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This bachelor is quite the catch. He is handsome, talented, and always has his pick of the best projects and the most beautiful women. While he always seemed content dating the same type of girl over and over again (even sometimes going back to the same girl more than once), it looks like he is ready to pop the question! He is quietly having a mind-bending engagement ring made for the lucky lady, and will propose before the end of the year.

Blindgossip - which says it all ;)

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^and the other blinde gossip story about the prenup :D :rofl: As much as I would like it to be true, it is nothing more than blinde gossip......But blinde items have turned out to be true before... (tom Cruise and Katie Holms, if you ever look on blinde gossip on them...all of it turned out to be true).. But mostly, loll...its jsut a good way at reporting news without all the legal crap in mind :p

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I found this in Tumblr

I'm scared :cry:

Why do the always play a Leo marathon on television (Shutter Island --> Gangs of New York --> Catch Me If You Can ) when I'm not going to be home? :beating:

Either that or they play them all at the same time....and then they all go on commercial at the same time. ARRG :angry:

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What A-list, never-married movie star was spotted lunching with his attorney as they went over specifics of a prenup? The 30-something hunk has a penchant for dating leggy lingerie models, but he thinks his latest love interest is Mrs. Right! Let’shope she signs on the dotted line! (National Enquirer via Blind Gossip)

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^Lol true, the national enquierer one I'm not so sure about, cause well, they are the NE. :rofl: But the original blindegossip site where the other previous engagement blinde came from turns out to be accurate alot of times, and I know of several cases including ones with tom Cruise, and A recent one with amy poeler that I read to be correct from that site ;)

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Okay kinda off topic but not really.....we were speaking abotu blinde items...and one I so though was amy poeler and will arnet a week ago. I was convinced I was right, now its confirmed...I am freaking saddened about this :cry: On a positive note, I found out I am awesome at blinde items :laugh:

Heres the blinde:

Nothing to laugh about here -- this one we will all be sad about. All of us. Because it’s almost over for them. After rising together and stabilising together and conveniently finding a home together, where you’d think work would be so much easier, and having the babies too, they’re close to formally ending it, and there may be an announcement soon...which, well, if you look at him it doesn’t seem to have affected him physically. Everyone says he really cares about his appearance these days, more than ever, and is looking hotter than ever. Or, as one person put it, “hot all of a sudden”. Emotionally too he hasn’t let on that there’s anything wrong. For what it’s worth, I’m told there was no third party involvement. Perhaps that means it’s amicable, just the end of their story. Perhaps we’ll be more choked about it than they are. As I drench my waffles in more maple syrup.

And heres the story:

Amy Poehler and Will Arnett Split


Now to relate this back to leo....hopefully the blinde from last week (this one you just posted wijn, from NE, not really taking that one into consideration) about leo proposing by the end of the year could be true (I really hope so :D wishful thinking my friend :p )

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