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Everything posted by Sanni

  1. http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/406822-wealthiest-republican-supporter-in-ohio-quits-party
  2. People calling them racist in the hotel’s latest post:
  3. Sanni

    General Discussion

    Oh, I forgot about Taylor. Where would she rank?
  4. Sanni

    General Discussion

    @HitchcockBlonde I do think Miranda is the most successful Western top model in Asia. I dunno if others just haven’t tried or if they know they wouldn’t be as wanted there so they concentrate on other markets.
  5. Sanni

    General Discussion

    Thanks for explaining So, Candice, Behati, Josephine, Adriana and Alessandra would be the most popular? Elsa kinda Lais kinda but to a lesser degree and Stella, Sara, Martha, and Jasmine not so much How about Lily & Romee? And out of all the past and present Angels, does Miranda fit the beauty standard the best?
  6. Sanni

    General Discussion

    @toodarnhot @PastaFreak Who do you think would fit China’s beauty standards the worst out of the Angels?
  7. Sanni

    General Discussion

    What is this being extra thing?
  8. Sanni

    General Discussion

    If only VS had gone to China when they still had Miranda Kerr.
  9. Damn, she is really skinny. You can see her concave stomach and protruding hipbones even through the dress. I still look forward to seeing her on the show but I think she is one of those who need to be careful not to over-exercise and diet.
  10. Sanni

    General Discussion

    I’d rather see them stop being cheap and offer the big bucks for Angel contracts as they did before.
  11. Sanni

    General Discussion

    Welp, I guess VS enjoys throwing good money after bad!
  12. Sanni

    General Discussion

    The UK and Ireland aren’t fucking with VS, so I guess they have to try Scotland.
  13. Sanni


    I got the perfect girl for you!
  14. The horse doesn’t like her prancing in front of it.
  15. SI Swim 2018 video: Anne de Paula Heats Things Up in Nevis| INTIMATES | Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
  16. SI Swim 2018 video: Former Patriots' Cheerleader Camille Kostek Talks Living Her Dreams | Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
  17. Sanni

    General Discussion

    The start of the downfall was probably 2009 when Behati wore sweatpants on the runway.
  18. @RIP_Cabrini_Green What’s your favourite rap song?
  19. Cute! And so cute how her face has filled out.
  20. 100% racist. Daniela gets a good seat at a restaurant because she is a beautiful woman and restaurants want to show off customers like that. But when she comes with her two black friends, suddenly she and her friends are hustled in the back of the restaurant. If you get seated in the back, near the kitchens etc., then they want you out of sight.
  21. 2018 SI Swim video: Bianca Balti Is a Golden Goddess | Intimates| Sports Illustrated Swimsuit
  22. Sanni

    General Discussion

    I would have liked to see Chase Carter in PINK
  23. Sanni

    General Discussion

    Why can’t both be embraced? Why is there competition between fans of Sui and Ming?
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