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Status Updates posted by COP11

  1. Happy Birthday!

  2. I am excellent as usual! I hired a wedding planner to help me and I went ahead and hired the stripper. Plus Micah is taking Thursday off so I get some alone time with him.

  3. I know exactly what you're talking about in the "What are you thinking about" thread.

    Hope you've been good. Oh and GSP fights soon!

  4. OMG I would die. My laptop crashed in March but I still had my desktop. And my comp at work so it wasn't so bad.

  5. Hey babe! How are you? Haven't heard from you in awhile.

  6. Happy birthday baby girl. You are just a doll in that photo

  7. YES! She's another beauty I love.

  8. YES I WILL!

  9. She is beautiful IMO

  10. I just do it that way baby

  11. It's Joelle Kayembe :)

  12. Well thank you! Even though my face isn't up there any more

  13. Are you going to be like Blackrain now?? Just look but won't say anything?

  14. AWWWW

    Came to see me again, but didn't say 1 word. I am sad :(

  15. Thank you hun and yes we are!!

  16. Thanks Cult!

  17. It was close since the fires jumped the river but they didn't come my way

  18. Thank you love!

  19. Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  20. And Happy birthday to you also!

  21. Thanks babe!

  22. Thank you sweetie!

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