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Elsa Hosk


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She looks stunning and I'm so glad she let us have a little shoot 💞


Congratulations to Elsa and Tom! I hope she has a wonderful pregnancy and enjoys the rest of it. I'm sure they'll be wonderful parents.

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Here is the full interview with Skavlan with English subtitles.




Elsa Hosk, welcome!

Thanks so much, Fredrik! Wonderful to be here!

Tell me, Elsa, when you walk a catwalk, and you've been preparing for weeks and months for this, what is happening in your head as you walk?


Ah, they're different! But I think that when I walk for for example Victoria's Secret, where the audience is a bit bigger, you probably think more about not falling over. That you can't mess up!  But other than that I feel like I black out.

It just becomes completely black, and I just do my thing, and then it's suddenly over. It goes so fast.


But have you ever messed up?


I did one casting once, for John Galliano, when I was really young, I was 14. And it was one of my first big castings in Paris. And I remember entering a big room, and there were lots of girls in there, and it was very crowded, and I was really young and didn't quite understand how this worked. And someone pushed me in front of John Galliano,

and I fell flat right in front of him. And then ... I got the job anyways, and I'm not quite sure how that happened!  Maybe he felt sorry for me!


When you do this kind of work, Elsa, do you play a part, or do you bring yourself out there?


Sometimes when you do fashion shows, you get words that they write down, that can be for example «aggressive»,

«confident», or it can be like «pissed off». They'll give you a little directive about how to look when you walk the runway.

But often, I think you just need to tell yourself to just think about what you're wearing, what kind of person would wear that outfit, what kind of person you should play in front of the cameras.


Does it ever happen that you get as simple directions, Sofia?


That can absolutely happen! Directions can be in a lot of different ways, and sometimes you'll get straight forward directives like that.


May I ask a question? What's it like ... If you're supposed to seem incredible confident and ... Acting is partly about showing the cracks

in this person, to show that to the audience. But what's that like when you get home, and aren't allowed to show a single crack when you've been working an entire day, what's that like afterwards?


That's tough. I think that's been the toughest thing about the model industry, that you often show a side of you that's not real. So when you get home, you feel quite ... Like «no one touch me, people have been touching me all day!». You've been playing this really positive, happy, confident person. So then it can feel like you want to ...

I do think that the industry as it is is leaning towards an ideal that's more real,

that allows you to show that you have a story, and that the models who are interesting right now are those who have a background and those who have had

a struggle or something that makes them unique and that makes them inspiring instead of just having

a pretty face.


Tell me a little bit more about that, about how this ideal has changed since you began, because you've been doing this for a while.


So much! I remember that when I started as a model ...

If you had something like me, who had an alcohol abuse problem for example, it was nothing you wanted to talk about at all.

But the clients could get scared. «What if she'll turn up for work drunk?».

People didn't have that acceptance towards models. And now I think that it's more like 

you get encouraged to have a story. And that that's what gives you an inspiring face.

That they'll put you on the cover of a publication and people will buy it because this girl has a story that's inspiring to a lot of people.


You became a model very early? How old were you?


Yes, absolutely. I started working as a model when I was 13. 

So it was early. But it was my dad who sent in photos to an agency with the thoughts that «Maybe she'll get the occasional job and make a little extra money.»

No one ever thought that would turn out to be anything special, I think. Especially not me!


We have one of those photos here. Who were you at this point in time, Elsa?


Who was I then? I was really ...  Oh my God! My dad took that! What I remember from ... I feel like I've got a bad memory!

But what I remember ... I think I was quite the tomboy. I spent a lot of time on my own. I wasn't the most popular girl in school, absolutely not.

I kept to myself. I was maybe a little uncomfortable in my own person. And I think that's what led me to wanting to fly away. The modeling was,

when I could start doing that early, it felt like a fantastic world to be able to enter. And that become a thing.


But did you travel with your parents to these jobs, or how did you do it?


