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Doutzen Kroes


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please translate it

The translation of the complete interview can be found on TFS!

Is there more to the artice than what has already been translated? If so, I can't wait for the rest because what I've read so far is really intriguing :)

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Interview Elsevier

I don't care about my looks, the fear is about who I AM.

Doutzen Kroes from Friesland has become one of the most demanded models in New York and Paris within 3 years. L'Oreal, Calvin Klein and the famous designers want to work with her. But the topmodel is still has not lost her Dutch modesty. 'I think I'm a normal woman, also the way I look'

The famous soccer player Ronaldo is a nice and a bit shy man who speaks a bit of Dutch since he played for (Dutch club) PSV but he's not an easy talker. Doutzen Kroes, international topmodel from Friesland, noticed that herself when she met the Brazilian soccer player in Madrid last month. When she tells about the famous people she has met recently - U2 singer Bono and actor Leonardo DiCaprio- she sounds admirable, which suits a young girl from a small village and she sounds surprised about her 'luck'. At the same time, she's getting used to meeting celebrities, you can hear that from her stories. She's getting used to the rich and famous society. With a slightly Friesian accent and unpretentious: 'Yes, I've spoken with Ronaldo recently. It was great!'.

Again, it was something that just happened to her, says Kroes (21). Last november, the Spanish edition of Marie Claire named her Model of the Year; she got the same title from vogue.com in 2005. A day before the celebration she already went to Spain. Her driver showed her the capital and when they passed the Real Madrid stadium, Kroes got excited. Her driver asked her if she would like to attend a match. Obviously, she did. The same night she was sitting on the tribune.

The next day she received her title, together with people like Karl Lagerfeld. 'They treat you like a celebrity. I don't know what it feels like to receive an Oscar, but you enter the stage and they give you your award...'. The new face of L'Oreal has sweet memories.

Later that night she told someone about the football match she attended. Funny, Ronaldo is her too said that person. Slightly later she found herself talking with him. 'We had a nice chat. But he doesn't have very interesting things to tell.' Kroes doesn't conclude this though, she's not part of the Dutch disease of giving your opinion very quickly.

It is possible that the soccer player did know who that woman with the intense eyes exactly was. Kroes has that 'where do I know that girl from' feeling. But the moment everybody will know her, also outside the fashion world, is very soon. According to Sarah Keller, her coach and director of Paparazzi Models in Amsterdam, Doutzen is a great star in model industry.

Concerning her reputation, demand and income Kroes already is already one step ahead of her Dutch predecessor Famke Janssen and Frederique van der Wal.

It's a rainy afternoon in New York, right before the awards in Spain. Kroes orders water and coffee, after she introduced herself with a firm handshake. The next day she will fly to Los Angeles to walk the Victoria's Secret show. She's excited about the show: 'I really like walking for VS! I don't know why but in underwear on the catwalk- great.'

With her 22nd birthday ahead -her birthday is on January 23- Kroes wants to make clear that she has a lot to tell. She wants to tell that she's a woman with ideas and not only with a pretty face and a body of 1.78 m tall. 'They try to keep you so. A model doesn't have to talk or give her opinion. But the remarkable thing is, as a model you can't be superficial on this ...'. She means level but she doesn't say so because she always stays modest. Anyway: 'I think it's important to be an open person. If people have to guess things about you, they will just make up stories.'

Ad campaigns and commercials for Calvin Klein, taking over from Christy Turlington. Vogue covers in many countries. Fashion shows for all the big designers in Europe and the US. This is normal life for Doutzen. Not that she'll ever tell you- she's the opposite of arrogance. After three years of modeling she steps up as a supermodel. She observes how her image changes. 'People start to see you differently. "Oh Doutzen you look great" is what you suddenly hear.' Doutzen imitates the superficial fakeness perfectly. Fierce: 'All bullshit'.

The unpretentiousness is part of the family. Her father, Johan Kroes, mentions Doutzen's capability to put into perspective and stay normal, if that's possible for a 21 year old who can't even remember what it's like to fly economy class. Doutzen is also an indepedent investor with houses in New York and Paris.

The new thing that will make the world familiar with Doutzen is the new L'Oreal campaign. As the new face of this cosmetic's giant Kroes joins celebrities like Charlize Theron and Beyonce. With the contract for three years Kroes is the best paid Dutch model ever, according to insiders. Doutzen herself however never talks about money. 'It's more than a newspaper round' she jokes.

'At L'Oreal they understand her looks and her potential. It's a big step' according to her agent Keller, who was a model herself in the US. From February there will be commercials and ad campaigns with Doutzen in the media.

There are many beautiful girls. Why belongs Doutzen Kroes, whose first name she shares with her grandmother, to the top of the industry? There are many theories. Doutzen herself thinks while she drinks her coffee 'It sounds so boring, but I really believe I have so much luck' She mentions she is an Aquarius and says she is spiritual, but not religious. 'I do believe in a previous life. Maybe I had a bad life before and now I have all the luck and I shall use it'

Her father: 'When Doutzen started, everybody warned: "Oh she is so fragile, the pretty girls, you better watch out". But she's really strong. She had a good education and she's down to earth. If she decides, I don't have any fear.'

