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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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I'm just so confused right now!

Don't know what to think of it yet...

Me too ... :blink: It`s obvious that Leo has a type both physically and otherwise but I expected something more from him. I wanna be happy for him but I`m not so sure about Blake and Leo together...

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I don't like leo choice. I mean I don't if tehy are a couple, if it is serious but I know one thing leo cant' stand to be alone he need to be with someone so maybe is serious or maybe it's serious. Personnaly that it's not a good a choice and if he dates her (I think that yes just because they are only together in italy) it means that he is a little boy and not someone mature and adult. I think that he has the same behaviour like actors as Jude Law he desn't have any respect for bar I mean he could wait just one month before to be with someone else in public; Gisele was very clever and intelligent because she kowns her real nature so she made the good choice when she broke-up with him.

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I agree with Calista, Gisele was very smart, in hindsight we see that she was right in moving on.

If Leo is serious about being an actor and not allowing his life to become a gossip circus he should not date this girl, she has paps of speeddial.

Although if they do date we will be happy because we will get TONS of candid shots!! And lots of coverage. But as a fan of Leo the actor I am really dissapointed. I guess Bar wanted babies and he was like NO.

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Now about Leo, if he's with Blake why he should hide? Plus: I think Leo and Bar are over more than just some days, I think it's over for 2 months or more, but people just knew 2 weeks ago. I also think it's fast to start another relationship and also think Blake is young for him but it's his life, he can do whatever he wants and just because some people don't like them together will not change anything. It was the same thing with Bar, a lot of people didn't liked Bar or Leo and Bar together but that didn't stop them to date 5 years.

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Not agree with you Barbie bar trying to keep smile in public in order not to show anything about her actual state of mind she doesn't talked her or her friends about the split. Bar has no boyfriend for the moment she was talking with men in parties just it nothing more. The last that leo and bar were togther it were less tah 2 two it was when he was in Paris she was with him so it is recent. I just that leo behiavour is like a child I mean when justin timberlake, george clonney, tony parker or others actors they waited some time before to be photographed with another girl. Leo not he plays serious in movies but in real life he is like a bad boy. Instead to be concentrated in her next movie leo show himself with a girl who make him lose a lot of credibilty; I mean leo is not stupid if he wanted really to protect his personnal life he doesn't dated so quickly a girl especially a girl which always present in the tabloids.

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BarbieErin, you are totally right I think Leo has been single for a longer than it was annouced.

So guys to change the subject if Marty Scorsese does not do Wolf of Wallstreet who would you like to direct it?

I say David Fincher or Darren Aronofsky.

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Ok Calista: think whatever you want, you have all the right but I don't agree with you too, it doesn't seem for me that Bar is soooooo upset, but... Maybe Leo will never settle down really but who knows about the future? By now Let's get over it, let's move on, because seems both Leo and Bar already move on, so let's just keep the good memories about them and forget the rest. It's over definetively!!!

And about Leo lose credibility because he's dating Blake? I don't think like this because when you date someone is suppose to be because you like that person, not? Did you choose for who you will fall in love? So I guess it doesn't matter what the other people think.

The world would be better place if we can choose for whom we want to fall in love, thinking with the reason and not with the heart...

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I think that it' is completly finish and over between bar and leo... Leo behiavour bored me because he doesn't have a smart and mature attitude in his life. Leo told always that he wants to be like Robert De Niro in the cinema but also in his life because De Niro is private. But Leo is not like him anymore.

Moreover leo attitude will be a negative point for wining awards especially an oscar I don't konw if you note that but all people who win an oscar have a stable love life I know that the academy choose to give the oscar for the interpretations but also for the image of the actor .... SO for the moment leo is far from the oscar

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