My mom came with me quite often when I traveled. I began getting work when I was around 14, in Milan and Paris, and we went to Tokyo.

And we'd stay there a month. And my mom always went with me until I was 18. And it was absolutely not what I wanted then.

But when I think about it now, it was a good thing that she came with. Who knows what would've happened if not!

But when you then got back home and were supposed to live a teenager's life.


How were you affected by having started so early?


That was the thing that was a little difficult. When you start working that early ... A lot of people who I've spoken to who started working early feel that

you don't really fit in when you get back to school. You've developed so much more. I would hang out with people who were 30-40, it was very special to be able to work and be a professional at that young age. So when I then got back to school, I was like ... It was two completely different worlds.

And then you ended up in something you describe as a type of abuse. The abuse started later, I think I was ... I started drinking quite late. It went quite quickly downhill, which I think is quite a usual story when you become addicted. Especially for women, that it goes quite quickly when you ...You run yourself down quite quickly.


Was it just alcohol or did you do drugs as well?


It was everything. It was really everything that could help me escape myself, I think. That felt good to me, to be able to escape from 

the person that I was. And the life that I had. Even though it wasn't a bad life in any way, it was just this feeling of being able to disappear. 


How bad would it get?


I ended up at the bottom when I was ... So, I moved to New York when I was 20. By then I had been drinking for maybe two years. And it went downhill quickly as I mentioned, and then when I got to New York, I went to a job in Los Angeles, and I had an overdose. And I ended up in the hospital. And then I went to rehab. But you're so incredibly

manipulative when you're in that situation. Because you don't really know yourself what ... That's why I think it's great talking about this a lot now.

You need to hear, when you're an alcoholic or stuck in an abuse, that there is another way. You don't have to be stuck in an abuse. 

It's possible to escape.


What did you overdose on?


It was cocaine, I think. I remember waking up in a hospital. I remember that I was working at a beach, and then I woke up in a hospital

with lots of tubes and stuff. And then I went back to New York. The memories are very fuzzy. And what's crazy is that when I think back on it, I remember thinking then that

I wasn't the one with a problem, everyone else had a problem. That everyone around me didn't understand.

That's how I felt.  And I think that that's quite normal, that it takes a while before you understand that you're abusing and that it's not normal

to go through life with drugs and alcohol every day.


Sofia, you had a question?


Yes, I wonder ... Because most people aren't able to stop abusing, it's about the hardest thing you can do. What is the reason you're able to stay sober today?


Absolutely, it's so normal, I think that you're quite lucky if you're able to get out of abuse, 

any kind of abuse. I really do think it's the same thing for people who are suffering from gambling addiction or sex addiction or alcohol, you want to escape from yourself, quite simply. But I was incredibly lucky when I got back to New York after my rehab.

I had an agent who was part of a program that exists all over the world. And she had saved a number on my phone 

and she said to me that «whenever you need it» ... She had understood that I was like her, she was part of this program.

And she told me that I had to do this on my own terms, no one can tell you «you have to get sober». You don't understand that, you have to reach the bottom and go from there.

So she ... When I ended up at the bottom, I called this number, and there was a girl who was a part of this program and who took me to all these meetings

and we did all the work you need to do when you're in this program. And I went every day, and I still go. That helped me. And it took a long while before I understood that «I'm like all the other people who are sitting in this room». I thought that «I'll trick them a little. I'll go to these meetings and then I'll get my old life back». But then 

slowly but surely, I began to realize that «Oh, wow. I'm exactly like these people in here and I have to do exactly what they're doing to stay sober».

So it's really thanks to that program that I have a career now.


And your career really took off after this happened, right?


Absolutely. It was definitely after, and it took a while. And then I was forced to really get to know myself again and really be okay with the person that I was sober without everything that had made me comfortable earlier. So that was really interesting, to learn to get to know myself. And then begin to show up to work and go to castings and to a good job, and be kind to everyone and be confident and everything you need to be as a model.


