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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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@Barbieerin, you totally do not have to apologize for not agreeing with me, I TOTALLY RESPECT YOUR OPINION, that's what makes the world so interesting is that we have differing views and opinions! As long as we do it respectfully!

And I am most excited about him playing the bad ass role, cannot wait to see him as a villian.

@killabunnies no one is going to hate you, this is a thread for all Leo fans, its not like you have to like a certain person to be allowed to post here. At least I hope that is the case

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A tweet suggesting Leo could still be in Carmel.

_Brenduh_‎ Leonardo Dicaprio was in Carmel yesterday  he was so close... :/ darn

Twitter - 7 minutes ago


Not sure if she is referring to seeing the new Leo and Blake Carmel articles, or if he was really there yesterday! Wouldn't surprise me though if he was still in Carmel!

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Thanks Kat for the sighting

First look at a J. Edgar poster


Also starring Naomi Watts and Armie Hammer, the upcoming biopic chronicles the life and times of the first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Leonardo DiCaprio stars as J. Edgar Hoover, Josh Lucas as famous pilot Charles Lindbergh, Armie Hammer as Hoover's protege Clyde Tolson, Judi Dench and Ed Westwick as Hoover's parents and Naomi Watts will portray Hoover's long time secretary and confidant Helen Grady. Eastwood's film will focus on Hoover's days as FBI director and his scandalous private life which is rumored to include Hoover's pentient for cross dressing and his secret homosexual tendencies. The film will debut in theaters in 2012.


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^ ok then maybe that explains it lol

I'm just posting this for the comment celebuzz made about things not slowing down for them... take it as you may because as usual we can never be totally sure of these things lol


Despite the fact that In Touch reported Blake Lively and Leonardo DiCaprio were fizzling, the gorgeous duo is still going strong. Claimed the tabloid:

“Blake can get really insecure out in public. It’s one of the main reasons she hates going out. Leo, on the other hand, loves to be out at night, and tends to hit clubs and parties almost every night.”

However, B and L were just spotted in Carmel, California together, and insiders tell Celebuzz things aren’t slowing down for the couple.

Lively and DiCaprio were spotted together in the romantic beach town and stopped by Carmel Coffeehouse & Roasting Company.


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This is not a big deal but i'm posting just because lol.......

Sports Illustrated model Chrissy Teigen tweeted about the People article... she didn't mention leo's name because you know how people would love to try to hook them up together lol. But i think she's just trying to point out the sillyness of them making news out of something so minor.

chrissyteigen christine teigen

people mag reporting Blake Lively ordered 2 cappuccinos, 1 with whipped cream and one without. BUT


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Yeah fash I don't think that poster is J.Edgar, its Inception!! But would have been nice to get a J. Edgar poster soon! :D

Also thanks for the celebbuzz article, and the tweet. The tweet about Blake is funny and true too! :rofl:

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Heres another little cute incert from the Celebbuzz article fash posted. Who knows if its true, Celebbuzz is known to usually be credible, and it does sound cute!

Both Lively and DiCaprio have busy schedules ahead this summer, but sources close to Blake tell Celebuzz the couple isn't too concerned.

They really like each other and love hanging out. They're very happy. They are just going to see where it all goes, theres no grand plan.


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Thank you guys so much for the news! :wave:

I have to say, I was very busy the last few days, but I'm glad to return here with so much (good) news! :grouphug:

I really really hope Lukas is in love with that girl, I have the feeling he's always 'Leo's best friend' and I hope he finds love too!

About the girl (and yes, I think she looks like her a lot, but I can really tell, but I trust your comparison - I have to say, you guys find out almost everything, we could easily start up a magazine together ;) )

I DO think it's flirting - and I know I piss off a lot op people saying it - but I can't help with pops in my head ;)

I also don't feel the whole 'protecting Blake feelings-stuff'

If there wasn't anything going on he would be able to just tell her that - and any girl who date's Leo should be able to trust his word, since - a thing I do agree with - every single Leo talks to is getting blown up.

They're acting like they were practically having sex in the middle of the street...

