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  1. Sophie20


    Does Adriana still talk with now Adrielle's friends? Like: Debbie, Lee, Cristina, Chef Paul, her cousin Eduardo, his husband Sebastian?
  2. Omg! Gorgeous baby! He is just like Adriana, lips, nose and eyes 😊
  3. Sophie20


    In how many premiers movies Adriana has been this year?
  4. Sophie20


    How he made ther eyes lookes asian just with make up? Looks like he put something pushing it back
  5. Sophie20


    Yes...Idk what Graça feels, she is very close to her niece by what I saw... I think its sad she is now going to São Paulo many times and then no Bahia.. his mom is always with their baby too.. but Adriana who knows
  6. Sophie20


    Its easier to say that trey will pass the holidays with his family..they are closer to his family, always together
  7. Sophie20


    What they did with her lips???
  8. Sophie20


    When was the last time she went to Bahia? When she travel to Brazil she is always in São Paulo now?
  9. Sophie20


    Which event is this?
  10. Totally random, but, Marko does not have instagram anymore?
  11. I said working as a model, because it take more of her time...now she can be with the kids this time..and I don't think where Marko lived impacted her decision... about the age neither, Alessandra brought her two kids at the same age, they also carried the torch here in Brazil... just Adriana know the reason, I just think it was because she was working almost the entire day that time.. When will be this promo?
  12. This world cup is very controversy because of the human rights in Qatar..I don't think Adriana is there working, thats why all the kids are there...When she came to the Brazil for the world cup here she didn't bring her daughters, her own country right, but I think it was because she was working that time... About her look, I don't think she is "fat" (not lose the pregnancy weight) I think she is kind of swollen Her friend Ana Antic is also there, at the same game, hope we can see a picture od them together
  13. Maybe now that Adriana is focused in the new baby, they decided that
  14. Sophie20


    Congratulations! What a exotic name! never heard before..
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