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All-Time BEST VS Commercial Competition - RESULTS


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Round #44 Score: "Make It Last" (1999/2000)



Body Flex Bra (2000)

Please rated the commercial on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the "best" score) on each of the following 5 criteria:
Mood/Theme (The feeling, tone and message the commercial is conveying---How good of a job did the commercial achieve this?)
Music (How appropriate & fitting was the music? How much did you like the music?)
Visual Elements (Camera angles & shots, scenes, editing, transitions, effects, filters, etc.---How much did you like the visual elements?)
Effectiveness (How well did the commercial promote the featured product(s)? Did the commercial persuade you to want to purchase the product(s)? Did the voice-over or lack of it help?)
Likability (Overall how much did you like the commercial?)

Copy & Paste the following onto a new post to rate:
Visual Elements
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It's very difficult to judge these older ads because honestly most of them aren't good compared to the stuff we get today.


Mood/Theme 2

Music 1
Visual Elements 0.5 (The effects  :clobber: )
Effectiveness 2
Likability 2

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Round #45 Score: Body Flex Bra (2000)



Angel Wireless (2007)

Please rated the commercial on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the "best" score) on each of the following 5 criteria:
Mood/Theme (The feeling, tone and message the commercial is conveying---How good of a job did the commercial achieve this?)
Music (How appropriate & fitting was the music? How much did you like the music?)
Visual Elements (Camera angles & shots, scenes, editing, transitions, effects, filters, etc.---How much did you like the visual elements?)
Effectiveness (How well did the commercial promote the featured product(s)? Did the commercial persuade you to want to purchase the product(s)? Did the voice-over or lack of it help?)
Likability (Overall how much did you like the commercial?)

Copy & Paste the following onto a new post to rate:
Visual Elements
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