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Candice Swanepoel


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Thank you, guys, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Oh, how I missed these airplane pictures! She is sooooo happy! I hope she is having the time of her life, I'm so so so excited too  :woot:


Do you know if it is gonna be aired online? I don't have CBS here, don't wanna wait til I download it  :/


Day of the show  VS has a list of what stations in what countries are broadcasting it, depending on the station they may have it online to stream same time as the broadcast. If it isn't in your country you could use a proxy browser extension to bypass country restrictions and watch the feed from other countries stations.



But where could I find this list? On their website?

I'll do my best to find it and if any of you bump into a link of that, I ask you PLEASE to PM me and God will bless you forever (or til next show when I'll need it again)  :cry2:



badboy  :hug:

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I'm sorry this isn't Elsa thread, nor do I pay attention to her, therefore I really don't care about what she is. And was there really a need to get all technical what a model is to VS in another models thread? I don't think so.


If you don't pay attention to her, why did you answer? I'm aware this isn't Elsa's thread, but someone asked a question and I was simply responding to said question just like you did. That being said, I don't see a need to try and classify Elsa's angel status as any less or any different than the other angels. Just like Behati, Elsa worked with Pink for several years, and was then promoted to angel. If the original questioner has further questions I'm sure the people in Elsa's thread will be much friendlier about answering them. No need to get all snippy and defensive about things.   :)

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I was answering the question on the best of my knowledge. Like crazy ride said, VS HAS NEVER OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED IT! So anyone with only general information about a model and doesn't specifically visit her site would answer it the same way. I'm just saying there was no reason to get all technical by quoting certain words. That's what got under my skin a bit, I don't care about being corrected that Elsa is now officially an angel. Good for her, she's worked hard for VS. And she way better than some other models they could of promoted.  Anyway, if you have an issue with what I said there is my inbox, this isn't Elsa's thread so a billion posts about her really isn't necessary.

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