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California-based One America News Network (OAN) is airing MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell’s documentary-style disinformation program alleging massive electoral fraud during the 2020 presidential election–for 12 hours total–as a paid advertisement.

The Lindell broadcast and so-called “report” is being run with a lengthy disclaimer that aims to avoid liability for further amplifying unsupported claims made against voting machine vendors and U.S. election officials.

But it looks like a defamation lawsuit is incoming regardless–one that could prove financially ruinous for the upstart conservative outlet.





OAN to air three-hour movie from MyPillow CEO



MyTreasonguy has lost his mind.  First he ruins his business and despite the Dominion lawsuits... then continues to spread election fraud proproganda for Trump...!!!



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The Oath Keepers Started Training to Raid the Capitol in November, Prosecutors Say




article seems to be lifted from the court documents of conspiracy charges for 3 oathkeepers.  There are two more.

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Bannon, Pardoned by Trump, Now Faces Manhattan D.A. Investigation

Stephen K. Bannon got a last-minute pardon from President Donald J. Trump in a federal fraud case, but now state prosecutors are considering bringing charges.



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Proud Boys Spent Weeks Planning the U.S. Capitol Siege; Leader Ethan Nordean Poses a ‘Serious Risk of Flight’: Prosecutors




A lot of background on Nordean, court documents

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EXCLUSIVE: New Video of Roger Stone with Proud Boys Leaders Who May Have Planned for Capitol Attack





Not the first riot over election results that the infamous Stone has been involved in.  Trump can no longer pardon him again if there is a federal case developed against him now.  :




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23 hours ago, SympathysSilhouette said:

I cannot believe someone who peddles stuff like "Jewish Space Lasers" is a congresswoman...


Sounds like the beginning of a Taika Waititi gag, it's completely insane that "look what I said and I'm still here" proved to be the punchline.

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8 hours ago, Cult Icon said:

Not the first riot over election results that the infamous Stone has been involved in.  Trump can no longer pardon him again if there is a federal case developed against him now.


It's quite interesting to think back on how Trump's now-infamous "stand back, stand by" comment was interpreted by the various people involved. I myself always thought, from the moment I watched him say it at the debate, that it was really just his mouth blathering without his brain being engaged. Basically just saying the first words that tripped off his tongue with virtually no thought or consideration whatsoever as to their meaning.

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On 2/7/2021 at 10:49 AM, Michael* said:


It's quite interesting to think back on how Trump's now-infamous "stand back, stand by" comment was interpreted by the various people involved. I myself always thought, from the moment I watched him say it at the debate, that it was really just his mouth blathering without his brain being engaged. Basically just saying the first words that tripped off his tongue with virtually no thought or consideration whatsoever as to their meaning.

I mean he lies every time he opens his mouth and lives in a fantasy world!  I wrote it off as another one of his 30,000 lies.   


His pal Roger Stone, involved in organizing Jan 6th, has ties to Proud Boys and Oathkeepers.  The chairman of the Proud boys also visits his house and was arrested in DC by the FBI  two days earlier.  There have been rumors by the press that the Proud Boys are funded by Trump's cronies/allies.  Of note is some of the proud boys with federal charges do not have jobs! 


Congresswoman Greene has ties to the 3% militia.  There are some other members of Congress with ties to militias.   One of the presidents of the Oathkeepers was imprisoned in 2011 for  having explosives, including a live napalm bomb.

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The ties to Proud Boys is well known, now there's the Oath Keepers that should be focused on. Also the 3% militia.


Right now Trump is pretending that he has no ties to the rioters.  I watched ABC news today and was disappointed to see it focusing on the pre-game fascist stunt (the speech by he and his cronies, and the proproganda movie they watched).  His words are not that important compared to evidence of his involvement in conspiracy.  Clear ties of his cronies to the alt right groups are already emerging from the court documents and video evidence.  


The FBI should have far more evidence than what they trickled down to the media and the court documents for federal cases.  The Proud boys' cameraman (disabled guy in wheelchair) was arrested that day and his data was taken.  Some of his video clips were then given to the WSJ.


The Capitol rear attack was made by a group of (estimated 500 by cameraman) with 100 Proud boys (estimated by the Journal) in front.  Included in this group were Neo-Confederates, QAnon (including QShaman), 3% militia, and Oathkeepers.


As far as the Oathkeepers go, court documents of the accused have a text referring to a "group of 40" (presumably at the main line in front of the Capitol).  There were also 4 x 3% Militia bannermen, 3 x at the main line and 1 x with the rear group.  Their actual numbers are unknown.

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Per the Trump Senate impeachment trial, I'm not expecting anything as they tend to support their constituents and party over justice & the country.  GOP is stronger here.



Although ...besides Mitch's dislike for Trump and the Alt-Right, Chuck Shumer was recently appointed Senate Majority leader which should help.





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