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  2. ELLE China 1988 #2 by Walter Chin source: ebay I think it´s Ashley Richardson, Celia Forner and Anate Tanander.
  3. "88-89" - ELLE China 1988 #2 by Marc Hispard - also showing Claude Heidemeyer source: ebay
  4. "88-89" - ELLE China 1988 #2 by Marc Hispard - also showing Elaine Irwin source: ebay
  5. "88-89" - ELLE China 1988 #2 - also showing Michelle Quan source: ebay
  6. "88-89" - ELLE China 1988 #2 - also showing Michaela Bercu source: ebay
  7. "88-89" - ELLE China 1988 #2 by Pamela Hanson - also showing Claudia Schiffer source: ebay
  8. "88-89" - ELLE China 1988 #2 by Pamela Hanson - also showing Hunter Reno source: ebay
  9. "Sant´Angelo" - ELLE China 1988 #2 - also showing Carre Otis, Rachel Williams source: ebay
  10. "Sant´Angelo" - ELLE China 1988 #2 - also showing Carre Otis, Claudia Schiffer source: ebay
  11. "Sant´Angelo" - ELLE China 1988 #2 - also showing Rachel Williams, Claudia Schiffer source: ebay
  12. ELLE China 1988 #2 by Gilles Bensimon source: ebay
  13. "88-89" - ELLE China 1988 #2 by Marc Hispard source: ebay
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