I think that ... I sometimes work with child actors and things like that,

and I've thought a lot about how you're affected by getting that kind of attention at an age when you're that easily shaped.

I think it's interrelated that you ...I mean, a 14-year-old's brain isn't fully developed. Is it interrelated that it ended like that, or?

What do you think?


The best thing is to be a child as long as possible. I think that now, as I'm going to be a mother, I feel that ... I know the feeling of being 13 and being like «No! I want to go to Milan and I don't want to go to school» and blah, blah, blah.  It was really me who pushed for it. And it's hard as a parent to put the breaks on, I can imagine. But I think it's best to try to stay a child for as long as possible.


Elsa, you mention as a side-note that you're becoming a mother. I know that you've become used to the thought, but

this was news this week. You published it on Instagram. We have the image here.

How much was this planned?


It was very much planned! We were so lucky. I tricked my guy a little because I thought that it would happen fast for us, for some reason that was in my head.

And he wasn't quite ready. So I said «It'll take a really long time, it'll be a year before it happens!» So he was just like «Okay, let's go»!

And then we were just lucky enough to have it happen at once. It was planned.

Do you feel ready? You're in the fifth month.

I feel ready. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster. Sometimes I panic. Sometimes I feel ready.  But for the most part I feel like we need something ... We're so selfish, we need something that's ... We need to focus on something other than ourselves. I feel ready for that kind of responsibility.


You can always ask Fredrik, he has so many children!  He can be a mentor. 

Yes, exactly!


Do you have any advice for me?


Yes, I have a help line that you can call! Where I answer questions from people who have them!

I've heard that there's a program where you can call people who are mothers.


It's great! You should really be one.


Why not a father?!


Yes. Yes! 


Exactly! I know that you're moving to L.A. and that your apartment is out for sale. I wonder ... How much do you miss walking the catwalk for lingerie brand Victoria's Secret?

They've stopped doing their fashion shows.


I think that I ... When it happened every year, the show itself was always on my birthday.

So the most pressure I felt during the entire year was on my birthday every year. That's been wonderful, to have a birthday where you can relax a little instead of  doing a show and having all those eyes on you. But I don't think I miss it too much, if I'm being honest. 


Elsa, thank you so much for being here tonight! 

Thank you!


I downloaded the subtitles and put it together.


The words in black are Elsa's words.

The words in italic are Sofia's words.

The words without code are the host's words.

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42 minutes ago, MissPadilla said:

Here is the full interview with Skavlan with English subtitles.




I downloaded the subtitles and put it together.


The words in black are Elsa's words.

The words in italic are Sofia's words.

The words without code are the host's words.

this is very interesting..no further comments.

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There's many things to take from this interview, first of all I am not surprised at all she's moving to LA, when Tom and her went to LA for such a long time I assumed they were house hunting or something along those lines. I am also super proud of her for being so open about her struggles and for saying she's still going to her meetings, I never imagined it got so bad she OD so good for her that she got help.


I am however cackling at the VS comments, sis is 100% over it, first saying she doesn't miss the show at all and her facial expression was just like noooopee. Glad she left the brand when she did, she truly did get everything she could out of them, I wish she had been a main Angel earlier instead of doing three years of pink but oh well, she still ha  a good run and she's the only "new" angel that got to check all the boxes: Fantasy Bra, Swarovski outfit and opening the show.


And of course, she looks beautiful, she really is showing that pregnancy glow. And I love Sofia, she's such a good actress, never thought I'd see her with Elsa :rofl: if yall haven't, you need to watch The Bridge asap 10/10, one of the best shows I've seen.

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@Clauds Totally agree! Also her shooting for FLL at home, even if it was a collab for VS instead of doing mainline (only VS without collabs) was a bit telling for me.


Didn't she also unfollow VS? I read it somewhere.


I'll take a look at the tv show you mentioned. I loved how the host let her speak instead of speaking above her like Jimmy Fallon does for example, it was more like a chat between friends than a interview for me.


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