He follows his daughter with proud. Together with Doutzen's mother, Geartsje Leistra, he lives in the Friesian region where Doutzen grew up. Their other daughter, Rens (19), is currently studying English not far from NYC. Johan notices the erotical side in the work of his daughter but he doesn't have any problems with it. 'Doutzen knows what she wants, with a fundamental inner beauty. You immediately notice that.' This time he formulates better than the time he said Doutzen's looks were nothing compared to her inner beauty. The result was that RTL (a Dutch tv channel) said that he thought his daughter was ugly. Father and daughter remember this story very well.

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Part 2 of the interview:

Agent Keller can understand Doutzen's succes better than anybody: as the founder and director of Paparazzi she was part of it. Keller remembers the moment she saw the first professional pictures of the then highschool girl. 'Wow, I thought. I immediately knew this was a topmodel. Everything was right. Sizes, nose, lips, eyes, hair, skin. But it's all about what her eyes tell. She takes the camera, the camera falls in love with her. She's a chameleon, sexy and strong, pure and fragile.

She has an effect on everybody who meets her. You sort of fall in love with her'. And: 'She's the type of person who can do something if she wants it. She always has it her way. ' Kroes stays true to this 'celebrity feeling', which you need for success on this level.

Still, the results did come immediately. After she signed with Paparazzi, it took a while before international agencies, designers, photographers and magazines noticed her. Keller also protected Doutzen. Soon she received offers for catologues and other commercial work, like Nivea. 'But Doutzen is not such a girl' says Keller. 'With that commercial work you also earn some money, but a topmodel is a different story. Such a (commercial) reputation can ruin your future.'

Three years aho Doutzen came to New York, while she even never had been to Amsterdam. The homesickness caused pain and doubt. There were moments were she was about to gome home. Iceskating, studying or working, she would see. Thanks to Mo Karadag of Paperazzi, who spent a lot of time with her during her first time in New York, she stayed. 'Thank god' says Kroes now. 'Because of Mo I realized what I almost missed'.

Very soon the first bookings arrived. She worked with Steven Meisel and other famous photographers. Remarkable because Kroes has not the androgyne, skinny body type that is dominating the fashion world now. Kroes wants to say something about that: 'if people don't book me because they think my ass is too big, well then it's their problem. I think I'm a normal woman, also the way I look. Women like me would buy the clothes.' She looks down and observes her body with which she iceskated as a teenager. 'I'm just proud of my body'.

It could be that Doutzen represents a trend. In Spain there was a ban on too skinny models during a fashion show of Pasarela Cibeles in September. The American soap producer Doce has a campaign with 'real women with real bodies'. Not that the time of superskinny models is over. In November the Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston passed away. She was 21 years old and 40 kilo when she died.

Doutzen Kroes has more dreams. The cover of the American Vogue is only a matter of time. No fashion show is complete without her. And even in her late future there are things waiting. Hollywood could be an obvious choice, but the model herself is not busy with such things. 'Now I do this'. Generally, she has an ambition to learn and grow as a person.'I want to see as much of the world as possible. I want to travel!'.

The question what to do with her money and fame does not occupy her. 'I'd love to good things for this world. I have a voice now. People assume things from you'. In her private life, she refuses to wear fur: she also voted for the Party for Animals (a Dutch political party). It was a moral dilemma when Vogue wanted her to wear fur in one of the photoshoots. In the end she did it. But still she wants to fight it.

Kroes has something with animals and she thinks it has something to do with living in the fashion world. After a recent trip to Malaysia she knows she never wants to work with monkeys. In a nature reservate she could hold two monkeys in her arms. She glows: 'I felt the unlimited love of such a small baby monkey. I thought it was really special. As a model, people touch me all the time. But the real love I get from my parents. It sounds strange, but I realized that when I held the monkey in my arms'.

She gives her money to World Wildlife Funds, Greenpeace and Unicef. 'But giving money is easy, now action'. The singer Bono is an example. 'O, I think he's great' she says with a still impressed look on her face. ' I almost never don't know what to say, but with him- I didn't know what to say when I met him. So stupid, so typically a model. But Bono just does great things. I'd love to do the same'.

Even she has her image and attitude -cool is everything-, Kroes is still feeling insecure about how people see her, what they think of her. 'I don't care what they think of my looks. The fear is about who I AM. I think it's more important that people say "what an interesting girl" than "what a pretty girl". It's more important to me.'

Suddenly she lets all her emotions go and cries and smiles at the same time: 'I'm just so happy about everything. I cry because I'm so happy and lucky.'

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I ran to the store yesterday to see the new Dutch ELLE (crappy magazine, they just copy anything VOGUE writes) and there it was: her add for the colouring (photo was already known and posted here). But next to the photo it said: Fight, like me, against fading hair colours. - Doutzen Kroes Dutch topmodel (in Dutch)

I laughed so hard and everyone in the store was like : "huh?" Oh and next to it there was a pic from French ELLE shoot, and something that their 'covergirl' Doutzen had this major contract with L'Oreal so they gave away the make-up that was used for the shoot.

Haha ... still love her :wub:

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