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Status Updates posted by Prettyphile

  1. Hey Lu! Random question of the day. Why is it so bloody hot?! Normally the heat doesn't bother me but this year it's different. I don't want to deal with it... Too much heat in such a short period of time with little relief in sight :(

  2. I'll see if I can write you up a tutorial in the next few days :)

  3. >.< I'm up to 4 again. /confused now!

  4. I'm absolutely devastated by it!

  5. I'm here! I'm here! btw I was up to 4 stars, and within a day I pissed someone off enough to give me a 1 and drop me to 3 stars lol... Le Shock!

  6. Oh le shock, I'm down to 3 stars again because of a certain female who apparently has "but hurt: .. Oh damn whatever shall I do.

  7. Oh jesus that'll never happen. People on this forum can't stand us because 1. We are honest. 2. We don't like to uber sugar coat everything. Just say what you mean, process the results and move on... and lastly. This isn't High School, and we don't treat it as such.

  8. You'd be one hell of a mod/admin!!!

  9. Happy Sunday! yeah we need to come up with a name for them. *cackles*

  10. I'm just over the Anti-American Rhetoric on this forum. If they don't like it, they may want to go elsewhere. After all this is an American based forum, with an American owner, and mostly American staff. If people want to continue to bash our country, I will have zero issues *even at the risk* of getting banned* to tell these ppl just how useless and fucked up their own countries are.

  11. Fight the good fight my friend! I support ya. 5 stars for being f*ckin awesome!

  12. Wow! The fact that Candice actually gave a shit about a comment made about her online is sad at best, and it's even sadder that she felt the need to express her distain so that the world could see it. rofl ... She's in the public spotlight, people are going to always have an opinion so why would you care? Hmm me thinks someone has low self esteem. lololol

  13. Miss Missy what happened in Candice's thread? o.O

  14. Do you think it could be because most of them are so young?

  15. wut the sam hell happened in Candice's thread? o.O lol

  16. 5 Stars for being one of only a hand few of people who have common sense on this forum. ;p

  17. You bought some! omg it's wonderful. I won't use anything else on my face anymore. I'm so happy you like it hun.

  18. Hello sweets /waves

  19. Happy 4th of July babe. I know a little late, but I've been piss ass drunk all day. >.< Typing let alone coming up with a cognitive thought wasn't going to happen.

  20. Thank you very much hun :)

  21. Well thank you miss missy :)

  22. I KNEW IT! What part of Cali?

  23. Oh btw, where are you from? Pheno (Whitney) and myself have been trying to figure it out for the better part of a month or so lol

  24. Finally added you as a friend, hope you don't mind?

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