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Bar Refaeli


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Seriously, we should go back to talking about Bar and not Leo but first I have to respond

1. Maeghan - I never said all or even the majority of Leo fans were crazy and hated his girlfriends. You know very well though that there are a number of them that are, including this one poster who continues to post here and bait Bar fans. I agree with you a true Leo fan isn't going to bash people he cares about and also he should be able to date anyone he wants to - it makes me gag when people lecture him and say he should date so and so type of girl.

2. Michelabella - Bar fans only talk about Giz when some Giz fan comes here and says something snarky about Bar. I don't think any Bar fans going on Giz' board so it's kind of funny that a number of Giz fans come here to post or at least read this board. Of course, people can be both Giz and Bar fans although I think they are so different in many ways - I'm not a fan of Giz' at all. I think she is a great supermodel but I don't like her look personally or her personality; so I wish people would stop bringing up her name here.

3. Yeah, if she goes right back to Israel, I say Leo and Bar probably have broken up or if they haven't , they obviously don't mind staying apart for a long time and are not a committed couple.

Scythe - I think Marisa Miller is the next RAchel Hunter :laugh:

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Bar's pretty in pink

BAR REFAELI is difficult to ignore at the best of times - let alone when she's lit up in pink.

The Israeli model left her bikini at home and opted for this eye-popping number at an awards bash.

Like her trademark two-pieces, this outfit certainly brought out the best of her stunning figure much to the delight of red carpet snappers.

The show, held in LA, celebrates the best up-and-coming young talent in Hollywood.

Though it's clear where the real talent was...


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I guess Leo and Bar are still very much together.


Thanks for the pictures, links and articles, girls! Well if Bar has more plans to work in Israel, this summer, it is only natural that she mentioned it in an interview. That doesn't mean she will spend the whole summer there.

refaelishop, my favorite has to be the first one! I have rarely seen someone looking as sexy and gorgeous as Bar in that particular dress!

Welcome to the new comers. I don't have a problem with the Gisele B. fans who come on this forum to post. I only have a problem with the ones who bash Bar. :)

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Thread Edited..... @ Samiot, I appreciate your respectful and well thought out response (though in the future these are personal message matters). Posting articles are fine, sharing opinions is fine, but instigating arguments about who is or isn't together and this...
Looks like she wont be spending her birthday with Leo after all. Enjoy Bar and her new man!

is unmistakable flaming, taunting and baiting.

We don't ask people to not share their thoughts and feelings. We only ask that if it can't be done in a respectful manner or without instigating long, drawn out heated debates because that's now what model threads are for, to just leave well enough alone. There is a general talk/chat thread http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?sho...&start=3720 and personal message for that (as long as respectful) :) .

Just reminding everyone of the point Joe tried to get accross just a few days ago. Above still applies people, and any more infractions in this thread will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Consider yourself on a short leash when posting in here. ;)

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let me understand this...FRENCH continually comes to bash Bar here - you just edited her last one...how come she isn't banned!

Because, contrary to popular belief, the staff does not ban members at the drop of a hat. If French continues to behave like this though, she will have to face the consequences.

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at teh drop of a hat??? She's been doing this for the past 2 years!

LMAO. Exactly. Although I'm kind of shocked she just posted the pics of Bar and Leo from last night. SHOCK, THEY'RE ACTUALLY A *REAL* COUPLE. O M G.

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