Anyways, I think Leo's looking very good lately (the whole smoking thing is also just a comment from some anonymus internet user -which i BTW not meant as an attack to anyone, I always post very unrealiable stuff too, because I'm very interested in it, so thanks so much for finding it! This is the kind of information who you can't get anywhere except this plage :hug:

So I think he looks very good, expecially IF he really tried to quit smoking, because his face looks more 'musculair' than usually :p

I just hope he's happy, and seeing the (probably fake) Hoover-poster made me soooo exited for it!! :laugh:

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Where did you hear about the smoking thing Joujou .......

I read the same thing you just posted from IMDb on another Leo forum. Speaking of, they posted some cute pix of little Leo and his daddy for Father's Day: http://forum.ableminds.com/go?14@@.89416af0/478

oh please I do not believe for a minute that Leo will talk with the photographer only because he is smoking and Blake dont like it.

He is flirting with the girl. The flirting can be innocent and maybe they are just friends but he knows that the photos can hurt Blake... but no because he is smoking :) , BECAUSE he is with the girl.

The photos are no longer important because two days later Leo and Blake were in Carmel. Surely he explained to her the situation with the girl and now they are having fun together. End of the problem :D

I agree the smoking wasn't the issue. :p As for flirting, I have male friends and we joke around like that, but I've never considered it flirting, innocent or otherwise. I wonder if Blake looked at those pix and thought "I've been that girl" because that's what I did. ;) I grew up with brothers and I'm comfortable joking around with men, but there's nothing sexual in nature about it. Of course in Leo's case there's his reputation to contend with, deserved or not, and paparazzo lurking around every corner ready to exploit any situation with a woman. I know it must be hard to consider your every move 24/7, but if he cares enough about his relationship with Blake to try to clear things up with a paparazzo it would make sense to pay more attention to appearances in the future.

That is why I hate him being in a high profile relationship because of these stupid pr shenanigans, Leo is just so above this, he is a truly talented A-list actor. THis focus of his private life is so disappointing.

It's true high profile people come with baggage, but there's that old saying you don't choose who you fall in love, or like, with. Leo is above this, but the tabs are not above making up stories. Sometimes pr has to respond. There is also Anna's feelings to consider. I'm sure she doesn't want to be portrayed as the "other woman." And what if she has a boyfriend? Something had to be said, without addressing the photos directly and making a bigger deal out of them.

Hey guys lets change the subject, is the Gatsby filming really pushed back to September?

I read Carey Mulligan said they were filming in September. Maybe they will start preparing in August with rehearsals, costume fittings, and the rest.

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We get A Dangerous Method trailer but no Hoover trailer yet? :ermm: Come on, Clint! God, I want to see the trailer badly.

I have this hope that Keira Knightley wins best actress for A Dangerous Method while Leo wins for Hoover and they end up doing bits of award show press together. :laugh: Keira is one of my favorite, or actually my favorite, actresses and Leo is my favorite actor. IT WOULD BE AWESOME. YES. Also for Natalie to present the award to Leo. :laugh: Ignore me.

Hurry up, movie people!

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I agree with your comments regarding People and Leo & Blake news :)

Plus , who know, maybe the coffee shop got jealous that the local bookstore was getting some Facebook attention in relation to the couple's browsing there, so they figured they'd call and get some free pr for their establishment.

Question for Everyone

I'm a newcomer to this forum, so if this has already been discussed, I apologize for reasking it .

If the Tarantino "Django" project goes through ( I hope ) then this coming film year, Leo will have played : historical character , tragic romantic figure, and badass villian

I was wondering which of these roles are you most excited about ?

Thanks :)

Good question, oxford.

It's always great to see Leo play any character, but I have to admit... this role as a villain can silence all the critics (those who still insist that he is an actor median :yuckky:).

I really want to watch this movie. Tarantino + DiCaprio has smell of $UCCE$$, of classic... will be epic.

Thanks girls for all the news :wave: .

This issue of the model and pictures with all the news that emerged after... :whistle:

These paparazzi have a GPS to locate Leo :ninja: ? Incredible.

I've never heard this model before these photos... I may even be misinformed. Leo got the power :laugh: !

I don't think the movie poster is wrong... is very similar with of Inception - true - but not the same photo (or the same hair). Maybe a poster draft.

And the picture makes sense, a man with many secrets and mysteries ... just a theory, opinion.

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