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We never said that it was VS ... We say it might be VS & that we would like to see her in VS, & there's no way in hell Bar is doing a 'international campaign' for SI unless she's doing Sports Illustrated South Africa wich would be very random lol ... But there's nothing international about SI, it's the same magazine for all the countries except for South Africa

I think we should wait for a good translation, 'cuz google sucks with translations

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Thanks fashiondream for the translated excerpt from article. I would love to know what confidential "international campaign" she plans to do...? I would also love to know what she says in that interview.

One more interview with her (on the left of the page). It looks like she has plenty of things to say! :)


Again, it would be really nice if someone who understands Hebrew could help us with the translation.

BTW, I agree with some of you who noticed how Bar looks glowing and extremely happy. Also, I wonder where Bar has been lately....her golden tan is fabulous! :drool:

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If they'll have a license like in China, then it will be the same Swimsuit Edition than United States wich means no Bar ... & if it's a different edition, i still don't see how on earth that's a 'big international campaign' since only comes out in India :ninja:

Let's wait & see ... But im seriously hoping is not SI, i want Bar to start doing different things, & if it's see then we better get a lot of pictures at least

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Thank you Barbie Erin :)

Sooo Leonardo Dicaprio was on Access Hollywood promoting his movie and they asked him about settling down (marriage, children) and he said " someday that's absolutely going to happen and i'm looking forward to it". The voiceover in the interview also said Bar was one of the most beautiful women on the planet! That's a great shoutout for Bar :heart: lol..


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Here's an article about the march that started (I think yesterday) for the captured soldier. It mentions Bar.

The parents of Sgt. Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier seized during a cross-border raid by militants from the Gaza Strip, started on a long march from northern Israel on Sunday to mark four years since his capture.

Flanked by hundreds of supporters, they set out on a 12-day march to Jerusalem to press their government to make a deal with Hamas militants to win his freedom. His parents say they will camp outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's official residence until the government wins the release of their 23-year-old son, who has not been seen in person since he was seized.

"Today we say, 'We won't wait any longer, we won't wait any longer in our home,"' Schalit's father, Noam Schalit, said before the start of the march. Israel's leaders, he added, "have to put an end to this sad saga".

Thousands, including supermodel Bar Refaeli and dozens of local celebrities, are expected to join the march from the Schalits' home in northern Israel to Jerusalem. Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said about 2,000 supporters accompanied the family as it left its home in the small community of Mitzpe Hila on the Israel-Lebanon border. Many wore yellow ribbons or T-shirts with the soldier's photo.

Israel has agreed to release many of the 1,000 Palestinian prisoners that Hamas wants freed, but has balked at freeing some who were convicted in deadly attacks on Israelis. It also objects to releasing them to their homes in the neighboring West Bank for fear they would establish militant footholds there, and wants them deported.

Schalit's ordeal has touched a nerve in Israel, where military service is compulsory for most Jews, and almost all Jewish families have relatives who serve. The march dominated Israeli newspapers Sunday, and one leading daily, Haaretz, implored the government to make the necessary concessions to bring Schalit home. A recent poll suggested that a large majority of Israelis would be willing to see convicted killers released so he could go free.

The Schalits launched the protest march after Israel eased its blockade of Gaza last week without assuring their son's release. Israel began restricting the movement of goods into and out of Gaza after Schalit was captured, hoping to pressure Hamas to release him, and later imposed an all-out blockade after Hamas overran the territory a year later.

That embargo was eased in recent weeks after a deadly Israeli raid on a blockade-busting flotilla drew an international outcry over the plight of 1.5 million Gazans affected by the embargo.

Schalit's parents now say the Israeli government has abandoned their son and lost important leverage over Hamas by easing the blockade.

Bron: telegraph.co.uk


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As I know Bar does not have a twitter account, but what is this?


This is fake =D

I follow it becaue somehow they put some rare pictues. BUT, it's [as i know] totally fake... it says a lot of crap like obviously pretendig to be bar.

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