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Everything posted by Michael*

  1. Rumour has it GG will host the 2011 MTV movie awards.
  2. The Good, The Bad, The Weird (my first ever Korean western)
  3. Michael*

    Now Playing

    The Clash - Clampdown
  4. Nice to meet you - welcome to BZ!
  5. One word: Walcott. That is all Yes, watching Walcott also makes me want to bang my head against a wall. Indeed, it's not the result that bothers me. we are still able to go through. It's the lack of motivation and lacluster performance that i find so alarming! We are not even going down fighting <_< How on earth can we be contenders if we can't have the fight and will to win. Look at the swiss against the spaniards, On paper they are outclassed in every department however they won because of the spirit of the team. Thats what makes great champions, finding a way to grind out the win even when your playing badly, England showed no signs of that at all! Why Capello didn't bring on Joe Cole at half time is beyoned me as well! he would have injected some pace that may have turned things around. England need to pull themselves together and fast! On the evidence we've seen so far, we're double lucky to still be in the tournament. The players need a reality check and a crash course on modern football. Before last night's game, Rooney said we would beat Algeria at our worst. Afterwards, Gerrard said this was Algeria's World Cup final. They couldn't be more clueless. This is 2010 and there are no weak nations at the World Cup. The only solace to take from the game is that we can't possibly play that poorly again...
  6. Yamila x2 Jessica x1 Rocio x2 Linda x1 Taryn x3
  7. 1. Michelle Trachtenberg (6) 2. Hilary Duff (9) 3. Willa Holland (10) 4. Taylor Momsen (7) 5. Leighton Meester (10) 6. Blake Lively (9) 7. Jessica Szohr (9) 8. Kristen Bell (8) 9. Amanda Setton (10) 10. Dreama Walker (7)
  8. Whenever a high profile player gets left out of an international squad, you can usually chalk it up to one of two things - either the coach doubts them for some reason (be it fitness, experience or commitment to the cause) or they simply don't fit in to the style that he wants the team to play. For example, Brazil are tactically cautious and very rigid this year. With the possible exception of Robinho, who has something approaching a free reign, every player in the team has strict defensive duties. Adding Ronaldinho (who isn't the most tactically disciplined, despite being a tremendous individual player over the years) to the mix could put too much workload on the more defensively-minded players. The biggest World Cup shock yet - a German player misses a penalty! :shock:
  9. ^The last 30 minutes were lots of fun - but that first 15 of the second-half were stupidly tense... You can forget, when you're often watching just for the enjoyment of the game, how uncomfortable it can be when it's your bloody team. The introduction of Aguero seemed to kick Argentina into life again. Diego's squad has some serious strength in depth - completely sickening! :persuazn:
  10. Domenech let it drift and drift until it was too late, just like in the group opener against Uruguay. He didn't even try to change the system, despite the team getting progressively worse as the game went on. Quite remarkable that they're still in with a chance of qualifying for the knockout stages. I hope Mexico go far, they're a terrific side to watch.
  11. Superb performance by Higuain and Messi (Demichelis, not so much). Finally, the goals are starting to fly in!
  12. Danijela x2 Bar x1 Esti x2 Olya x1 Agam x3
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