Jean Dujardin (The Artist); Michael Fassbender (Shame); Brad Pitt (Moneyball)

Read more: http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2011/...k_with_mar.html

speaking of injustices, Look like Leo was ROBBED in the 1994 Oscars :mad:

his performance was the best by far :yes:

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aomgreckless- I know that because you're a major Blake fan, you might be a lot more sensitive about things said or written about Blake- it's the same with me with Leo. I think you are being a little sensitive about the one article someone posted - that article wasn't even that negative towards Blake IMO. But irregardless, you are wrong in saying no one ever posts negative comments/news/or gossip about Leo here. Maybe you don't read all the posts (and I don't blame U if you don't) but people have posted the stupid gossip about Leo here - who knows if true or not, but the point is, people don't bury their heads here and pretend Leo is perfect or a God.

About snide comments, well, maybe there have been but can you understand that we worry mainly about Leo - just like Blake fans are concerned about Blake - it's natural. Truthfully, I haven't read anything overtly negative towards Blake - people can choose to not like Blake, just like they can choose not to like Leo. But because of the rules of Bellazon, people are not allowed to troll and say negative things to cause fights. If you feel someone is doing that with Blake, report to the moderators, and I am sure they will take care of it. I don't read the Blake board anymore so I can't comment either way how Blake fans have treated Leo there. But I think I have read on other Blake boards, how happy they are that she is dating Ryan instead of Leo, how much Ryan is so much better, etc etc. I know nothing much about Ryan Reynolds but as far as I'm concerned, he would have to be something super special, to be as good as Leo, talent wise and otherwise.

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Sent you a pm :)


Thanks for Hollywood Reporter news about Gatsby :)

If any studio head is eavesdropping, I would like to see an Oct release for Djano and Christmas release for Gatsby such as was the case for TD & BD in 2006 :wave::wave:

By Princess

Thanks for Oscar article :)

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So no J.Edgar tweets yet? :cry: Hopefully the screening just started and we'll be getting stuff soon.

And yes Princess, Leo was ROBBED!! He defiently deserves that oscar!!

Also wondering if leo will do a talk show like Leno this promotion? He usually does Leno when hes doing promotion for a more oscar related film ;)

Interesting about the release date. Leo against Leo. Will be interesting ;)

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