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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Hey, ladies, we could be getting an early screening of J Edgar soon

I've noticed many of the movie bloggers think it is J Edgar

From Deadline Hollywood

So far, there is no consensus Oscar frontrunner like there was at this time last year, and many of the biggest Oscar hopefuls haven’t yet been seen. We’ll have a good sense of one of them early next week. The New York Film Festival plans to show a work in progress film by a “legendary” filmmaker this Monday. It has to be one of several Oscar-bait films that weren’t completed in time to be shown at the festivals. So it’s either Clint Eastwood’s J Edgar, Steven Spielberg’s War Horse or The Adventures of Tintin, Martin Scorsese’s Hugo, Stephen Daldry’s Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close, Jason Reitman’s Young Adult, or David Fincher’s The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. The festival will begin selling tickets by Friday, so we’ll know soon. I’m told this is the first time that the festival has done this kind of thing, and that the unfinished film will be screened Columbus Day at 7 PM at Avery Fisher Hall.

Thanks so much Ox!!! Best news of the day. Even if its not guaranteed to be Edgar .. it's still something to look forward to :)

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I don't know if the story is true or not but I completely understand why Blake wouldn't want to settle down since she is so young. Leo really needs to start dating ladies that are 30 or 30+. I think I may pass out from shock if his next girlfriend is like 28 or 30. :rofl: ILU Leo. Still, this is the first time EVER as a Leo stan that I've heard in a gossipy story that HE was the one that wanted to settle down. Slight yay! I want the man to breed. BREED LEO, BREED.

YAAAAY J.EDGAR. WANT TO SEE NOW. I am also slightly scared of the reviews. A bit.

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Reading that its slightly more believable than what was previously implied

I thot they were going to make him sound desperate or summat. Something Leo is defintely not :laugh:

But it seems a more reasoned bit of goss

Its possible they'll reunite.

But seriously Leo is too old to keep playing this on-off businees with the girls. Hes almost 40!!!

And I'm nervous about Hoover though it wont come out in London till next year so I'll be relying on you guys for reviews.

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Thanks Aomg :wave:

Speaking of his movies... it sure is hard to get on set pics of him on the Gatsby set right now :( I hope they soon start filming outdoors (publically).. not just in the studio ( if that's what's happening now)

Leo has the weekends off right? I thought I read that... makes sense because most of the sightings and pics we get of him happen on the weekends :p

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^Yeah is it too hard to go get a pap pic of him on set every once in a while :p I want to see handsome Jay ;)

aOMG I posted on Blakes thread, but in case you didn't see, I sent you a PM :wave:

And yeah J.Edgar I'm excitied to get the reviews, but I hope I didn't get my hopes up and they stink :(

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Nor does DiCaprio “hook up” with Crawford.

A close friend of the actor assures Gossip Cop that Perez’s story is “false,” and “just because [DiCaprio] talked to someone doesn’t mean anything.”

Gossip Cop 2, Perez 0.

thank God. it is not true

as I figured, Only by the fact that she is a model and saw them talking 2 times in a club took and that he recently announced his break up, the press took the opportunity to invent this story.

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I think now we only need to think about what will happen next,as I always say only time will tell us. I dont like to judge or say who cheated or not, or even if there was betrayal,all I want is that Leo finds his soul mate and the same for Blake or Bar. That what matters for me now. :)

I'm sooo waiting to see this "Satori"! :wave:

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I still think it's a little strange they keep telling Leo's that eager to settle,

with all the movies/projects he want's to do coming out, but oh well...

I really really want to believe he want's to settle down,

but I just cant :(

Thanks for the screening news! :D

I hope it;s true, even if the revieuws are bad (what I don't expect)

at least we'll know..

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Samuel L. Jackson talking about Django and Leo

So you’re going to be playing a “slave who is the right-hand man of a sadistic slavemaster” in Django Unchained.

I’m always excited to work with Quentin. I’m looking forward to that. I’m playing Martin Luther King on stage now, so I’ll go from the most beloved black man in the history of all time to the most hated negro in cinematic history. So it’s gonna be a good leap for me. I’m going to have a good time.

How do you balance that mentally?

No such balance. You just gotta do it.

It seems like Leo DiCaprio is playing an evil character too, which is unlike him.

Really? Leo’s never played a bad guy?

I just think of him in Inception and Titanic as the good guy.

Really? Hm. You ever seen Basketball Diaries?


You gotta watch the other side of Leo too. He’s got a dark side.

I trust that. Has Quentin told you details about the film?

I read the script. There’s not much else you need to know. You read the script, you kind of go, “Ohhhh, okay.” And you just gotta run with it.

Do you think it’ll be as iconic as Pulp Fiction?

It may end up being that, but right now. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be controversial. [lets out a little cackle]

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Love the vid fash. thanks for posting!

Princess, I love your Barbara avi :D

And thanks wijn for the Jackson interview. I wonder if it will indeed be as iconic as Pulp Ficton? I've never seen the movie in its entirity, but everyone loves it!

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