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Status Updates posted by Ange

  1. :) So what;s up?

  2. :rofl: ahahaha VS stores are like 90 mins from where I live, crossing the boarder of course. I love those bras, my fav so comfortable and very sexy lace love it how when you where it underneath a shirt it doesn't show the lace. Awesome, VS is indeed the best :P

  3. :rofl: ahahahha silly girl, no no... I wish he was in the Superbowl, but whatev it's like Gi's his Superbowl :P That's a pretty good win if you ask me.

  4. :rofl: I'm going to batter your ass on a splatter.. boo! AH! scare you?

  5. :rofl: LOL . Only on weekends I like to stay up, but like that I sleep forever, sleep is good. I do so much stuff during the day and it's so exhausting, I sleep when I can. Wake up earlier and finish the day late, so it's like nice to go to bed.

  6. :woot: for CYP & life! :P School same here, dunzo w/ exams.. yah bitches! Work, I need a job too :| As lovers go you know it's sad, but single is so much better, plus I don't date jerkfaces or clowns.. and unfortunately boys suck at the moment. We'll see what develops in the weeks to come.... I heard your daddyo is a cop? :D

  7. ....just relaxing, living it up. Yourself?

  8. "yeah okay" Sasquatch sooo exists. Ahaha I would include him in their, but my ava maker has disappeared once again. Ahaha so it's just Daria!

  9. @ Pinky: ahaha it's an inside joke between Andrea & me. But yes you are right, earmuffs are to cover your ears. :P

  10. *fingers crossed* lol.

  11. *SIGH* oh no Cyp you caught me red handed. I am an imposer how on Earth did you know?! Psychic I suppose? Ahahaha good one.

  12. *whips out a big red present* Thanks for the massage. Hellooo, I want that Santa Cruz postcard now. Mail it! And some of those M&M's because we don't have that in Canada. And mail yourself too. :D

  13. 3 months, sounds like a vaca! Party time, traveling has never been the same! My exam break is about to end on monday boo

  14. aaaaaaaaahh! i'm dead beat tired & sick.. double whammy!

  15. aahaha heck no yet! Soo sad. I want it all to end now.

  16. Aahaha no. I don't fancy piercings that much, especially the septum, but obviously seeing as she got one, she must like it. Let's hope.

  17. Aahha oh for sure, I love fashion magazines too. Especially my favourites the Vogues. French & Italian are my favourite, but I don't understand Italian what so ever so I cannot read it, instead I swap it for US Vogue ahah which is not entirely that bad, except for the Americanize things in it. I absolutely adore Numero though, probably my favourite magazine of all mags. Have any favourites

  18. Abahaha. Mathieu! I tell you little SECRET about HEATHER, she likes M&M's. :laugh: Right Heaths?:

  19. About sports, well I'm a freak! I LOVE SPORTS! Basketball, football, soccer, rugby and kickboxing. I like to snowboard, parasail, kayak and just fun stuff like that.

    I've never played ultimate frisbee, is it fun?

  20. Actually no. I think it's easier than skiing, you need good balance.

  21. ADD, because you're not a whackjob.

  22. Ah pretty much so. I learned french too, and I live in Ontario :p

  23. Ah! I enjoy all sorts of films, anything pretty much that has a great script and well developed plot appeals to me. My favourite film of all time, Gladiator. Yours?

  24. AH! I hope you had fun!

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