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Everything posted by spindleshanks

  1. Even if it isn't hosted on instagram, point still stands. You are still pulling/requesting the file to load from BZ server or 3rd party server whether or not it's played.
  2. Pretty stupid response of "get a better internet connection" when that's not a major factor at play. if you spoiler tag videos it's akin to "lazy loading" where you only load content as you scroll down. Hiding embeds limits this and also doesn't cause loads of requests to instagram or others sites (e.g. ad services inc youtube and affiliated). If the embedded video is shown, then its already requesting/pinging back to it's domain where it's hosted thus causing slow down on BZ. This slowdown is on bellazons server end and I can tell you having 1gb up/down internet ain't gonna help you when it comes to speeding up pages. This doesn't even take into account your OS, web browser and PC specs which all play a small factor. It's also been a courteous unspoken rule on bellazon for a long while to spoiler videos/embeds to reduce page loading times.
  3. Always appreciating more Haley Lu content. Such a vibrant personality.
  4. Thank you for the updates - must have taken you a while. Now I'm curious to know if Laura owns a stake in Lise Charmel or has the company been super savvy and just got her to model everything for the entire year?
  5. Think Bendon lingerie has done an injustice to Yasmin. Seems to have only modeled three sets.
  6. Anyone have an ID on her? She appeared on the https://promise.es website Many thanks.
  7. Few more from Promises site which may have been added at a later date from when Maxione collected the first set. There were a few other sets from the basic range which weren't as impressive as the other collection (which is why I've left them out), but they're still up if anyone really wants to add them to BZ.
  8. Floyd, you have been absolutely killing it lately with these new model threads. Keep up the great finds!
  9. She’s got some real strong model vibes similar to Sophie Evi Marie. Could be mistaken for long lost sisters.
  10. Looks like Sunroom’s website is held together with duct tape and straws. Had a trawl through their website ts&cs, and their policies and it seems like their main method of contact is through their email support. Try this @action_jack https://sunroomhelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406784210843-A-creator-isn-t-responding-to-my-messages
  11. Well you seem to be in luck as her management profile has been updated with Boundary London. She’s also with women360 management now. https://www.w360management.com/search/9896-ellie-weston.web Oh and some of her work with Ysabel Mora is still active. Didn’t grab nearly all of them so if anyone wants to, then by all means go for it.
  12. What a weird mashup of AI content & photoshopped content. No real female model/person here apart from the strange person making these.
  13. Despite the surname being a dead give away, it took me a minute to realise her sister is Holly Peers. Equally as photogenic.
  14. https://cargocollective.com/mariamgomez Had to crunch them down a bit. There was also one more but I'm feeling super lazy so browse at your leisure. https://cargocollective.com/mariamgomez/SHE-WILL-BE-WEARING-FUR-TENSE
  15. Thank you. I can die happy now... and post more pics on her bellazon thread!
  16. Anyone know her name? Brown eyebrows and blonde hair is my ultimate weakness.
  17. http://www.vulkanmagazine.com/disco-tits-carlos-velez/
  18. A few duplicates but in best resolution I could find.
  19. The first problem is that you've posted a request to cancel your account in the female actresses thread, this isn't the place to be asking. Use the contact form (https://www.bellazon.com/main/contact/ ) or private message a moderator/admin (Their names are in green and you can easily find them by going to the bottom of the site and looking at "who is online") Again policies and rules can be found in the site and forum thread https://www.bellazon.com/main/forum/41-site-and-forum/
  20. Variety Power of Young Hollywood at TAO Hollywood
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