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Bar Refaeli


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THE PICTURES FROM ELLE RUSSIA ARE SIMPLY STUNNING! :drool: :blush: It's been a while since I've seen photos of such quality and elegance. Bar sure represents style, refinement and authentic beauty! The clothes are also so gorgeous.

Thanks Roxee and emily and everyone who shared pictures! :wave:

Thanks Palmina for the new pictures of Bar in LA. Love her womanly shape... it's such a refreshing change wo see a model with meat on her thighs and hips!

... and Sick, Thanks a lot for the first part of the translated article. It is very, very appreciated! I always love to read Bar's interviews! :)

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Thanks everyone for all the news and photos and the interview! :yes:

My favorite ELLE photo is the one in the shorter dress, she looks a little like Monroe!!

Ugh, I just cant stand those JustJared-haters!

Wonder what they look like when they are eating after a work-out :angry:

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their problem in JJ is jealousy and because they are unhappy and NOT loved people!

and WOW, this is the most amazing and glamorous photoshoot Bar have made in her career until now! She looks perfect, the clothes, her hair, the make up, everything is just flawless!

thanks everyone for the pics and thanks sick for the translation!

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Thank you very, very much, Sick for the whole translated article. It is very generous of you and we greatly appreciate your efforts for posting it here. :wave:

As expected, Bar gave very cautious and safe answers. Like all celebrities who refuse to reveal private matters in their lives, the interview was probably discussed in advance with her PR or agent. And it seems obvious that it was done in Israel as she talks as usual about her brothers, her mom, her friends, how she loves healthy food, her simple make-up... all the stuff she generally mentions in interviews. That's ok. I wonder when in the coming year she plans to go to Russia.

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Thanks so much Sick for the translation. It is so appreciated!! :hug:

Shes so sweet in all these interviews. She seems like shes so nice,down to earth and a go-with-the-flow type of person. Its great to here Bar talking about motherhood, and talk about simple things. She seems like she would make such a great mom!

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-More about Elle cover:

Bar Refaeli, who I usually associate with aggressive sexual attraction, looks rather delicate and feminine on the cover of Elle Russia March 2011 issue. The Israeli model wears a white lace Dolce&Gabbana dress for the front page.

The entire pictorial for Elle Russia March 2011 edition looks wonderful. Bar is featured in pretty and tempting dresses from Chanel, D&G, Yves Saint Laurent and other fabulous designs. All the outfits are very elegant and sophisticated.

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