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She's going to change her FB name to some creepy shit & put a picture of an ugly guy so nobody can find her hahaha

LMAO It is already weird enough. I'm not going to say who the ugly guy she will make her profile picture because it's so mean, but y'all already know.

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We received information that these photos came from the personal Adriana's facebook, just restricted to family and friends. We did not know, we got the photos on another fansite and apologize for not respecting the privacy of Adriana. The AdriLimaFans really apologize, because we did not know that the photos were personal and did not know they were on facebook Adriana, the photos were leaked on another fansite, and not by us (AdriLimaFans)

Sincere apologies for the whole team, but the photos of Valentina and Adriana personal will not be released by us.

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Who cares if they weren't leaked by you guys? The point is have some damn respect. I'll toss this Marilyn's way and see what they have to say about it. I could care less about the one with Adriana in it, but the one with just the baby is wrong.

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The photos are already circulating on the Internet, we work with the news release of Adriana and she has total privacy. In her personal facebook she has 19 albums and only leaked 2 pics, so she has total privacy! We are not disrespecting anyone, We really love Adriana...

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I don't care about the paparazzi pictures. That's completely different from pictures she took with her own phone. You aren't getting the point here obviously, but the damage is done so let's move on.

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It's the whole point. Just because someone else does it, you take the high road and decide not to do it. The age old question...just because someone jumps off a bridge does that mean you're going to do it? Eh whatever. It just goes to prove Adriana can't, and will never be able to have a private facebook. Do keep in mind Adriana browses these forums, and that's one thing she has told us in Person (Lima-Fans.com) and she respects that we respect her...so you might want to keep that in mind.

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I think it's pretty sad how "fans" can't respect her privacy, specially when we all know that Adriana likes to keep her life as private as possible ... The fact that she doesn't use her real name in facebook, she doesn't have a picture of her in facebook, she doesn't accept people she doesn't know ... Isn't that enough proof that she does not want her shit to be all over the internet?

As LS said, just because somebody else posted the pictures it doesn't mean you should do it too ... This whole thing is just sad

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Adriana deserves privacy. Who put the pictures on the Internet was the adrianalimafan.net! We (AdriLimaFans), just put the photos on the blog, we apologize for breaking your total privacy and, therefore, already took the photos of the blog. We do not want problems with anyone, so we sent an email to Marilyn for to allow us to put the photos on the blog. ;)

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Good Luck it won't happen. It will scare Adriana the fact that the photos are out there. I can tell you that Marilyn will not allow it and personally you shouldn't even ask...but at least you took them down.

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