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Status Updates posted by Limerlight

  1. For work, or.. the party?

  2. Pissed off, truck dealership screwed me over now i gotta do ugh nvm. <_< but not much, you?

  3. LAAAYLLLAAA. Promise i will write to you when i wake up. :) Or if i can't sleep. PROMISE! Sides i saw the new stuff on gginsider :O We must talk about that!

  4. It was a good Birthday i still need to go to the bar however

  5. I miss your posts :ninja:

  6. It's the new hand stuff i'm using! I like it alot, question is do you? :P

  7. Hehe. Of course ya do ;) And morning hun :P

  8. Where did ya go? O_0?? And i'm good, still doing other studying and what not work etc... you know how things

  9. I showed my sister your response to Afro Circus (since she showed me it) I think she has a girl crush on you.... :blink:

  10. Sorry! Ben Affleck i meant >.< I like his acting lol, sorry for the mixup. Iunno i just don't liek Ryan, that and the fact i got a friend who drools over him non stop >.< And really to scarlet? :blink:

  11. Get your cali ass back home.

  12. Been up and down and back around these past few weeks needless to say but it's getting better getting happier as time goes on. Can't say it hasn't been interesting.

  13. Heh. :P I prefer the fuller body women like a Cat alina all them etc... Always been more appealed to that.

  14. If you feel a hand grab your leg at night. Yo.

  15. iz beh leik andz... bed. zzzzzzzz :P

  16. i'd work on that if i was you

  17. Been busy but not bad. :) I need to msg u

  18. You still have that pic of randa up on here? :mellow:

  19. GENTA GENTA GENTA! My doc said i can play! Unless i get headaches then i gotta stop. But still :D I can play!

  20. I go in phases of MW2 sometimes i really enjoy it other times i get fed up with it and quit for awhile. The last FPS i REALLY enjoyed was Bioshock, just because of how different it was from other FPS's. As for RPG's that's what I enjoy playing, but not JRPG's like Final Fantasy. Dunno why. and 3-1 K/D? Mines like .51-1K/D :laugh:

  21. Ah, training to become a railroad conductor :) going into my 3rd week of it! :D

  22. I am :) Well, if i was in poland i'd celebrate with you but i'm not :mellow: I'll still find a way :)

  23. Yes i did get your message. :) I'm just cooking and taking care of my dogs, i will reply ASAP No worries :flower: And how dare you pull my leg! :persuazn:

  24. or shovel snow up here, ya know either or.

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