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Status Updates posted by AnaBBarrosFan

  1. Thanks for the support in Candice's thread, sweetheart. Seriously, the collective IQ of that place has to be in the negatives. I don't have a problem with Candi, but dammit are some fans ridiculous.

  2. Thanks honey. Also, if that's you in the default pic, you are SO AMAZINGLY GORGEOUS!

  3. Thanks hun! BTW: No hard feelings right? Honestly, I've just been having a horrible week and was just being obnoxious for no reason. My bad. <3

  4. Thanks hun! Love how personalized your page is. I sometimes feel a little out-there putting my body out there like that, but eh... lol

  5. That can't be right, we're IN 2011! lol

  6. That is does, that it does... Hey, I'm thinking of changing my set again... who should I make it of? Thoughts?

  7. That was actually pretty awesome! Thanks for the link.

  8. That's one of the main reasons why I'm not as upset about Ana not being around this year. She's too classy for that crap. :D As for Gi, she marked the best years, and she's on to better things. ^.^

  9. That's such an awesome thing to say! I think the same of your list. I can always expect a great HF face to show up. ;)

  10. That's what you get for choosing me over fish... DON'T MAKE THE JOKE I KNOW YOU WANNA MAKE! Lmao

  11. The Lima Nation/Army/Cult? (lol) will do just fine without me. But they are welcome to have lunch with the Ana BB Battalion. ;)

  12. There are plenty of fake people here, but you can always spot the good/real ones. :D

  13. There is a vid I've been DYING to have multiple .gifs of....

  14. They are all over the place. Giant toads. There used to be one the size of a dinner plate in my backyard and he lived there for years and years. He's gone (I think dead), and there's another smaller one in his place.

  15. They excrete this toxin in their skin, so if an animal tries to eat it, the poison will unfortunately kill them.

  16. To have them rate you up would be an insult to your intelligence. Wear those three stars with pride!

  17. Ugh, I'm so over people bitching about my opinion. Honestly, get the fuck over it.

    BUUUUT: Morning hun. :hug:

  18. Ugh, I'm totally not feeling well.

  19. Ugh, im on meds for a really bad ear infection. I've been semu-lucid for like 72 hours now.

  20. Umm... Sure.... I guess... Unless popcorn is code for 'sex' and hot chocolate is code for- O.O

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